Bronze Level MashJacked Powerbuilding 6-Day Program

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Here’s the current week of your MashJacked program.
(If you have any questions about any of the details of this program, email

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Week 55

Day 1

Competition Grip Bench Press:  5RM, then -15% for 4×5 (last set is 5+)
Bentover Barbell Rows: 5RM, then -15% for 4×5 (last set is 5+)
Slightly Declined DB Flies: 5 x 10 superset Kettlebell Bat Wing Rows 5 x 10
Weighted Dips: 5RM, then -15% for 2×5 (last set is 5+) superset Hammer Curls: 3×10

Day 2

High Bar Back Squats: 
Set 1: (93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): (93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): ((93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4+)
Dual Kettlebell Goblet Squat heels elevated and heels touching: 4 x 10 superset DB Leg Curls: 4 x 12 
Band or Cable Pull Throughs: 3 x 45 seconds

Day 3

Standing Strict Press: 10 x 10 @65%
Plate Lateral Raises: 5 x 10 superset Seated DB Cleans (external rotation): 5 x 10
Curl Bar Madness (Nosebreakers+Pullovers+Closegrip Bench): 4×10+10+10
Axle Bar Curls: 5 x 10

Day 4

Back Squats: 10 x 10 @65%
Glute Ham Raises weighted: 4 x 8 superset DB Walking Lunges: 4 x 8 each leg
Standing One Leg Calf Raises (focus ROM): 4 x 12 each leg

Day 5

Sumo Deadlits from 2″ Deficit (All Eccentrics slower than concentrics): 5RM, then -15% for 5
Chain Suspended Good Mornings w/Safety Squat Bar (if possible): 4×8 adding 5-10k from last week
Suitcase Deadlift: 3 x 6 each side RPE7 superset Single Leg RDLs: 3 x 6 each leg
Zercher Carries: 3 x 40 yards

Day 6

Front Squat paused 3 breaths: 1RM RPE9
Single Leg Squats: 4 x 10 superset Box Step Ups 4 x 6 each leg
Cossack Lunges with Goblet Hold: 4 x 6 each leg superset Lateral Box Step ups: 4 x 6 each leg
Bilateral Farmer Carry: 3×40 yards
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 54

Day 1

Competition Grip Bench Press:  5RM, then -15% for 3×5 (last set is 5+)
Bentover Barbell Rows: 5RM, then -15% for 3×5 (last set is 5+)
Slightly Declined DB Flies: 5 x 10 superset Kettlebell Bat Wing Rows 5 x 10
Weighted Dips: 5RM, then -15% for 2×5 (last set is 5+) superset Hammer Curls: 3×10

Day 2

High Bar Back Squats: 
Set 1: (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): ((90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4+)
Dual Kettlebell Goblet Squat heels elevated and heels touching: 3 x 10 superset DB Leg Curls: 3 x 12 
Band or Cable Pull Throughs: 3 x 40 seconds

Day 3

Standing Strict Press: 10 x 10 @63%
Plate Lateral Raises: 5×10 superset Seated DB Cleans (external rotation): 5 x 10
Curl Bar Madness (Nosebreakers+Pullovers+Closegrip Bench): 4×10+10+10
Axle Bar Curls: 5 x 10

Day 4

Back Squats: 10 x 10 @63%
Glute Ham Raises weighted: 3 x 8 superset DB Walking Lunges: 3 x 8 each leg
Standing One Leg Calf Raises (focus ROM): 3 x 12 each leg

Day 5

Sumo Deadlits from 2″ Deficit (All Eccentrics slower than concentrics): 5RM, then -15% for 5
Chain Suspended Good Mornings w/Safety Squat Bar (if possible): 3×8 with 27% of Back Squat slowly building
Suitcase Deadlift: 3 x 6 each side RPE7 superset Single Leg RDLs: 3 x 6 each leg
Zercher Carries: 3 x 40 yards

Day 6

Front Squat paused 3 breaths: 1RM RPE8
Single Leg Squats: 3 x 10 superset Box Step Ups 3 x 6 each leg
Cossack Lunges with Goblet Hold: 3 x 6 each leg superset Lateral Box Step ups: 3 x 6 each leg
Bilateral Farmer Carry: 3×40 yards
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 53

Day 1

Bench Press:  10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Chest Supported T-Bar Rows: 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
DB Flat Bench Press: 3 x 10@ 60% superset Bentover Supinated Barbell Rows 3 x 10@ 60%
Dips w/25-50# of chains dangling: 3 x 10 @60% superset Preacher Curls 3 x 10 @60%

Day 2

High Bar Back Squats: 
Set 1: (90% x 1 start 2-5k up from last week) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 5)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 8)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): ((90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 8)
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls: 3 x 8
KB/BB DLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist: 4 x 60 seconds

Day 3

Standing Strict Press: 10×3 @80% superset Pull-ups: 10×3 (can add weight if too easy)
Plate Front Raises: 3×10 RPE7 superset BB Upright Rows w/slower eccentric: 3 x 10@ 60% 
Nosebreakers: 3 x 10 superset DB Incline Curls: 3 x 10
KB Bottom Up one arm OH Carries: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 4

Back Squats: 63% x8, 73% x5, 83% x3, 90% x1, 85% x3, 75% x5+
BB/DB/KB Lunges: 3 x 10 each leg
Seated Calf Raises (focus ROM): 3 x 20
Unilateral Farmer Walk: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 5

Deadlits (All Eccentrics slower than concentrics): 85% 1 x 1, 75%1 x 5, 90% 1 x 1, 80% 1 x 5, 93% 1 x 1, 85% 1 x 5, 95% 1 x 1, 5RM
Wide Good Mornings w/Safety Squat Bar (if possible): 3×8 with original weight
Hip Bridges: 3 x 15 superset Band Pull Throughs: 3 x 15
Zercher Carries: 3 x 40 yards

Day 6

Front Squat paused 3 breaths: 1RM RPE7
Goblet Piston Squats: 3 x 10 superset Cossack Squats 3 x 6 each leg
Reverse Lunges: 3 x 8 each leg superset Box Step ups: 3 x 8 each leg
Unilateral Farmer Carry: 3×20 yards
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 52

Day 1

Bench Press:  10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10
Chest Supported T-Bar Rows: 10RM, then -15% for 4 x 10
DB Flat Bench Press: 5 x 10@ 70% superset Bentover Supinated Barbell Rows 5 x 10@ 70%
Dips w/25-50# of chains dangling: 5 x 10 @70% superset Preacher Curls 5 x 10 @70%

Day 2

High Bar Back Squats: 
Set 1: (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): ((90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls: 5 x 8
KB/BB DLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist: 3 x 60 seconds

Day 3

Standing Strict Press: 10×5 @80% superset Pull-ups: 10×5 (can add weight if too easy)
Plate Front Raises: 5×10 RPE9 superset BB Upright Rows w/slower eccentric: 5 x 10@ 70% 
Nosebreakers: 5 x 10 superset DB Incline Curls: 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up one arm OH Carries: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 4

Back Squats: 68% x8, 78% x5, 88% x3, 95% x1, 90% x3, 80% x5, 70% x8+
BB/DB/KB Lunges: 5 x 10 each leg
Seated Calf Raises (focus ROM): 5 x 20
Unilateral Farmer Walk: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 5

Deadlits (All Eccentrics slower than concentrics): 88% 1 x 1, 78%1 x 5, 90% 1 x 1, 83% 1 x 5, 90% 1 x 1, 83% 1 x 5, 93% 1 x 1, 5RM
Wide Good Mornings w/Safety Squat Bar (if possible): 4×8 add 5-10k from last week
Hip Bridges: 5 x 15 superset Band Pull Throughs: 5 x 15
Zercher Carries: 3 x 40 yards

Day 6

Front Squat paused 3 breaths: 1RM RPE9
Goblet Piston Squats: 5 x 10 superset Cossack Squats 5 x 6 each leg
Reverse Lunges: 5 x 8 each leg superset Box Step ups: 5 x 8 each leg
Unilateral Farmer Carry: 3×20 yards
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 51

Day 1

Bench Press:  10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Chest Supported T-Bar Rows: 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
DB Flat Bench Press: 5 x 10@ 65% superset Bentover Supinated Barbell Rows 5 x 10@ 65%
Dips w/25-50# of chains dangling: 5 x 10 @65% superset Preacher Curls 5 x 10 @65%

Day 2

High Bar Back Squats: 
Set 1: (88% x 2 start 2-5k up from last week) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls: 4 x 8
KB/BB DLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist: 4 x 45 seconds

Day 3

Standing Strict Press: 10×4 @80% superset Pull-ups: 10×4 (can add weight if too easy)
Plate Front Raises: 5×10 RPE8 superset BB Upright Rows w/slower eccentric: 5 x 10@ 65% 
Nosebreakers: 5 x 10 superset DB Incline Curls: 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up one arm OH Carries: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 4

Back Squats: 65% x8, 75% x5, 85% x3, 93% x1, 88% x3, 78% x5, 68% x8+
BB/DB/KB Lunges: 4 x 10 each leg
Seated Calf Raises (focus ROM): 4 x 20
Unilateral Farmer Walk: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 5

Deadlits (All Eccentrics slower than concentrics): 83% 1 x 1, 73%1 x 5, 88% 1 x 1, 78% 1 x 5, 90% 1 x 1, 83%1 x 5, 93% 1 x 1, 5RM
Wide Good Mornings w/Safety Squat Bar (if possible): 3×8 add 5-10k from last week
Hip Bridges: 4 x 15 superset Band Pull Throughs: 4 x 15
Zercher Carries: 3 x 40 yards

Day 6

Front Squat paused 3 breaths: 1RM RPE8
Goblet Piston Squats: 5 x 10 superset Cossack Squats 5 x 6 each leg
Reverse Lunges: 4 x 8 each leg superset Box Step ups: 4 x 8 each leg
Unilateral Farmer Carry: 3×20 yards
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 50

Day 1

Bench Press:  10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Chest Supported T-Bar Rows: 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
DB Flat Bench Press: 5 x 10@ 60% superset Bentover Supinated Barbell Rows 5 x 10@ 60%
Dips w/25-50# of chains dangling: 5 x 10 @60% superset Preacher Curls 5 x 10 @60%

Day 2

High Bar Back Squats: 
Set 1: (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible): (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Russian Leans or Inverse Leg Curls: 3 x 8
KB/BB DLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist: 4 x 45 seconds

Day 3

Standing Strict Press: 10×3 @80% superset Pull-ups: 10×3 (can add weight if too easy)
Plate Front Raises: 5×10 superset BB Upright Rows w/slower eccentric: 5 x 10@ 60% 
Nosebreakers: 5 x 10 superset DB Incline Curls: 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up one arm OH Carries: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 4

