Bronze Level Athletic Performance No-Equipment 5-Day Program
[memb_contact fields=”FirstName”]!Here’s the current week of your athletic performance no-equipment program.
Equipment Necessary
1 or 2 Back Packs or Pillow Cases filled with Sand, Rocks, Dirt, etc.
2 cans of soup, 2 gallon jugs of water
(If you have any questions about any of the details of this program, email
Week 4
Day 1
Speed Work Acceleration
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Hip Flexor Stretch
Fire Hydrant/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards x 1
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards x 1
B-Skip 15 yards x 1
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards x 1
Triple Broad Jump and sprint 10 yards x 3
Half Kneeling 15 yard Sprint x 3
Russian Hop Paused 2 sec in bottom x 1 ea leg and Sprint 15 yards x 2
Unilateral Squat (Pistol,RLE Split,or Split Squats) – 5RMea leg 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Back Pack Weighted Squat Jumps – 4 x 5 max velocity and height are key
Waterbury Crucifix – 5×8 reps staying between a 7RPE and 9RPE superset with Elevated Hip Thrusts with Back Pack for Load – 5x10reps starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE *Use Slower Tempo for added intensity
Backpack Zercher Carries – 5x30sec ending with a 9RPE (If enough load isn’t available increase the time) superset with Walking Lunges (In place if quarantined inside) – 5x10ea leg ending with a 9 RPE
Day 2
Speed, Maximal Speed, and Contrast
Get ups 5 each
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation x 10 ea side
Hip Flexor Stretch
Fire Hydrant/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards x 1
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards x 1
B-Skip 15 yards x 1
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards x 1
Build up Sprints 40yards x 2 rest Complete Recovery
6 sets (Focus on step count)
Sled Drag (Back Pack, Rock, or other Item) 10 yards Heavy as possible, Release, and sprint 15 yards x 4
Rest 3-4 minutes
Unilateral OH Squats – 5RM ea arm, then -10% for 2×5
Handstand Pushups or Feet Elevated Pushups – 10RM, then -10% for 3×10 ***Pick an angle that matches your strength level allowing for a 10RM with a Load superset with Pullups (eccentric slower than concentric) – 4 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps)
Backpack Upright Rows eccentric slower than concentric – 5×10 starting at a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE superset with Dips (use chair/bench Dips if no dip bars) – 5 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps) or 5×10 if using a bench/chair
Day 3
Power Development Day
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 3RM .5RPE
1a. Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – Subtract 10% from 3RM for 7 x 1e leg
1b. Weighted Split Squat Jumps – 7x3ea leg
1c. Unweighted Split Squat Jumps – 7x3ea leg
***Rest 3-4 minutes Between Sets
Sled/Back Pack Drags forwards 3×20 yards
Sled/Back Pack Drags Backwards 3×20 yards
Bear Crawls 3×20 yards
Spider Crawls 3×20 yards
***Great Day to finish with Static Stretching and Mobility
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minutes Jog/Bike/Row/Run at conversational Pace
Day 5
Lateral Speed and Accumulation
Jump Rope 2 Minutes
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation x 10 ea side
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation w Internal Rotation x 10 ea side
Squat & Reach 5 ea side
OH Lunge/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards
B-Skip 15 yards
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards
Ice Skaters with Plate (focus is maximum distance and change of direction) – 5×10 each **(Use a Gallon Jug or other load that allows for minimal ground contact time)
20 yard Hill Sprints x 5 with complete recovery
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 90% of Day 1’s 5RM for 5×5 superset with Ice Skater Plyometrics 5x6ea leg *the goal is maximal distance and change of directions *use backpack or gallon jug for load
Backpack Zercher RDLs – 4×8 reps staying between a 7RPE and 9RPE superset with Carpet Slider Leg Curls (use Back Pack for Load) – 4x10reps starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE *Keep Hips in extension the enitre time and Use Slower Tempo for added intensity
Backpack Suitcase Deadlifts – 4x10ea side ending with a 9RPE *Use Tempo to increase intensity! superset with Side Lunges Lunges (In place if quarantined inside) – 4x10ea leg ending with a 9RPE
Day 6
Unilateral OH Squats – 90% of Day 2’s 5RM for 5×5
Backpack Push Press – 10RM, then -10% for 3×10 superset with Pullups (eccentric slower than concentric) – 4 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps)