Back Squats: 63% x8, 73% x5, 83% x3, 90% x1, 85% x3, 75% x5, 65% x8+
BB/DB/KB Lunges: 3 x 10 each leg
Seated Calf Raises (focus ROM): 3 x 20
Unilateral Farmer Walk: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 5

Deadlits (All Eccentrics slower than concentrics): 80%x1, 70%x5, 85%x1, 75% x5, 88% x 1, 80%x5, 90% x1, 5RM
Wide Good Mornings w/Safety Squat Bar (if possible): 3×8 w/30% of Back Squat
Hip Bridges: 3×15 superset Band Pull Throughs: 3×15
Zercher Carries: 3 x 40 yards

Day 6

Front Squat paused 3 breaths: 1RM RPE7
Goblet Piston Squats: 5 x 10 superset Cossack Squats 5 x 6 each leg
Reverse Lunges: 3 x 8 each leg superset Box Step ups: 3 x 8 each leg
Unilateral Farmer Carry: 3×20 yards
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 49

Day 1

Back Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom: Take 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift w 5 sec eccentric: Take 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2 x 5
Seated Band Leg Curls superset Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 3 x 12 ea leg + 12 ea leg
Wide Goodmornings 3×5 with original weight
Lunges Bodyweight: 100m

Day 2

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal grip): 10 x 3 @80%
Incline DB Bench Press superset Bentover Rows: 3 x 10 + 10 *heavier than last week
Fat Bar Curls superset Tricep Extensions: 3 x 10 of each
Standing Calf Raises: 3 x 10

Day 3

Back Squat with Belt: 10RM, then -10% for 4 x 10
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist: 4 x 60 seconds
DB Leg Curls: 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up one arm OH Carries: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 4

Close Grip Bench Press: 3 x 10 @60%
Dips superset Pull-ups: 3 x submaximal on each (if >10, add weight)
DB Tricep Extensions 15-30 sec rest between sets: 5×8
KB Upright Rows: 3 x 10
BB Abdominal Roll-outs: 3 x 10

Day 5

Front Squat paused 3 breaths each rep: Take 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Deadlift: Take 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2 x 5
Zercher Lunges superset MedBall Slams: 3 x 8 each leg + 12
Bilateral Farmer Carry: 3×40 yards

Day 6

Unsupported Single Arm Seated DB Press superset Single Arm Bent Over DB Row: 3 x 10 each
Unilateral RDLs: 3×5 each side
Weighted Ring Push-ups superset Ring Rows Body Horizontal Feet off Ground slower eccentric: 3 x Submaximal + 10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 48

Day 1

Back Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom: 5RM 9 RPE, then -10% for 2 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift w 5 sec eccentric: 5RM 9 RPE, then -10% for 2 x 5
Seated Band Leg Curls superset Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 5 x 12 ea leg + 12 ea leg
Wide Goodmornings 3×8 add 5-10k from last week
Lunges Bodyweight: 100m

Day 2

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal grip): 10 x 5 @80%
Incline DB Bench Press superset Bentover Rows: 5 x 10 + 10 *heavier than last week
Fat Bar Curls superset Tricep Extensions: 5 x 10 of each
Standing Calf Raises: 5 x 10

Day 3

Back Squat with Belt: 10RM, then -10% for 4 x 10
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist: 4 x 60 seconds
DB Leg Curls: 5 x 10
KB Bottom Up one arm OH Carries: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 4

Close Grip Bench Press: 5 x 10 @70%
Dips superset Pull-ups: 5 x submaximal on each (if >10, add weight)
DB Tricep Extensions 15-30 sec rest between sets: 8×8
KB Upright Rows: 5 x 10
BB Abdominal Roll-outs: 3 x 10

Day 5

Front Squat paused 3 breaths each rep: 3RM RPE9
Deadlift:5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds at knee), then -10% for 2 x 5
Zercher Lunges superset MedBall Slams: 5 x 8 each leg + 12
Bilateral Farmer Carry: 3×40 yards

Day 6

Unsupported Single Arm Seated DB Press superset Single Arm Bent Over DB Row: 5 x 10 each
Unilateral RDLs: 5×5 each side
Weighted Ring Push-ups superset Ring Rows Body Horizontal Feet off Ground slower eccentric: 5 x Submaximal + 10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 47

Day 1

Back Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom: 5RM 8 RPE, then -10% for 2 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift w 5 sec eccentric: 5RM 8 RPE, then -10% for 2 x 5
Seated Band Leg Curls superset Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 5 x 12 ea leg + 12 ea leg
Wide Goodmornings 3×8 add 5-10k from last week
Lunges Bodyweight: 100m

Day 2

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal grip): 10 x 4 @80%
Incline DB Bench Press superset Bentover Rows: 5 x 10 + 10 *heavier than last week
Fat Bar Curls superset Tricep Extensions: 4 x 10 of each
Standing Calf Raises: 4 x 10

Day 3

Back Squat with Belt: 10RM, then -10% for 3 x 10
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist: 4 x 45 seconds
DB Leg Curls: 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up one arm OH Carries: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 4

Close Grip Bench Press: 5 x 10 @65%
Dips superset Pull-ups: 5 x submaximal on each (if >10, add weight)
DB Tricep Extensions 15-30 sec rest between sets: 6×8
KB Upright Rows: 5 x 10
BB Abdominal Roll-outs: 3 x 10

Day 5

Front Squat paused 3 breaths each rep: 3RM RPE8
Deadlift:5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 seconds at knee), then -10% for 2 x 5
Zercher Lunges superset MedBall Slams: 4 x 8 each leg + 12
Bilateral Farmer Carry: 3×40 yards

Day 6

Unsupported Single Arm Seated DB Press superset Single Arm Bent Over DB Row: 4 x 10 each
Unilateral RDLs: 4×5 each side
Weighted Ring Push-ups superset Ring Rows Body Horizontal Feet off Ground slower eccentric: 4 x Submaximal + 10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 46

Day 1

Back Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom: 5RM 7 RPE, then -10% for 2 x 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift w 5 sec eccentric: 5RM 7 RPE, then -10% for 2 x 5
Seated Band Leg Curls superset Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 4 x 12 ea leg + 12 ea leg
Wide Goodmornings 3×8
Lunges Bodyweight: 100m

Day 2

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal grip): 10 x 3 @80%
Incline DB Bench Press superset Bentover Rows: 5 x 10 + 10
Fat Bar Curls superset Tricep Extensions: 3 x 10 of each
Standing Calf Raises: 3 x 10

Day 3

Back Squat with Belt: 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
KB RDLs on Belt Squat Machine or with Band Around Waist: 3 x 45 seconds
DB Leg Curls: 4 x 10
KB Bottom Up one arm OH Carries: 3 x 40 yards each

Day 4

Close Grip Bench Press: 5 x 10 @60%
Dips superset Pull-ups: 5 x submaximal on each (if >10, add weight)
DB Tricep Extensions 15-30 sec rest between sets: 6×8
KB Upright Rows: 5 x 10
BB Abdominal Roll-outs: 3 x 10

Day 5

Front Squat paused 3 breaths each rep: 3RM RPE7
Deadlift:5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 seconds at knee), then -10% for 5
Zercher Lunges superset MedBall Slams: 3 x 8 each leg + 12
Bilateral Farmer Carry: 3×40 yards

Day 6

Unsupported Single Arm Seated DB Press superset Single Arm Bent Over DB Row: 3 x 10 each
Unilateral RDLs: 4×5 each side
Weighted Ring Push-ups superset Ring Rows Body Horizontal Feet off Ground slower eccentric: 3 x Submaximal + 10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 45

Day 1

Back Squat: 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Leg Press switch foot position ea time: 3×20
Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats: 3 x 10 ea leg
Posterior Chain Work: Goodmornings 3×8 ss Standing Leg Curls 5×8
Lunges Bodyweight: 300m

Day 2

Front Squat with Belt: 1RM
Standing Strict Press: 3RM ss Weighted Pull-ups: 2 x submaximal
Standing 1 arm cable Rows from low pulley ss Neutral Grip Seated Rows: 3 x 10 of each
DB Tri-Delts: 3×8-10 each

Day 3

Deadlifts: 1RM
Decline DB Bench ss Standing Cable Flies from low pulley:  3 x 10 of each
Dips ss Standing BB Curls: 3 x 10 of each
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 1RM
Unilateral Rope Pushdown ss Preacher Curls: 2×10 of each
Leaning Cable Lateral Raises ss Unilateral Cable Rev Flies: 3×10 of each
Plank, Blackburn, and Glute Work: Plank variation 45-60sec, Side Plank Variation 30 sec ea, BB/KB/DB Hip Ups x 15, and Blackburns 15-30sec ea position x 2 of each

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 3RM
Bench Press:3RM, then -20% for max reps
Neutral Grip Wide Pulldowns ss DB Rows: 3×10 of each
DB Arnold Presses: 3×8

Day 6

Incline BB Bench ss Incline DB Flies: 3 x 10 BB Benches and 12 DB Flies
Unilateral RDLs: 2×8 each side
Feet Elevated Push-Ups ss Machine Flies: 3 x Submaximal Push-Ups and 15 Flies
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 44

Day 1

Back Squat: 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 4×3 not paused
Leg Press switch foot position ea time: 4×20
Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats: 4 x 10 ea leg
Posterior Chain Work: Goodmornings 5×8 ss Standing Leg Curls 5×8
Lunges Bodyweight: 300m

Day 2

Front Squat with Belt: 1RM( paused 1 sec), then -20% for 2×3 not paused
Standing Strict Press: 3RM, then -10% for 4×3 ss Weighted Pull-ups: 5 x sub-maximal
Standing 1 arm cable Rows from low pulley ss Neutral Grip Seated Rows: 4 x 10 of each
DB Tri-Delts: 4×8-10 each

Day 3

Deadlifts: 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Decline DB Bench ss Standing Cable Flies from low pulley:  4 x 10 of each
Dips ss Standing BB Curls: 4×10 of each
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 1RM(paused 1 sec), then -20% for 3×3 not paused
Unilateral Rope Pushdown ss Preacher Curls: 4×10 of each
Leaning Cable Lateral Raises ss Unilateral Cable Rev Flies: 4×10 of each
Plank, Blackburn, and Glute Work: Plank variation 45-60sec, Side Plank Variation 30 sec ea, BB/KB/DB Hip Ups x 15, and Blackburns 15-30sec ea position x 2 of each

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 3RM not paused, then -10% for 3×3 not paused
Bench Press:3RM, then -10% for 3, then -20% for max reps
Neutral Grip Wide Pulldowns ss DB Rows: 4×10 of each
DB Arnold Presses: 4×8

Day 6

Incline BB Bench ss Incline DB Flies: 4 x 10 BB Benches and 12 DB Flies
Unilateral RDLs: 4×8 each side
Feet Elevated Push-Ups ss Machine Flies: 4 x Submaximal Push-Ups and 15 Flies
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 43

Day 1

Back Squat: 3RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 3×3 not paused
Leg Press switch foot position ea time: 4×20
Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats: 4 x 10 ea leg
Posterior Chain Work: Goodmornings 4×8 ss Standing Leg Curls 4×8
Lunges Bodyweight: 300m

Day 2

Front Squat with Belt: 1RM( paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2×3 not paused
Standing Strict Press: 3RM, then -10% for 3×3 ss Weighted Pull-ups: 4 x sub-maximal
Standing 1 arm cable Rows from low pulley ss Neutral Grip Seated Rows: 4 x 10 of each
DB Tri-Delts: 4×8-10 each

Day 3

Deadlifts: 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Decline DB Bench ss Standing Cable Flies from low pulley:  4 x 10 of each
Dips ss Standing BB Curls: 4×10 of each
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 1RM(paused 3 sec), then -20% for 3×3 not paused
Unilateral Rope Pushdown ss Preacher Curls: 4×10 of each
Leaning Cable Lateral Raises ss Unilateral Cable Rev Flies: 4×10 of each
Plank, Blackburn, and Glute Work: Plank variation 45-60sec, Side Plank Variation 30 sec ea, BB/KB/DB Hip Ups x 15, and Blackburns 15-30sec ea position x 2 of each

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 3RM not paused, then -10% for 3×3 not paused
Bench Press:3RM, then -10% for 3, then -20% for max reps
Neutral Grip Wide Pulldowns ss DB Rows: 4×10 of each
DB Arnold Presses: 4×8

Day 6

Incline BB Bench ss Incline DB Flies: 4 x 10 BB Benches and 12 DB Flies
Unilateral RDLs: 4×8 each side
Feet Elevated Push-Ups ss Machine Flies: 4 x Submaximal Push-Ups and 15 Flies
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
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Week 42

Day 1

Back Squat: 3RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Leg Press switch foot position ea time: 4×20
Rear Leg Elevated Unilateral Squats: 4 x 10 ea leg
Posterior Chain Work: Goodmornings 3×8 ss Standing Leg Curls 3×8
Lunges Bodyweight: 300m

Day 2

Front Squat with Belt: 1RM( paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2×3 not paused
Standing Strict Press: 3RM, then -10% for 2×3 ss Weighted Pull-ups: 3 x sub-maximal
Standing 1 arm cable Rows from low pulley ss Neutral Grip Seated Rows: 4 x 10 of each
DB Tri-Delts: 4×8-10 each

Day 3

Deadlifts: 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Decline DB Bench ss Standing Cable Flies from low pulley:  4 x 10 of each
Dips ss Standing BB Curls: 4×10 of each
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 1RM(paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2×3 not paused
Unilateral Rope Pushdown ss Preacher Curls: 3×10 of each
Leaning Cable Lateral Raises ss Unilateral Cable Rev Flies: 4×10 of each
Plank, Blackburn, and Glute Work: Plank variation 45-60sec, Side Plank Variation 30 sec ea, BB/KB/DB Hip Ups x 15, and Blackburns 15-30sec ea position x 2 of each

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 3RM not paused, then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Bench Press:3RM, then -10% for 3, then -20% for max reps
Neutral Grip Wide Pulldowns ss DB Rows: 4×10 of each
DB Arnold Presses: 3×8

Day 6

Incline BB Bench ss Incline DB Flies: 4 x 10 BB Benches and 12 DB Flies
Unilateral RDLs: 3×8 each side
Feet Elevated Push-Ups ss Machine Flies: 4 x Submaximal Push-Ups and 15 Flies
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week41,Week42,Week43,Week44″]

Week 41

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
Hack Squat: 3×20
DB Elevated Split Squats: 2x10ea leg
Posterior Chain Work: Kang Squats 3×8 ss Unilateral Leg Curls 3×8 ea leg w 5sec eccentric
Lunges Bodyweight: 300m

Day 2

Bench Press ss Pull-Ups switch grip ea set: 5RM, then -10% for 5 ss 2 sets of submaximal reps
Incline BB Bench Wide Grip 3×10 ss Seated Rows 3×10
Decline DB Flies 2×15 ss T Bar Rows 2×15
Leg Ext 3×10 ss Leg Curl 3×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 5RM
DB Shoulder Triangle Raises 3×10 ss Cable Upright Rows: 3×10
Closegrip Bench ss Preacher Curls: 5RM, then -10% for 5 ss 2×10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 1RM Paused 3 sec
Supinated Pull-ups 3 x Submaximal ss KB Swinging Rows 3×12
Standing Lat Pushdowns ss Standing Cable Rows from low pulley: 3×10 of each
Plank, Blackburn, and Glute Work: Plank variation 45-60sec, Side Plank Variation 30 sec ea, BB/KB/DB Hip Ups x 15, and Blackburns 15-30sec ea position x 2 of each

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 3RM
Standing Strict Press:5RM
Elevated Push-Ups ss Incline Bench Cable Flies: 2×15 of each
DB Tricep Extensions: 4×8 with 30 sec rest

Day 6

Wide Grip Flat Bench Press: 8RM
DB or Curl Bar Spider Curls ss DB Hammer Curls: 3×10 each
DB Smith Curls ss Cable Concentration Curls: 3×10 each
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week40,Week41,Week42,Week43″]

Week 40

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 4×5 not paused
Hack Squat: 4×20
DB Elevated Split Squats: 4x10ea leg
Posterior Chain Work: Kang Squats 5×8 ss Unilateral Leg Curls 5×8 ea leg w 5sec eccentric
Lunges Bodyweight: 300m

Day 2

Bench Press ss Pull-Ups switch grip ea set: 5RM, then -10% for 3×5 ss 4 sets of submaximal reps
Incline BB Bench Wide Grip 5×10 ss Seated Rows 5×10
Decline DB Flies 4×15 ss T Bar Rows 4×15
Leg Ext 3×10 ss Leg Curl 3×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
DB Shoulder Triangle Raises 5×10 ss Cable Upright Rows: 5×10
Closegrip Bench ss Preacher Curls: 5RM, then -10% for 3×5 ss 4×10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 3RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Supinated Pull-ups 5 x Submaximal ss KB Swinging Rows 5×12
Standing Lat Pushdowns ss Standing Cable Rows from low pulley: 4×10 of each
Plank, Blackburn, and Glute Work: Plank variation 45-60sec, Side Plank Variation 30 sec ea, BB/KB/DB Hip Ups x 15, and Blackburns 15-30sec ea position x 2 of each

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 3RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Standing Strict Press: 5RM, then -10% for 3×5
Elevated Push-Ups ss Incline Bench Cable Flies: 4×15 of each
DB Tricep Extensions: 8×8 with 30 sec rest

Day 6

Wide Grip Flat Bench Press: 8RM, then -10% for 2×10
DB or Curl Bar Spider Curls ss DB Hammer Curls: 4×10 each
DB Smith Curls ss Cable Concentration Curls: 4×10 each
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week39,Week40,Week41,Week42″]

Week 39

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 3×5 not paused
Hack Squat: 4×20
DB Elevated Split Squats: 3×10 each leg
Posterior Chain Work: Kang Squats 4×8 ss Unilateral Leg Curls 4×8 ea leg w 5sec eccentric
Lunges Bodyweight: 300m

Day 2

Bench Press ss Pull-Ups switch grip ea set: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 ss 3 sets of submaximal reps
Incline BB Bench Wide Grip 4×10 ss Seated Rows 4×10
Decline DB Flies 3×15 ss T Bar Rows 3×15
Leg Ext 3×10 ss Leg Curl 3×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
DB Shoulder Triangle Raises 4×10 ss Cable Upright Rows: 4×10
Closegrip Bench ss Preacher Curls: 5RM, then -10% for 3×5 ss 4×10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Supinated Pull-ups 4xsubmaximal ss KB Swinging Rows 4×12
Standing Lat Pushdowns ss Standing Cable Rows from low pulley: 4×10 of each
Plank, Blackburn, and Glute Work: Plank variation 45-60sec, Side Plank Variation 30 sec ea, BB/KB/DB Hip Ups x 15, and Blackburns 15-30sec ea position x 2 of each

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Standing Strict Press: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
Elevated Push-Ups ss Incline Bench Cable Flies: 3×15 each
DB Tricep Extensions: 7×8 with 30 sec rest

Day 6

Wide Grip Flat Bench Press: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
DB or Curl Bar Spider Curls ss DB Hammer Curls: 4×10 each
DB Smith Curls ss Cable Concentration Curls: 4×10 each
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week38,Week39,Week40,Week41″]

Week 38

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 2×5 not paused
Hack Squat: 4×20
DB Elevated Split Squats: 3×10 each leg
Posterior Chain Work: Kang Squats 4×8 ss Unilateral Leg Curls 4×8 ea leg w 5sec eccentric
Lunges Bodyweight: 300m

Day 2

Bench Press ss Pull-Ups switch grip ea set: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 ss 3 sets of submaximal reps
Incline BB Bench Wide Grip 4×10 ss Seated Rows 4×10
Decline DB Flies 3×15 ss T Bar Rows 3×15

Day 3

Deadlifts: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
DB Shoulder Triangle Raises 3×10 ss Cable Upright Rows: 3×10
Closegrip Bench ss Preacher Curls: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 ss 3×10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Supinated Pull-ups 4xsubmaximal ss KB Swinging Rows 4×12
Standing Lat Pushdowns ss Standing Cable Rows from low pulley: 4×10 of each
Plank, Blackburn, and Glute Work: Plank variation 45-60sec, Side Plank Variation 30 sec ea, BB/KB/DB Hip Ups x 15, and Blackburns 15-30sec ea position x 2 of each

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Standing Strict Press: 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
Elevated Push-Ups ss Incline Bench Cable Flies: 3×15 each
DB Tricep Extensions: 6×8 with 30 sec rest

Day 6

Wide Grip Flat Bench Press: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
DB or Curl Bar Spider Curls ss DB Hammer Curls: 4×10 each
DB Smith Curls ss Cable Concentration Curls: 4×10 each
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week37,Week38,Week39,Week40″]