Unilateral Press from Split – 5RM ea arm 9 RPE, then -10% for 3×5 *Left leg forward with right arm and Right Leg Forward with Left Arm superset with Milk Jug Cleans – 4×10-15 leaving 1-2 RIR
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week3, Week4, Week5, Week6″]
Week 3
Day 1
Speed Work Acceleration
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Hip Flexor Stretch
Fire Hydrant/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards x 1
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards x 1
B-Skip 15 yards x 1
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards x 1
Triple Broad Jump and sprint 10 yards x 3
Half Kneeling 15 yard Sprint x 3
Russian Hop Paused 2 sec in bottom x 1 ea leg and Sprint 15 yards x 2
Unilateral Squat (Pistol,RLE Split,or Split Squats) – 90% of last week’s 5RMea leg for 2×5 superset with Back Pack Weighted Squat Jumps – 3 x 5 max velocity and height are key
Waterbury Crucifix – 3×8 reps staying between a 7RPE and 8RPE superset with Elevated Hip Thrusts with Back Pack for Load – 3x10reps starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE *Use Slower Tempo for added intensity
Backpack Zercher Carries – 3x30sec ending with a 8RPE (If enough load isn’t available increase the time) superset with Walking Lunges (In place if quarantined inside) – 3x10ea leg ending with a 8 RPE
Day 2
Speed, Maximal Speed, and Contrast
Get ups 5 each
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation x 10 ea side
Hip Flexor Stretch
Fire Hydrant/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards x 1
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards x 1
B-Skip 15 yards x 1
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards x 1
Build up Sprints 40yards x 2 rest Complete Recovery
4 sets (Focus on step count)
Sled Drag (Back Pack, Rock, or other Item) 10 yards Heavy as possible, Release, and sprint 15 yards x 4
Rest 3-4 minutes
Unilateral OH Squats – 90% of last week’s 5RM ea arm for 2×5
Handstand Pushups or Feet Elevated Pushups – 90% of last week’s 10RM for 2×10 ***Pick an angle that matches your strength level allowing for a 10RM with a Loadsuperset with Pullups (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps)
Backpack Upright Rows eccentric slower than concentric – 3×10 starting at a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE superset with Dips (use chair/bench Dips if no dip bars) – 3 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps) or 3×10 if using a bench/chair
Day 3
Power Development Day
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 3RM 8RPE
1a. Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – Subtract 10% from 3RM for 4 x 1e leg
1b. Weighted Split Squat Jumps – 4x3ea leg
1c. Unweighted Split Squat Jumps – 4x3ea leg
***Rest 3-4 minutes Between Sets
Sled/Back Pack Drags forwards 3×20 yards
Sled/Back Pack Drags Backwards 3×20 yards
Bear Crawls 3×20 yards
Spider Crawls 3×20 yards
***Great Day to finish with Static Stretching and Mobility
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minutes Jog/Bike/Row/Run at conversational Pace
Day 5
Lateral Speed and Accumulation
Jump Rope 2 Minutes
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation x 10 ea side
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation w Internal Rotation x 10 ea side
Squat & Reach 5 ea side
OH Lunge/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards
B-Skip 15 yards
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards
Ice Skaters with Plate (focus is maximum distance and change of direction) – 3×10 each **(Use a Gallon Jug or other load that allows for minimal ground contact time)
20 yard Hill Sprints x 5 with complete recovery
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – Day 1’s weight for 3×5 superset with Ice Skater Plyometrics 3x6ea leg *the goal is maximal distance and change of directions *use backpack or gallon jug for load
Backpack Zercher RDLs – 3×8 reps staying between a 7RPE and 8RPE superset with Carpet Slider Leg Curls (use Back Pack for Load) – 3x10reps starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE *Keep Hips in extension the enitre time and Use Slower Tempo for added intensity
Backpack Suitcase Deadlifts – 3x10ea side ending with a 8RPE *Use Tempo to increase intensity superset with Side Lunges Lunges (In place if quarantined inside) – 3x10ea leg ending with a 8RPE
Day 6
Unilateral OH Squats – Day 2’s weight for 3×5
Backpack Push Press – 90% of last week’s 10RM for 2×10 superset with Pullups (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps)