Week 37

Day 1

Back Squat: 8RM, then -10% for 8 not paused
BB Walking Lunges: 3×10 each leg
Posterior Chain Work: RDLs 3×8 ss Leg Curls 3×10
Lunges Bodyweight: 200m

Day 2

Bench Press: 8RM
Chest Superset: Incline DB Bench 2×10 ss Standing Cable Flies 2×15
Tricep Superset #1: Weighted Dips 3×6-8 ss Overhead Cable Extensions 3×15
Core Muscular Imbalance –
One arm OH Carries: 3×40 yards

Day 3

Deadlifts: 8RM
Back Superset #1: BB Bentover Rows 2×10 ss Wide Grip Pulldowns 2×10
Back Super set #2: Kettlebell Batwing Rows 3×8 ss Rope Face Pulls 3×12
Bicep Superset: Incline Curls 2×10 ss Concentration Curls 2×10 ea arm
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 5RM
Pull-Ups Switch Grips each set from weakest to strongest: 3 sets of submaximal reps with 1-2 minutes of rest
Tricep Superset #2: Nosebreakers 3×8 ss Standing Pushdowns 3×15
Preacher Curls 21s: 3 sets of 7-7-7

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 2RM
Standing Strict Press: 8RM
Shoulder Superset #1: Plate Raises 2×10 ss DB Lateral Raises 2×10
Shoulder Superset #2: DB Clean & Press 3×10 ss DB Bentover Rear Delt Rev Flies 3×12
Trap Superset: DB or KB Shrugs 3×20 ss KB Upright Rows 3×10

Day 6

Closegrip Bench: 8RM
Arm Superset #1: Standing BB Curls 3×10 ss DB Tricep Ext 3×10
Arm Superset #2: Standing Cable Curls 3×10 ss Rope Pushdowns 3×10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week36,Week37,Week38,Week39″]

Week 36

Day 1

Back Squat: 8RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×8 not paused
BB Walking Lunges: 3×10 each leg
Posterior Chain Work: RDLs 3×8 ss Leg Curls 3×10
Lunges Bodyweight: 200m

Day 2

Bench Press: 8RM, then -10% for 2×8
Chest Superset: Incline DB Bench 4×10 ss Standing Cable Flies 4×15
Tricep Superset #1: Weighted Dips 4×6-8 ss Overhead Cable Extensions 4×15
Core Muscular Imbalance –
One arm OH Carries: 3×40 yards

Day 3

Deadlifts: 8RM
Back Superset #1: BB Bentover Rows 4×10 ss Wide Grip Pulldowns 4×10
Back Super set #2: Kettlebell Batwing Rows 3×8 ss Rope Face Pulls 3×12
Bicep Superset: Incline Curls 3×10 ss Concentration Curls 3×10 ea arm
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 5RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2×5 not paused
Pull-Ups Switch Grips each set from weakest to strongest: 5 sets of submaximal reps with 1-2 minutes of rest
Tricep Superset #2: Nosebreakers 5×8 ss Standing Pushdowns 5×15
Preacher Curls 21s: 4 sets of 7-7-7

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 2RM with first rep paused 1 sec
Standing Strict Press: 8RM, then -10% for 2×8
Shoulder Superset #1: Plate Raises 4×10 ss DB Lateral Raises 4×10
Shoulder Superset #2: DB Clean & Press 3×10 ss DB Bentover Rear Delt Rev Flies 3×12
Trap Superset: DB or KB Shrugs 5×20 ss KB Upright Rows 5×10

Day 6

Closegrip Bench: 8RM, then -10% for 2×8
Arm Superset #1: Standing BB Curls 5×10 ss DB Tricep Ext 5×10
Arm Superset #2: Standing Cable Curls 4×10 ss Rope Pushdowns 4×10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week35,Week36,Week37,Week38″]

Week 35

Day 1

Back Squat: 10RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×10 not paused
BB Walking Lunges: 3×10 each leg
Posterior Chain Work: RDLs 3×8 ss Leg Curls 3×10
Lunges Bodyweight: 200m

Day 2

Bench Press: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Chest Superset: Incline DB Bench 3×10 ss Standing Cable Flies 3×15
Tricep Superset #1: Weighted Dips 4×6-8 ss Overhead Cable Extensions 4×15
Core Muscular Imbalance –
One arm OH Carries: 3×40 yards

Day 3

Deadlifts: 8RM
Back Superset #1: BB Bentover Rows 3×10 ss Wide Grip Pulldowns 3×10
Back Super set #2: Kettlebell Batwing Rows 3×8 ss Rope Face Pulls 3×12
Bicep Superset: Incline Curls 3×10 ss Concentration Curls 3×10 ea arm
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×5 not paused
Pull-Ups Switch Grips each set from weakest to strongest: 5 sets of submaximal reps with 1-2 minutes of rest
Tricep Superset #2: Nosebreakers 4×8 ss Standing Pushdowns 4×15
Preacher Curls 21s: 3 sets of 7-7-7

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 2RM with first rep paused 3 sec
Standing Strict Press: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Shoulder Superset #1: Plate Raises 3×10 ss DB Lateral Raises 3×10
Shoulder Superset #2: DB Clean & Press 3×10 ss DB Bentover Rear Delt Rev Flies 3×12
Trap Superset: DB or KB Shrugs 4×20 ss KB Upright Rows 4×10

Day 6

Closegrip Bench: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Arm Superset #1: Standing BB Curls 4×10 ss DB Tricep Ext 4×10
Arm Superset #2: Standing Cable Curls 4×10 ss Rope Pushdowns 4×10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week34,Week35,Week36,Week37″]

Week 34

Day 1

Back Squat: 10RM (1st two reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×10 not paused
BB Walking Lunges: 3×10 each leg
Posterior Chain Work: RDLs 3×8 ss Leg Curls 3×10
Lunges Bodyweight: 200m

Day 2

Bench Press: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Chest Superset: Incline DB Bench 3×10 ss Standing Cable Flies 3×15
Tricep Superset #1: Weighted Dips 4×6-8 ss Overhead Cable Extensions 4×15
Core Muscular Imbalance –
One arm OH Carries: 3×40 yards

Day 3

Deadlifts: 8RM
Back Superset #1: BB Bentover Rows 3×10 ss Wide Grip Pulldowns 3×10
Back Super set #2: Kettlebell Batwing Rows 3×8 ss Rope Face Pulls 3×12
Bicep Superset: Incline Curls 3×10 ss Concentration Curls 3×10 ea arm
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT

Day 4

High Bar Back Squat with Belt: 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×5 not paused
Pull-Ups Switch Grips each set from weakest to strongest: 5 sets of submaximal reps with 1-2 minutes of rest
Tricep Superset #2: Nosebreakers 4×8 ss Standing Pushdowns 4×15
Preacher Curls 21s: 3 sets of 7-7-7

Day 5

Front Squat with Belt: 2RM with first rep paused 3 sec
Standing Strict Press: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Shoulder Superset #1: Plate Raises 3×10 ss DB Lateral Raises 3×10
Shoulder Superset #2: DB Clean & Press 3×10 ss DB Bentover Rear Delt Rev Flies 3×12
Trap Superset: DB or KB Shrugs 4×20 ss KB Upright Rows 4×10

Day 6

Closegrip Bench: 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Arm Superset #1: Standing BB Curls 4×10 ss DB Tricep Ext 4×10
Arm Superset #2: Standing Cable Curls 4×10 ss Rope Pushdowns 4×10
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week33,Week34,Week35,Week36″]

Week 33

Day 1

Back Squat: 3×5 with original weight
Box Step Ups with Barbell on Back (knee at parallel): 3×10 each leg
Kang Squats: 3×6
Pull-ups: 3xAMRAP
Bentover Rows: 3×8

Day 2

Bench Press: 1RM
Military Press: 1RM
DB Floor Press: 3×10
Chest Supported Bat Wing Rows paused 2 seconds at the top: 3×10
Preacher Curls: 3×10
Tricep Extensions: 3×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 1RM, then – 20% for 5
Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts: 3×8 each side
Banded Pull Throughs: 3×15
Side Plank Banded Rows: 3×20 seconds each side
Push-ups: 3x submaximal
Ab Rollouts: 3×10

Day 4

Front Squat: 1RM
Lateral Lunges: 3×10 each side
Box Step Ups *with weight on back – knee and hip at parallel: 3×10 each side
Zercher Lunges: 3×8 each leg
Unilateral Farmer Carry: 3×20 yards each hand *build each set

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 1RM, then -20% for 3
Plate Lateral Raises: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
DB Clean and Press: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Band Pull-Aparts: 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets each week)
OH DB Carries: 3×20 yards each side

Day 6

Back Squat: 1RM
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
Lying DB Curls: 3×12
Single Leg RDLs: 3×10 each leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 3×15 each leg
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week32,Week33,Week34,Week35″]

Week 32

Day 1

Back Squat: 5×5 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight and ending heavier than last week
Box Step Ups with Barbell on Back (knee at parallel): 5×10 each leg
Kang Squats: 5×6
Pull-ups: 5xAMRAP
Bentover Rows: 5×8

Day 2

Bench Press: 1RM, then -25% for max reps
Military Press: 1RM, then -25% for max reps
DB Floor Press: 5×10
Chest Supported Bat Wing Rows paused 2 seconds at the top: 5×10
Preacher Curls: 5×10
Tricep Extensions: 5×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 1RM, then -30% for 5×3
Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts: 5×8 each side
Banded Pull Throughs: 5×15
Side Plank Banded Rows: 3×30 seconds each side
Push-ups: 3x submaximal
Ab Rollouts: 3×10

Day 4

Front Squat: 1RM paused 3 seconds
Lateral Lunges: 5×10 each side
Box Step Ups *with weight on back – knee and hip at parallel: 5×10 each side
Zercher Lunges: 3×8 each leg
Unilateral Farmer Carry: 3×20 yards each hand *build each set

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 1RM, then -30% for 5×3
Plate Lateral Raises: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
DB Clean and Press: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Band Pull-Aparts: 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets each week)
OH DB Carries: 3×20 yards each side

Day 6

Back Squat: 3RM, then -5% for 3 and then -10% for 3+
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 5RM, then -5% for 5 and then -10% for 5
Lying DB Curls: 5×12
Single Leg RDLs: 5×10 each leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 5×15 each leg
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week31,Week32,Week33,Week34″]

Week 31

Day 1

Back Squat: 4×5 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight and ending heavier than last week
Box Step Ups with Barbell on Back (knee at parallel): 4×10 each leg
Kang Squats: 4×6
Pull-ups: 4xAMRAP
Bentover Rows: 4×8

Day 2

Bench Press: 1RM, then -25% for max reps
Military Press: 1RM, then -25% for max reps
DB Floor Press: 4×10
Chest Supported Bat Wing Rows paused 2 seconds at the top: 4×10
Preacher Curls: 4×10
Tricep Extensions: 4×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 1RM, then -25% for 4×3
Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts: 4×8 each side
Banded Pull Throughs: 4×15
Side Plank Banded Rows: 3×25 seconds each side
Push-ups: 3x submaximal
Ab Rollouts: 3×10

Day 4

Front Squat: 1RM paused 5 seconds
Lateral Lunges: 4×10 each side
Box Step Ups *with weight on back – knee and hip at parallel: 4×10 each side
Zercher Lunges: 3×8 each leg
Unilateral Farmer Carry: 3×20 yards each hand *build each set

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 1RM, then -25% for 4×3
Plate Lateral Raises: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
DB Clean and Press: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Band Pull-Aparts: 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets each week)
OH DB Carries: 3×20 yards each side

Day 6

Back Squat: 3RM, then -5% for 3 and then -10% for 3+
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 5RM, then -5% for 5 and then -10% for 5
Lying DB Curls: 4×12
Single Leg RDLs: 4×10 each leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 4×15 each leg
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week30,Week31,Week32,Week33″]

Week 30

Day 1

Back Squat: 3×5 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight
Box Step Ups with Barbell on Back (knee at parallel): 3×10 each leg
Kang Squats: 3×6
Pull-ups: 3xAMRAP
Bentover Rows: 3×8

Day 2

Bench Press: 1RM, then -25% for max reps
Military Press: 1RM, then -25% for max reps
DB Floor Press: 3×10
Chest Supported Bat Wing Rows paused 2 seconds at the top: 3×10
Preacher Curls: 3×10
Tricep Extensions: 3×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 1RM, then -25% for 3×3
Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts: 3×8 each side
Banded Pull Throughs: 3×15
Side Plank Banded Rows: 3×20 seconds each side
Push-ups: 3x submaximal
Ab Rollouts: 3×10

Day 4

Front Squat: 1RM paused 7 seconds
Lateral Lunges: 3×10 each side
Box Step Ups *with weight on back – knee and hip at parallel: 3×10 each side
Zercher Lunges: 3×8 each leg
Unilateral Farmer Carry: 3×20 yards each hand *build each set

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 1RM, then -25% for 3×3
Plate Lateral Raises: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
DB Clean and Press: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Band Pull-Aparts: 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets each week)
OH DB Carries: 3×20 yards each side

Day 6

Back Squat: 3RM, then -5% for 3 and then -10% for 3+
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 5RM, then -5% for 5 and then -10% for 5
Lying DB Curls: 3×12
Single Leg RDLs: 3×10 each leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 3×15 each leg
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week29,Week30,Week31,Week32″]

Week 29 (Deload)

Day 1

Back Squat: 3×8 with original weight from Week 26
DB Walking Lunge Steps: 3×10
Good Mornings: 3×10
Weighted Sit-ups: 3xAMRAP
Weighted Pull-ups: 3×5 *building in weight

Day 2

Bench Press: 90% of 3RM for 2×3
Military Press: 90% of 3RM for 2×3
DB Flat Bench Press: 3×10
DB Rear Delt Flies: 3×10
Barbell Curls: 3×10
DB Hammer Curls: 3×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 90% of 3RM for 2×3
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 3×10
RDLs: 3×10
Banded Rows from Plank: 3×20 seconds each side
Banded Pull Aparts: 3×15
Chin-ups (supinated): 3xsubmaximal

Day 4

Front Squat: 2RM (no misses!)
Cossack Squats: 3×10 each side
Box Step Ups *with weight in each hand – knee and hip at parallel: 3×10 each side
Zercher Carries: 3×40 yards
Weighted Bear Crawls: 3×40 yards

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 90% of 3RM for 2×3
Wide Grip Lat Pull-downs: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Underhand Narrow Grip Lat Pull-downs: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Behind the Neck Lat Pull-down: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Unilateral Farmer Carries: 3×40 yards each side

Day 6

Back Squat: 80% of 1RM for 2×3
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 90% of 3RM for 2×3
Seated Band Leg Curls: 3×12
KB x 2 OH Walking Lunge Steps: 3×10 each leg
Half Kneeling DB Woodchoppers: 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week28,Week29,Week30,Week31″]

Week 28

Day 1

Back Squat: 5×8 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight
DB Walking Lunge Steps: 5×10
Good Mornings: 5×10
Weighted Sit-ups: 5xAMRAP
Weighted Pull-ups: 5×5 *building in weight

Day 2

Bench Press: 3RM, then -20% for max reps
Military Press: 3RM, then -20% for max reps
DB Flat Bench Press: 5×10
DB Rear Delt Flies: 5×10
Barbell Curls: 5×10
DB Hammer Curls: 5×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 3RM, then -15% for 5×3
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 5×10
RDLs: 5×10
Banded Rows from Plank: 5×20 seconds each side
Banded Pull Aparts: 5×15
Chin-ups (supinated): 5xsubmaximal

Day 4

Front Squat: 2RM with first rep paused 1 seconds, then -15% for 2×2 no pauses
Cossack Squats: 5×10 each side
Box Step Ups *with weight in each hand – knee and hip at parallel: 5×10 each side
Zercher Carries: 3×40 yards
Weighted Bear Crawls: 3×40 yards

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 3RM, then -10% for 4×3
Wide Grip Lat Pull-downs: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Underhand Narrow Grip Lat Pull-downs: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Behind the Neck Lat Pull-down: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Unilateral Farmer Carries: 3×40 yards each side

Day 6

Back Squat: 1RM (RPE9), then – 20% for 2×3 no pauses
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 3RM, then -10% for 3
Seated Band Leg Curls: 5×12
KB x 2 OH Walking Lunge Steps: 5×10 each leg
Half Kneeling DB Woodchoppers: 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week27,Week28,Week29,Week30″]

Week 27

Day 1

Back Squat: 4×8 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight
DB Walking Lunge Steps: 4×10
Good Mornings: 4×10
Weighted Sit-ups: 4xAMRAP
Weighted Pull-ups: 4×5 *building in weight

Day 2

Bench Press: 3RM, then -20% for max reps
Military Press: 3RM, then -20% for max reps
DB Flat Bench Press: 4×10
DB Rear Delt Flies: 4×10
Barbell Curls: 4×10
DB Hammer Curls: 4×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 3RM, then -15% for 4×3
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 4×10
RDLs: 4×10
Banded Rows from Plank: 4×20 seconds each side
Banded Pull Aparts: 4×15
Chin-ups (supinated): 4xsubmaximal

Day 4

Front Squat: 2RM with first rep paused 3 seconds, then -15% for 2×2 no pauses
Cossack Squats: 4×10 each side
Box Step Ups *with weight in each hand – knee and hip at parallel: 4×10 each side
Zercher Carries: 3×40 yards
Weighted Bear Crawls: 3×40 yards

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 3RM, then -10% for 3×3
Wide Grip Lat Pull-downs: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Underhand Narrow Grip Lat Pull-downs: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Behind the Neck Lat Pull-down: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Unilateral Farmer Carries: 3×40 yards each side

Day 6

Back Squat: 1RM paused 3 seconds (RPE8), then – 20% for 2×3 no pauses
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 3RM, then -10% for 3
Seated Band Leg Curls: 4×12
KB x 2 OH Walking Lunge Steps: 4×10 each leg
Half Kneeling DB Woodchoppers: 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week26,Week27,Week28,Week29″]

Week 26

Day 1

Back Squat: 3×8 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight
DB Walking Lunge Steps: 3×10
Good Mornings: 3×10
Weighted Sit-ups: 3xAMRAP
Weighted Pull-ups: 3×5 *building in weight

Day 2

Bench Press: 3RM, then -20% for max reps
Military Press: 3RM, then -20% for max reps
DB Flat Bench Press: 3×10
DB Rear Delt Flies: 3×10
Barbell Curls: 3×10
DB Hammer Curls: 3×10

Day 3

Deadlifts: 3RM, then -15% for 3×3
Bent Over Barbell Rows: 3×10
RDLs: 3×10
Banded Rows from Plank: 3×20 seconds each side
Banded Pull Aparts: 3×15
Chin-ups (supinated): 3xsubmaximal

Day 4

Front Squat: 2RM with first rep paused 5 seconds, then -15% for 2×2 no pauses
Cossack Squats: 3×10 each side
Box Step Ups *with weight in each hand – knee and hip at parallel: 3×10 each side
Zercher Carries: 3×40 yards
Weighted Bear Crawls: 3×40 yards

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Wide Grip Lat Pull-downs: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Underhand Narrow Grip Lat Pull-downs: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Behind the Neck Lat Pull-down: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Unilateral Farmer Carries: 3×40 yards each side

Day 6

Back Squat: 1RM paused 5 seconds (RPE7), then -15% for 2×3 no pause
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 3RM, then -10% for 3
Seated Band Leg Curls: 3×12
KB x 2 OH Walking Lunge Steps: 3×10 each leg
Half Kneeling DB Woodchoppers: 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week25,Week26,Week27,Week28″]

Week 25 (DELOAD)

Day 1

Back Squat: 3×10 with original weight from week 22
Barbell Lunges: 3×10
Wide Good Mornings: 3×10
Pull-ups: 3×10
Dips: 3×10

Day 2

Bench: 90% of 5RM for 2×5
Military Press: 90% of 5RM for 2×5
Tri-Delts: 3×10
Barbell Shrugs (HEAVY): 3×10
Banded Pushdowns: 3×15
Banded Face Pulls: 3×15

Day 3

Deadlifts: 90% of 5RM for 2×5
Single Leg RDLs: 3×8 each leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 3×15 each leg
Side Plank with Banded Row: 3×20 seconds each side
Pavloff Presses: 3×10 each side

Day 4

Front Squat: 90% of 3RM for 2×3  no pauses
DB Curls: 3×10
DB Lateral Raises: 3×10
DB Front Raises: 3×10
Barbell Ab Rollouts: 3×10

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 90% of 5RM for 2×5
GHDs or Leg Curls: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Fat Bar Curls: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Barbell Bent Over Rows: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Bilateral Farmer Carries: For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 set, move up in weight

Day 6

Back Squat: 90% of 3RM for 2×3
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 90% of 5RM for 2×5
Standing Calf Raises: 10×10
Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 3×12
Concentration Curls: 3×10 each arm
Woodchoppers (band or cable): 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week24,Week25,Week26,Week27″]

Week 24

Day 1

Back Squat: 5×10 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight and end heavier than last week
Barbell Lunges: 5×10
Wide Good Mornings: 5×10
Pull-ups: 5×10
Dips: 5×10