Unilateral Press from Split – 90% of last week’s 5RM ea arm for 2×5 *Left leg forward with right arm and Right Leg Forward with Left Arm superset with Milk Jug Cleans – 3×10-15 leaving 1-2 RIR
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week2, Week3, Week4, Week5″]
Week 2
Day 1
Speed Work Acceleration
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Hip Flexor Stretch
Fire Hydrant/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards x 1
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards x 1
B-Skip 15 yards x 1
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards x 1
Triple Broad Jump and sprint 10 yards x 3
Half Kneeling 15 yard Sprint x 3
Russian Hop Paused 2 sec in bottom x 1 ea leg and Sprint 15 yards x 2
Unilateral Squat (Pistol,RLE Split,or Split Squats) – 5RMea leg 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Back Pack Weighted Squat Jumps – 4 x 5 max velocity and height are key
Waterbury Crucifix – 5×8 reps staying between a 7RPE and 9RPE superset with Elevated Hip Thrusts with Back Pack for Load – 5x10reps starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE *Use Slower Tempo for added intensity
Backpack Zercher Carries – 5x30sec ending with a 9RPE (If enough load isn’t available increase the time) superset with Walking Lunges (In place if quarantined inside) – 5x10ea leg ending with a 9 RPE
Day 2
Speed, Maximal Speed, and Contrast
Get ups 5 each
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation x 10 ea side
Hip Flexor Stretch
Fire Hydrant/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards x 1
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards x 1
B-Skip 15 yards x 1
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards x 1
Build up Sprints 40yards x 2 rest Complete Recovery
6 sets (Focus on step count)
Sled Drag (Back Pack, Rock, or other Item) 10 yards Heavy as possible, Release, and sprint 15 yards x 4
Rest 3-4 minutes
Unilateral OH Squats – 5RM ea arm, then -10% for 3×5
Handstand Pushups or Feet Elevated Pushups – 10RM, then -10% for 3×10 ***Pick an angle that matches your strength level allowing for a 10RM with a Load superset with Pullups (eccentric slower than concentric) – 4 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps)
Backpack Upright Rows eccentric slower than concentric – 4×10 starting at a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE superset with Dips (use chair/bench Dips if no dip bars) – 4 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps) or 4×10 if using a bench/chair
Day 3
Power Development Day
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 3RM 9 RPE
1a. Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – Subtract 10% from 3RM for 7 x 1e leg
1b. Weighted Split Squat Jumps – 7x3ea leg
1c. Unweighted Split Squat Jumps – 7x3ea leg
***Rest 3-4 minutes Between Sets
Sled/Back Pack Drags forwards 3×20 yards
Sled/Back Pack Drags Backwards 3×20 yards
Bear Crawls 3×20 yards
Spider Crawls 3×20 yards
***Great Day to finish with Static Stretching and Mobility
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minutes Jog/Bike/Row/Run at conversational Pace
Day 5
Lateral Speed and Accumulation
Jump Rope 2 Minutes
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation x 10 ea side
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation w Internal Rotation x 10 ea side
Squat & Reach 5 ea side
OH Lunge/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards
B-Skip 15 yards
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards
Ice Skaters with Plate (focus is maximum distance and change of direction) – 4×10 each **(Use a Gallon Jug or other load that allows for minimal ground contact time)
20 yard Hill Sprints x 5 with complete recovery
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 90% of Day 1’s 5RM for 5×5 superset with Ice Skater Plyometrics 5x6ea leg *the goal is maximal distance and change of directions *use backpack or gallon jug for load
Backpack Zercher RDLs – 4×8 reps staying between a 7RPE and 9RPE superset with Carpet Slider Leg Curls (use Back Pack for Load) – 4x10reps starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE *Keep Hips in extension the enitre time and Use Slower Tempo for added intensity
Backpack Suitcase Deadlifts – 4x10ea side ending with a 9RPE *Use Tempo to increase intensity! superset with Side Lunges Lunges (In place if quarantined inside) – 4x10ea leg ending with a 9RPE
Day 6
Unilateral OH Squats – 90% of Day 2’s 5RM for 5×5
Backpack Push Press – 10RM, then -10% for 3×10 superset with Pullups (eccentric slower than concentric) – 4 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps)
Unilateral Press from Split – 5RM ea arm 9 RPE, then -10% for 3×5 *Left leg forward with right arm and Right Leg Forward with Left Arm superset with Milk Jug Cleans – 3×10-15 leaving 1-2 RIR