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then -20% for max reps
Military Press: 5RM, then -20% for max reps
Tri-Delts: 5×10
Barbell Shrugs (HEAVY): 5×10
Banded Pushdowns: 5×15
Banded Face Pulls: 5×15

Day 3

Deadlifts: 5RM, then -20% for 5×5
Single Leg RDLs: 5×8 each leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 5×15 each leg
Side Plank with Banded Row: 5×20 seconds each side
Pavloff Presses: 5×10 each side

Day 4

Front Squat: 3RM with first rep paused 1 seconds, then -10% for 2×3 (no pauses)
DB Curls: 5×10
DB Lateral Raises: 5×10
DB Front Raises: 5×10
Barbell Ab Rollouts: 5×10

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 5RM then -10% for 5 and -15% for 5+
GHDs or Leg Curls: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Fat Bar Curls: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Barbell Bent Over Rows: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Bilateral Farmer Carries: For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 set, move up in weight

Day 6

Back Squat: 3RM, then -5% for 3 and 10% for 3
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 5RM, then -5% for 5 and 10% for 5
Standing Calf Raises: 10×10
Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 5×12
Concentration Curls: 5×10 each arm
Woodchoppers (band or cable): 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week23,Week24,Week25,Week26″]

Week 23

Day 1

Back Squat: 4×10 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight and end heavier than last week
Barbell Lunges: 4×10
Wide Good Mornings: 4×10
Pull-ups: 4×10
Dips: 4×10

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then -20% for max reps
Military Press: 5RM, then -20% for max reps
Tri-Delts: 4×10
Barbell Shrugs (HEAVY): 4×10
Banded Pushdowns: 4×15
Banded Face Pulls: 4×15

Day 3

Deadlifts: 5RM, then -15% for 4×5
Single Leg RDLs: 4×8 each leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 4×15 each leg
Side Plank with Banded Row: 4×20 seconds each side
Pavloff Presses: 4×10 each side

Day 4

Front Squat: 3RM with first rep paused 3 seconds, then -10% for 2×3 (no pauses)
DB Curls: 4×10
DB Lateral Raises: 4×10
DB Front Raises: 4×10
Barbell Ab Rollouts: 4×10

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 5RM then -10% for 5 and -15% for 5+
GHDs or Leg Curls: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Fat Bar Curls: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Barbell Bent Over Rows: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Bilateral Farmer Carries: For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 set, move up in weight

Day 6

Back Squat: 3RM, then -5% for 3 and 10% for 3
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 5RM, then -5% for 5 and 10% for 5
Standing Calf Raises: 10×10
Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 4×12
Concentration Curls: 4×10 each arm
Woodchoppers (band or cable): 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week22,Week23,Week24,Week25″]

Week 22

Day 1

Back Squat: 3×10 building in weight each set *do not begin first set until reach moderate weight
Barbell Lunges: 3×10
Wide Good Mornings: 3×10
Pull-ups: 3×10
Dips: 3×10

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then -20% for max reps
Military Press: 5RM, then -20% for max reps
Tri-Delts: 3×10
Barbell Shrugs (HEAVY): 3×10
Banded Pushdowns: 3×15
Banded Face Pulls: 3×15

Day 3

Deadlifts: 5RM, then -15% for 3×5
Single Leg RDLs: 3×8 each leg
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats: 3×15 each leg
Side Plank with Banded Row: 3×20 seconds each side
Pavloff Presses: 3×10 each side

Day 4

Front Squat: 3RM with first rep paused 5 seconds, then -10% for 2×3 (no pauses)
DB Curls: 3×10
DB Lateral Raises: 3×10
DB Front Raises: 3×10
Barbell Ab Rollouts: 3×10

Day 5

Close Grip Bench Press: 5RM then -10% for 5 and -15% for 5+
GHDs or Leg Curls: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Fat Bar Curls: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Barbell Bent Over Rows: 8-15 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
Bilateral Farmer Carries: For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 set, move up in weight

Day 6

Back Squat: 3RM, then -5% for 3 and 10% for 3
Deadlift Alternate Stance (opposite of Day 3): 5RM, then -5% for 5 and 10% for 5
Standing Calf Raises: 10×10
Reverse Grip Pushdowns: 3×12
Concentration Curls: 3×10 each arm
Woodchoppers (band or cable): 10-20 reps x 3-4 sets (start at lower end and build in reps/sets/weight each week)
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week21,Week22,Week23,Week24″]

Week 21

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
Goodmornings: 5 sets of 10 reps
Heavy DB Lunges: 5 sets of 10 each leg
Hamstring Curls: 5 sets of 10
Sit ups: 20 superset with pull-ups: 10 x 3

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
Military Press: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
DB Incline Bench: 10 superset with DB around the worlds: 10 x 3
Lying DB triceps extension: 10 superset with Dips: 10 x 3
BB Curls: 10 superset with chin ups: 10 x 3
DB Front Raises superset with DB lateral raises superset with Delt raises for 10 x 3 superset with kb shrugs 10 pause at top x 3

Day 3

Overhand Barbell Bent over rows: 10 superset with Underhand bb bent over rows: 10 x 3
Db bent over rows pause at top: 10 x3
Band or cable rows: 10 superset with band or cable face pulls: 10 x 3
Wide grip pull-ups: 5 pause at top, lower slowly superset with reverse hypers: 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 15, go up in weight every set
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with glute hamstring raises: 10 x 4
Farmers carries heavy for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline Bench: 5RM then 80% amrap
Wide grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% amrap
DB bench: 15 superset with weighted push-ups: 15 x 3
Tricep pulldowns: 15 superset with skull crushers: 15 x 3
Incline DB curls: 15 superset with chin-ups: 15 x 3
Plate raises for 15 superset with DB lateral raises for 15 superset with DB deltoid raises for 15 x 5 sets
BB shrugs: 10 reps x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for three sets of 5
Pendlay rows: 15 superset with RDLs for 15 x 3
Single arm DB rows: 15 superset with band or cable rows: 15 x 3
Plank rows: 20 each side superset with band pull aparts: 10 superset with pull-ups: 5 pause at top and lower slowly x 3 sets
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week20,Week21,Week22,Week23″]

Week 20

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
Goodmornings: 5 sets of 10 reps
Heavy DB Lunges: 5 sets of 10 each leg
Hamstring Curls: 5 sets of 10
Sit ups: 20 superset with pull-ups: 10 x 3

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
Military Press: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
DB Incline Bench: 10 superset with DB around the worlds: 10 x 3
Lying DB triceps extension: 10 superset with Dips: 10 x 3
BB Curls: 10 superset with chin ups: 10 x 3
DB Front Raises superset with DB lateral raises superset with Delt raises for 10 x 3 superset with kb shrugs 10 pause at top x 3

Day 3

Overhand Barbell Bent over rows: 10 superset with Underhand bb bent over rows: 10 x 3
Db bent over rows pause at top: 10 x3
Band or cable rows: 10 superset with band or cable face pulls: 10 x 3
Wide grip pull-ups: 5 pause at top, lower slowly superset with reverse hypers: 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 15, go up in weight every set
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with glute hamstring raises: 10 x 4
Farmers carries heavy for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline Bench: 5RM then 80% amrap
Wide grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% amrap
DB bench: 15 superset with weighted push-ups: 15 x 3
Tricep pulldowns: 15 superset with skull crushers: 15 x 3
Incline DB curls: 15 superset with chin-ups: 15 x 3
Plate raises for 15 superset with DB lateral raises for 15 superset with DB deltoid raises for 15 x 5 sets
BB shrugs: 10 reps x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for three sets of 5
Pendlay rows: 15 superset with RDLs for 15 x 3
Single arm DB rows: 15 superset with band or cable rows: 15 x 3
Plank rows: 20 each side superset with band pull aparts: 10 superset with pull-ups: 5 pause at top and lower slowly x 3 sets
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week19,Week20,Week21,Week22″]

Week 19

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
Goodmornings: 5 sets of 10 reps
Heavy DB Lunges: 5 sets of 10 each leg
Hamstring Curls: 5 sets of 10
Sit ups: 20 superset with pull-ups: 10 x 3

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
Military Press: 5RM, then 2 sets of 90% for 5
DB Incline Bench: 10 superset with DB around the worlds: 10 x 3
Lying DB triceps extension: 10 superset with Dips: 10 x 3
BB Curls: 10 superset with chin ups: 10 x 3
DB Front Raises superset with DB lateral raises superset with Delt raises for 10 x 3 superset with kb shrugs 10 pause at top x 3

Day 3

Overhand Barbell Bent over rows: 10 superset with Underhand bb bent over rows: 10 x 3
Db bent over rows pause at top: 10 x3
Band or cable rows: 10 superset with band or cable face pulls: 10 x 3
Wide grip pull-ups: 5 pause at top, lower slowly superset with reverse hypers: 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 15, go up in weight every set
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with glute hamstring raises: 10 x 4
Farmers carries heavy for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline Bench: 5RM then 80% amrap
Wide grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% amrap
DB bench: 15 superset with weighted push-ups: 15 x 3
Tricep pulldowns: 15 superset with skull crushers: 15 x 3
Incline DB curls: 15 superset with chin-ups: 15 x 3
Plate raises for 15 superset with DB lateral raises for 15 superset with DB deltoid raises for 15 x 5 sets
BB shrugs: 10 reps x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for three sets of 5
Pendlay rows: 15 superset with RDLs for 15 x 3
Single arm DB rows: 15 superset with band or cable rows: 15 x 3
Plank rows: 20 each side superset with band pull aparts: 10 superset with pull-ups: 5 pause at top and lower slowly x 3 sets
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week18,Week19,Week20,Week21″]

Week 18

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM, then 90% for 5
Heavy DB lunges: 10 each superset with Goodmornings: 10 x 3
Sit ups: 20 superset with pull-ups: 5 x 3

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then 80% amrap
Military Press: 5RM, 80% amrap
DB Incline Bench: 10 superset with DB around the worlds: 10 x 3
Lying DB triceps extension: 10 superset with Dips: 10 x 3
BB Curls: 10 superset with chin ups: 10 x 3
DB Front Raises superset with DB lateral raises superset with Delt raises for 10 x 3 superset with kb shrugs 10 pause at top x 3

Day 3

Overhand Barbell Bent over rows: 10 superset with Underhand bb bent over rows: 10 x 3
Db bent over rows pause at top: 10 x3
Band or cable rows: 10 superset with band or cable face pulls: 10 x 3
Wide grip pull-ups: 5 pause at top, lower slowly superset with reverse hypers: 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 10, go up in weight every set
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with glute hamstring raises: 10 x 3
Farmers carries semi heavy for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline Bench: 5RM then 80% amrap
Wide grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% amrap
DB bench: 10 superset with weighted push-ups: 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns: 10 superset with skull crushers: 10 x 3
Incline DB curls: 10 superset with chin-ups: 10 x 3
Plate raises for 10 superset with DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB deltoid raises for 10
BB shrugs: 10 x 3

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for 5 x 3
Pendlay rows: 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3
Single arm DB rows: 10 superset with band or cable rows: 10 x 3
Plank rows: 20 each side superset with band pull aparts: 10 superset with pull-ups: 5 pause at top and lower slowly x 3 sets
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week17,Week18,Week19,Week20″]

Week 17

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM, then 90% for 5
Heavy DB lunges: 10 each superset with Goodmornings: 10 x 3
Sit ups: 20 superset with pull-ups: 5 x 3

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then 80% amrap
Military Press: 5RM, 80% amrap
DB Incline Bench: 10 superset with DB around the worlds: 10 x 3
Lying DB triceps extension: 10 superset with Dips: 10 x 3
BB Curls: 10 superset with chin ups: 10 x 3
DB Front Raises superset with DB lateral raises superset with Delt raises for 10 x 3 superset with kb shrugs 10 pause at top x 3

Day 3

Overhand Barbell Bent over rows: 10 superset with Underhand bb bent over rows: 10 x 3
Db bent over rows pause at top: 10 x3
Band or cable rows: 10 superset with band or cable face pulls: 10 x 3
Wide grip pull-ups: 5 pause at top, lower slowly superset with reverse hypers: 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 10, go up in weight every set
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with glute hamstring raises: 10 x 3
Farmers carries semi heavy for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline Bench: 5RM then 80% amrap
Wide grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% amrap
DB bench: 10 superset with weighted push-ups: 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns: 10 superset with skull crushers: 10 x 3
Incline DB curls: 10 superset with chin-ups: 10 x 3
Plate raises for 10 superset with DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB deltoid raises for 10
BB shrugs: 10 x 3

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for 5 x 3
Pendlay rows: 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3
Single arm DB rows: 10 superset with band or cable rows: 10 x 3
Plank rows: 20 each side superset with band pull aparts: 10 superset with pull-ups: 5 pause at top and lower slowly x 3 sets
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week16,Week17,Week18,Week19″]

Week 16

Day 1

Back Squat: 5RM, then 90% for 5
Heavy DB lunges: 10 each superset with Goodmorings: 10 x 3
Sit ups: 20 superset with pull-ups: 5 x 3

Day 2

Bench: 5RM, then 80% amrap
Military Press: 5RM, 80% amrap
DB Incline Bench: 10 superset with DB around the worlds: 10 x 3
Lying DB triceps extension: 10 superset with Dips: 10 x 3
BB Curls: 10 superset with chin ups: 10 x 3
DB Front Raises superset with DB lateral raises superset with Delt raises for 10 x 3 superset with kb shrugs 10 pause at top x 3

Day 3

Overhand Barbell Bent over rows: 10 superset with Underhand bb bent over rows: 10 x 3
Db bent over rows pause at top: 10 x3
Band or cable rows: 10 superset with band or cable face pulls: 10 x 3
Wide grip pull-ups: 5 pause at top, lower slowly superset with reverse hypers: 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 10, go up in weight every set
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with glute hamstring raises: 10 x 3
Farmers carries semi heavy for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline Bench: 5RM then 80% amrap
Wide grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% amrap
DB bench: 10 superset with weighted push-ups: 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns: 10 superset with skull crushers: 10 x 3
Incline DB curls: 10 superset with chin-ups: 10 x 3
Plate raises for 10 superset with DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB deltoid raises for 10
BB shrugs: 10 x 3

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for 5 x 3
Pendlay rows: 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3
Single arm DB rows: 10 superset with band or cable rows: 10 x 3
Plank rows: 20 each side superset with band pull aparts: 10 superset with pull-ups: 5 pause at top and lower slowly x 3 sets
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week15,Week16,Week17,Week18″]

Week 15

Day 1

Back squat: 10RM
Single leg squats: 5 x 15
Calf raises: 5 x 15
Kettlebell single leg extensions: 3 x 12
RDL’s: 3 x 12 supersetted with good mornings: 3 x 10
Seated calf raises: 5 x 15
Bodyweight rear leg lunges: alternating 10 each leg until you do 100 total lunges.

Day 2

Deadlifts: 10 RM
Weighted pullups: 5 x 12
One arm dumbbell rows: 5 x 12
Band rows: 5 x 12
Bent over rows: 10 wide supersetted with 10 close
Lat pulldowns: 5 x 12
Back hyper extensions: 5 x 12
DB pullovers: 100 reps

Day 3

Incline bench: 10 RM
Bench: 5 x 12
DB flys: 5 x 12
DB incline bench: 5 x 12
DB close grip bench: 5 x 12
Cable or band flys: 100 reps

Day 4

Military press: 10 RM
Db lateral raises: 5 x 12
Arnold press: 5 x 12
DB front raise: 5 x 12
DB posterior raises: 5 x 12
DB shrugs: 5 x 12
Upright row close and wide grip: 100 reps

Day 5

BB curls: 5 x 12
Reverse BB curls: 5 x 12
Close grip bench: 5 x 12
DB hammer curls: 5 x 12
Triceps pulldowns: 5 x 12
Preacher curls: 5 x 12
Dips: 5 x 12
Lying incline curls: 100 reps

Day 6

Front squats: heavy single
DB lunges: 3 x 12 superset with Jefferson lifts: 3 x 12
Work on any body part you feel is lagging behind
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week14,Week15,Week16,Week17″]

Week 14

Day 1

Back squat: 10RM
Single leg squats: 5 x 15
Calf raises: 5 x 15
Kettlebell single leg extensions: 3 x 12
RDL’s: 3 x 12 supersetted with good mornings: 3 x 10
Seated calf raises: 5 x 15
Bodyweight rear leg lunges: alternating 10 each leg until you do 100 total lunges.

Day 2

Deadlifts: 10 RM
Weighted pullups: 5 x 12
One arm dumbbell rows: 5 x 12
Band rows: 5 x 12
Bent over rows: 10 wide supersetted with 10 close
Lat pulldowns: 5 x 12
Back hyper extensions: 5 x 12
DB pullovers: 100 reps

Day 3

Incline bench: 10 RM
Bench: 5 x 12
DB flys: 5 x 12
DB incline bench: 5 x 12
DB close grip bench: 5 x 12
Cable or band flys: 100 reps

Day 4

Military press: 10 RM
Db lateral raises: 5 x 12
Arnold press: 5 x 12
DB front raise: 5 x 12
DB posterior raises: 5 x 12
DB shrugs: 5 x 12
Upright row close and wide grip: 100 reps

Day 5

BB curls: 5 x 12
Reverse BB curls: 5 x 12
Close grip bench: 5 x 12
DB hammer curls: 5 x 12
Triceps pulldowns: 5 x 12
Preacher curls: 5 x 12
Dips: 5 x 12
Lying incline curls: 100 reps

Day 6

Front squats: heavy single
DB lunges: 3 x 12 superset with Jefferson lifts: 3 x 12
Work on any body part you feel is lagging behind
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week13,Week14,Week15,Week16″]

Week 13

Day 1

Back squat: 10RM
Single leg squats: 5 x 15
Calf raises: 5 x 15
Kettlebell single leg extensions: 3 x 12
RDL’s: 3 x 12 supersetted with good mornings: 3 x 10
Seated calf raises: 5 x 15
Bodyweight rear leg lunges: alternating 10 each leg until you do 100 total lunges.

Day 2

Deadlifts: 10 RM
Weighted pullups: 5 x 12
One arm dumbbell rows: 5 x 12
Band rows: 5 x 12
Bent over rows: 10 wide supersetted with 10 close
Lat pulldowns: 5 x 12
Back hyper extensions: 5 x 12
DB pullovers: 100 reps

Day 3

Incline bench: 10 RM
Bench: 5 x 12
DB flys: 5 x 12
DB incline bench: 5 x 12
DB close grip bench: 5 x 12
Cable or band flys: 100 reps

Day 4

Military press: 10 RM
Db lateral raises: 5 x 12
Arnold press: 5 x 12
DB front raise: 5 x 12
DB posterior raises: 5 x 12
DB shrugs: 5 x 12
Upright row close and wide grip: 100 reps

Day 5

BB curls: 5 x 12
Reverse BB curls: 5 x 12
Close grip bench: 5 x 12
DB hammer curls: 5 x 12
Triceps pulldowns: 5 x 12
Preacher curls: 5 x 12
Dips: 5 x 12
Lying incline curls: 100 reps

Day 6

Front squats: heavy single
DB lunges: 3 x 12 superset with Jefferson lifts: 3 x 12
Work on any body part you feel is lagging behind
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week12,Week13,Week14,Week15″]

Week 12

Day 1

Back squat: 40% for 5, 50% for 5, 60% for 5
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
3-minute planks superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 40% for 5, 50% for 5, 60% for 5
Military press: 40% for 5, 50% for 5, 60% for 5
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB flies for 10 x 3 sets
Lying triceps extension for 10 superset with bench dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with 10 weighted chin ups x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB rear delt raises superset with KB shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with DB bent over rows (pause at top) for 10 x 3 sets
Band rows for 10 superset with band face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Front squats: 40% for 5, 50% for 5, 60% for 5
DB unilateral lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 GHDs for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 40% for 5, 50% for 5, 60% for 5
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 55% for 5, 65% for 5, 75% for near-maximum effort (do at least 5 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Shoulder mayhem superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 40% for 5, 50% for 5, 60% for 5
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows (normal or side planks with a band row) for 10 each arm superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week11,Week12,Week13,Week14″]

Week 11

Day 1

Back squat: 65% for 5, 75% for 3, 85% for near-maximum effort (do at least 1 rep, stop a rep short of failure)
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
3-minute planks superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 65% for 5, 75% for 3, 85% for near-maximum effort (do at least 1 rep, stop a rep short of failure)
Military press: 65% for 5, 75% for 3, 85% for near-maximum effort (do at least 1 rep, stop a rep short of failure)
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB flies for 10 x 3 sets
Lying triceps extension for 10 superset with bench dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with 10 weighted chin ups x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB rear delt raises superset with KB shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with DB bent over rows (pause at top) for 10 x 3 sets
Band rows for 10 superset with band face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Front squats: 65% for 5, 75% for 3, 85% for near-maximum effort (do at least 1 rep, stop a rep short of failure)
DB unilateral lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 GHDs for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 65% for 5, 75% for 3, 85% for near-maximum effort (do at least 1 rep, stop a rep short of failure)
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 65% for 5, 75% for 3, 85% for near-maximum effort (do at least 1 rep, stop a rep short of failure)
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Shoulder mayhem superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 65% for 5, 75% for 3, 85% for near-maximum effort (do at least 1 rep, stop a rep short of failure)
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows (normal or side planks with a band row) for 10 each arm superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week10,Week11,Week12,Week13″]