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week1, Week2, Week3, Week4″]
Week 1
Day 1
Speed Work Acceleration
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Hip Flexor Stretch
Fire Hydrant/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards x 1
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards x 1
B-Skip 15 yards x 1
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards x 1
Triple Broad Jump and sprint 10 yards x 3
Half Kneeling 15 yard Sprint x 3
Russian Hop Paused 2 sec in bottom x 1 ea leg and Sprint 15 yards x 2
Unilateral Squat (Pistol,RLE Split,or Split Squats) – 5RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Back Pack Weighted Squat Jumps – 3 x 5 max velocity and height are key
Waterbury Crucifix – 4×8 reps staying between a 7RPE and 9RPE superset with Elevated Hip Thrusts with Back Pack for Load – 4x10reps starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE *Use Slower Tempo for added intensity
Backpack Zercher Carries – 4x30sec ending with a 9RPE (If enough load isn’t available increase the time) superset with Walking Lunges (In place if quarantined inside) – 4x10ea leg ending with a 9 RPE
Day 2
Speed, Maximal Speed, and Contrast
Get ups 5 each
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation x 10 ea side
Hip Flexor Stretch
Fire Hydrant/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards x 1
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards x 1
B-Skip 15 yards x 1
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards x 1
Build up Sprints 40yards x 2 rest Complete Recovery
6 sets (Focus on step count)
Sled Drag (Back Pack, Rock, or other Item) 10 yards Heavy as possible, Release, and sprint 15 yards x 4
Rest 3-4 minutes
Unilateral OH Squats – 5RM ea arm, then -10% for 2×5
Handstand Pushups or Feet Elevated Pushups – 10RM, then -10% for 2×10 ***Pick an angle that matches your strength level allowing for a 10RM with a Load!superset with Pullups (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps)
Backpack Upright Rows eccentric slower than concentric – 4×10 starting at a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE superset with Dips (use chair/bench Dips if no dip bars) – 4 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps) or 4×10 if using a bench/chair
Day 3
Power Development Day
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 3RM 9 RPE
1a. Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – Subtract 10% from 3RM for 6 x 1e leg
1b. Weighted Split Squat Jumps – 6x3ea leg
1c. Unweighted Split Squat Jumps – 6x3ea leg
***Rest 3-4 minutes Between Sets
Sled/Back Pack Drags forwards 3×20 yards
Sled/Back Pack Drags Backwards 3×20 yards
Bear Crawls 3×20 yards
Spider Crawls 3×20 yards
***Great Day to finish with Static Stretching and Mobility
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minutes Jog/Bike/Row/Run at conversational Pace
Day 5
Lateral Speed and Accumulation
Jump Rope 2 Minutes
Runner Holds/6 each
Abduction/Adduction/6 each
Standing Oblique/6 each
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation x 10 ea side
Quadruped Thoracic Extension+Rotation w Internal Rotation x 10 ea side
Squat & Reach 5 ea side
OH Lunge/10 each
A-Skip 15 yards
A-Skip 10 yards to sprint 10 yards
B-Skip 15 yards
B-Skip 10 yards to Sprint 10 yards
Ice Skaters with Plate (focus is maximum distance and change of direction) – 4×10 each **(Use a Gallon Jug or other load that allows for minimal ground contact time)
20 yard Hill Sprints x 5 with complete recovery
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 90% of Day 1’s 5RM for 5×5 superset with Ice Skater Plyometrics 5x6ea leg *the goal is maximal distance and change of directions *use backpack or gallon jug for load
Backpack Zercher RDLs – 4×8 reps staying between a 7RPE and 9RPE superset with Carpet Slider Leg Curls (use Back Pack for Load) – 4x10reps starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE *Keep Hips in extension the enitre time and Use Slower Tempo for added intensity
Backpack Suitcase Deadlifts – 4x10ea side ending with a 9RPE *Use Tempo to increase intensity! superset with Side Lunges Lunges (In place if quarantined inside) – 4x10ea leg ending with a 9RPE
Day 6
Unilateral OH Squats – 90% of Day 2’s 5RM for 5×5
Backpack Push Press – 10RM, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Pullups (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3 x submaximal (use added load if getting 10 or more strict reps)
Unilateral Press from Split – 5RM ea arm 9 RPE, then -10% for 2×5 *Left leg forward with right arm and Right Leg Forward with Left Arm superset with Milk Jug Cleans – 3×10-15 leaving 1-2 RIR