Week 10

Day 1

Back squat: 60% for 3, 70% for 3, 80% for near-maximum effort (do at least 3 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
3-minute planks superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 60% for 3, 70% for 3, 80% for near-maximum effort (do at least 3 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Military press: 60% for 3, 70% for 3, 80% for near-maximum effort (do at least 3 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB flies for 10 x 3 sets
Lying triceps extension for 10 superset with bench dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with 10 weighted chin ups x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB rear delt raises superset with KB shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with DB bent over rows (pause at top) for 10 x 3 sets
Band rows for 10 superset with band face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Front squats: 60% for 3, 70% for 3, 80% for near-maximum effort (do at least 3 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
DB unilateral lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 GHDs for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 60% for 3, 70% for 3, 80% for near-maximum effort (do at least 3 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 60% for 3, 70% for 3, 80% for near-maximum effort (do at least 3 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Shoulder mayhem superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 60% for 3, 70% for 3, 80% for near-maximum effort (do at least 3 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows (normal or side planks with a band row) for 10 each arm superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week9,Week10,Week11,Week12″]

Week 9

Day 1

Back squat: 55% for 5, 65% for 5, 75% for near-maximum effort (do at least 5 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
3-minute planks superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 55% for 5, 65% for 5, 75% for near-maximum effort (do at least 5 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Military press: 55% for 5, 65% for 5, 75% for near-maximum effort (do at least 5 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB flies for 10 x 3 sets
Lying triceps extension for 10 superset with bench dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with 10 weighted chin ups x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB rear delt raises superset with KB shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with DB bent over rows (pause at top) for 10 x 3 sets
Band rows for 10 superset with band face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Front squats: 55% for 5, 65% for 5, 75% for near-maximum effort (do at least 5 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
DB unilateral lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 GHDs for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 55% for 5, 65% for 5, 75% for near-maximum effort (do at least 5 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 55% for 5, 65% for 5, 75% for near-maximum effort (do at least 5 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Shoulder mayhem superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 55% for 5, 65% for 5, 75% for near-maximum effort (do at least 5 reps, stop a rep short of failure)
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows (normal or side planks with a band row) for 10 each arm superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week8,Week9,Week10,Week11″]

Week 8

Day 1

Back squat: 1RM, then 90% for 3
DB walking lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
Weighted situps for 20 superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 1RM
Military press: 1RM
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB or cable or band flies for 10 x 3 sets
Lying triceps extension or skull crushers for 10 superset with dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with 10 weighted chin ups x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB rear delt raises x 3 sets
10 DB or KB heavy shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with underhand bent over rows for 10 x 3 sets
Seated Band or cable rows for 10 superset with band or cable face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Front squats: 1RM
DB unilateral lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 GHDs for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 1RM
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 1RM
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Plate raises for 10 superset with DB clean and press for 10 superset with DB rear deltoid raises for 10 x 3 sets
BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 1RM
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows for 10 each side superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with wide-grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week7,Week8,Week9,Week10″]

Week 7: Deload Week

Day 1

Back squat: 3 sets of 3 at 65%
BB walking lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
Weighted situps for as many reps as possible superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 3 x 3 at 65%
Military press: 3 x 3 at 65%
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB flies for 10 x 3 sets
Lying triceps extension for 10 superset with bench dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with 10 weighted chin ups x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 KB shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with DB bent over rows (pause at top) for 10 x 3 sets
Band rows for 10 superset with band face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

KB or DB front squats: 3 sets of 10
DB unilateral lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 GHDs for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 3 x 3 at 65%
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 3 sets of 3
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 5 x 3
DB clean and press for 10 superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 3 x 3 at 65%
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows (normal or side planks with a band row) for 10 each arm superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week6,Week7,Week8,Week9″]

Week 6

Day 1

Back squat: 3RM, then 90% for 3
BB walking lunges: 10 each leg superset with DB leg curls for 10 x 3 sets
Weighted situps for as many reps as possible superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 3RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
Military press: 3RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB around the worlds for 10 x 3 sets
Lying triceps extension for 10 superset with bench dips or regular dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with DB hammer curls for 10 superset with 10 weighted chin ups x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB rear delt raises x 3 sets
15 DB or KB heavy shrugs

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with underhand bent over rows for 10 x 3 sets
Seated Band or cable rows for 10 superset with band or cable face pulls for 10 superset with lat pulldowns for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Front squats: 3RM, then 90% for 3 x 3
DB unilateral lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 glute-hamstring raises for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 3RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible.
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 3RM, then 80% for as many as possible
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with DB flyes for 10 superset with clapping push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
DB front raises for 10 superset with DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB rear deltoid raises for 10 x 3 sets
Heavy BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 3RM, then 90% for 3 sets of 3
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows for 10 each side superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with wide-grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week5,Week6,Week7,Week8″]

Week 5

Day 1

Back squat: 3RM, then 90% for 3
DB walking lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
Weighted situps for as many reps as possible superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 3RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
Military press: 3RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB or cable flys for 10 x 3 sets
Lying triceps extension for 10 superset with bench dips or regular dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with DB hammer curls for 10 superset with 10 chin ups x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB delt raises superset with 10 DB or KB heavy shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with underhand BB bent over rows for 10 x 3 sets
Seated Band or cable rows for 10 superset with band or cable face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Front squats: 3RM, then 90% for 3 x 3
DB unilateral lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 glute-hamstring raises for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 3RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible.
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 3RM, then 80% for as many as possible
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with clapping push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
DB front raises for 10 superset with DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB rear deltoid raises for 10 x 3 sets
BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 3RM, then 90% for 3 sets of 3
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows for 10 each side superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with wide-grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week4,Week5,Week6,Week7″]

Week 4

Day 1

Back squat: 3RM, then 90% for 3
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
Weighted situps for as many reps as possible superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
Military press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
DB incline bench press for 10 superset with DB around-the-worlds for 10 x 3 sets
Lying DB triceps extension for 10 superset with dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB delt raises superset with 10 KB shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

Overhand BB bent over rows for 10 superset with underhand BB bent over rows for 10 x 3 sets
DB bent over rows (pause at top): 3 sets of 10
Band or cable rows for 10 superset with band or cable face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 10, go up in weight every set
BB lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 glute-hamstring raises for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible.
Wide grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% for as many as possible
DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Plate raises for 10 superset with DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB deltoid raises for 10 superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for 3 sets of 5
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows for 20 each side superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week3,Week4,Week5,Week6″]

Week 3

Day 1

Back squat: 5RM, then 90% for 5
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
20 situps superset with 5 pull-ups x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
Military press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
DB incline bench press for 10 superset with DB around-the-worlds for 10 x 3 sets
Lying DB triceps extension for 10 superset with dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3 sets
10 DB front raises superset with 10 DB lateral raises superset with 10 DB delt raises superset with 10 KB shrugs (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

Overhand BB bent over rows for 10 superset with underhand BB bent over rows for 10 x 3 sets
DB bent over rows (pause at top): 3 sets of 10
Band or cable rows for 10 superset with band or cable face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 10, go up in weight every set
BB lunges for 10 each leg superset with 10 glute-hamstring raises for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible.
Wide grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% for as many as possible
DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Plate raises for 10 superset with DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB deltoid raises for 10 superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for 3 sets of 5
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows for 20 each side superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week2,Week3,Week4,Week5″]

Week 2

Day 1

Back squat: 5RM, then 90% for 5
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with RDLs 10 x 3 sets
20 situps superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 2

Bench press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
Military press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
DB incline bench press for 10 superset with DB flys for 10 x 3 sets
DB behind the neck tricep extensions for 10 superset with bench dips for 10 x 3 sets
BB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3 sets
Tri-delts for 10 superset with KB shrugs for 10 (pause at top) x 3 sets

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with DB bent over rows (pause at top) for 10 x 3 sets
Band or cable rows for 10 superset with band or cable face pulls for 10 x 3 sets
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 10, go up in weight every set
DB lunges for 10 each leg superset with good mornings for 10 x 3 sets
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3 sets

Day 5

Incline bench press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible.
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% for as many as possible
DB bench press for 10 superset with weighted push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Plate raises for 10 superset with DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB deltoid raises for 10 superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for 3 sets of 5
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3 sets
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3 sets
Plank rows for 20 each side superset with band pull-aparts for 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3
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Week 1

Day 1

Back squat: 5RM, then 90% for 5
BB lunges: 10 each leg superset with BB good mornings 10 x 3 sets
20 situps superset with 20 lying leg raises superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3

Day 2

Bench press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
Military press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible
DB bench press for 10 superset with DB flys for 10 x 3
Rock and rollers for 10 superset with bench dips for 10 x 3
BB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
Tri-delts for 10 superset with KB shrugs for 10 (pause at top) x 3

Day 3

BB bent over rows for 10 superset with DB bent over rows (pause at top) for 10 x 3
Band rows for 10 superset with band face pulls for 10 x 3
Wide grip pull-ups for 5 (pause at top, lower slowly) superset with reverse hypers for 10 x 3

Day 4

Back squats: 5 sets of 10, go up in weight every set
DB lunges for 10 each leg superset with GHDs for 10 x 3
Farmer carries (semi-heavy) for 80 yards superset with 20 sit-ups superset with pull-ups for 5 x 3

Day 5

Incline bench press: 5RM, then 80% for as many reps as possible.
Snatch grip behind the neck presses: 5RM, then 80% for as many as possible
Incline DB bench press for 10 superset with push-ups for 10 x 3
Tricep pulldowns for 10 superset with skull crushers for 10 x 3
Incline DB curls for 10 superset with chin-ups for 10 x 3
DB lateral raises for 10 superset with DB front raises for 10 superset with DB rear delt flys for 10 superset with BB shrugs for 10 x 3 sets

Day 6

Deadlift: 5RM, then 90% for 3 sets of 5
Pendlay rows for 10 superset with RDLs for 10 x 3
Single arm DB rows for 10 superset with band rows for 10 x 3
Plank rows (normal or side planks with a band row) for 10 each arm superset with band pull-aparts 10 superset with pull-ups for 5 (pause at top and lower slowly) x 3