Bronze Level Powerlifting 4-Day Program
[memb_contact fields=”FirstName”]!Here’s the current week of your powerlifting program.
(If you have any questions about any of the details of this program, email
Week 49
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – Work up to Opener 2 x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance – Work up to Opener 1 x 1
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 10 seconds 5 RPE
Bench Press – Work to Opener
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows 2 sec pause at top 3 x 5
Day 3
Back Squat – MAX Squat
Bench Press – MAX Bench
Deadlift – MAX Deadlift
Day 4
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week48,Week49,Week50,Week51″]
Week 48
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 93% 2 x 1, 95% 1 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 78% 1 x 3 speed paused squats
Deadlift Competition Stance – 90% 1 x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) – 90% for 2 x 2
(60 sec rest between sets)
GHDs 4 x 5
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 10 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press – 93% 2 x 1, 95% 1 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 88% for 3-5 reps
Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of chains – 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows 2 sec pause at top 3 x 10
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmers) 3 x 40 Yd each way
Day 3
Back Squat – 90% 2 x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 80% for AMRAP
Max Effort Deadlift 2″ Deficit – 1RM
BB Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 25 sec each side
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shotv- 1RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 88% x 3, 93% x 2, 95% x 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Band Pushdowns 3 x 20 reps
Seated Rows 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week47,Week48,Week49,Week50″]
Week 47
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 93% 2 x 1, 95% 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 78% 2 x 3 2 sec speed pause squats
Deadlift Competition Stance – 85% 1 x 2, 90% 1 x 2, 93% 1 x 2, 95% 1 x 1, work up if feeling good
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) – 90% for 4 x 2
(60 sec rest between sets)
GHDs 4 x 5
BW Lunges 100m
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 10 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press – 93% 2 x 1, 95% 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 85% for max reps
Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of chains – 3RM, then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows 2 sec pause at top 3 x 10
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmers) 3 x 40 Yd each way
Day 3
Back Squat – 85% 1 x 2, 90% 1 x 2, 93% 1 x 2, 95% 1 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 83% for max reps
Max Effort Deadlift 4″ Blocks – 1RM, then -15% for 3
BB Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 20 sec each side
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shotv- 1RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 85% x 5, 90% x 3, 93% for AMRAP
Band Pushdowns 3 x 20 reps
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week46,Week47,Week48,Week49″]
Week 46
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 90% 2 x 1, 93% 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 75% 2 x 3 2 sec speed pause squats
Deadlift Competition Stance – 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% 2 x 1, 93% 2 x 1, work up if feeling good
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) – 90% for 3 x 2
(60 sec rest between sets)
GHDs 4 x 5
BW Lunges 100m
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 10 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press – 90% 2 x 1, 93% 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 83% for max reps
Closegrip Floor Presses with 75lb of chains – 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Chest Supported KB Bat Wing Rows 2 sec pause at top 3 x 10
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
KB Staggered Carries (OH and Farmers) 3 x 40 Yd each way
Day 3
Back Squat – 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% 2 x 1, 93% 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 80% for max reps
Max Effort Deadlift 4″ Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees 3 x 10
Side Planks with Rows 3 x 20 sec each side
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shotv- 1RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 85% x 3, 90% x 3, 90% for AMRAP
Band Pushdowns 3 x 20 reps
Preacher Curls 3 x 10
Seated Rows 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week45,Week46,Week47,Week48″]
Week 45
Day 1
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Deadlift – 70% 8 x 1 off floor (work up)
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) – 85% for 3 x 3
(60 sec rest between sets)
GHDs 3 x 8
BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (8 RPE) 3 x 8 each leg
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt -1RM paused 7 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press – 3RM (1 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Closegrip Floor Presses with 50lb of chains – 3RM, then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Rope Face Pulls (hand to ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum 4 x 5
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20yd forwards and backwards
Day 3
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
Max Effort Deadlift – 8″ Blocks 1RM, then -20% for 3
Farmers Walk 4 x 30 yd
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 5 each leg
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 45 sec ea side
Day 4
Bench Press – 5RM, then -15% for 5+
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -15% for 3+
Nosebreakers 6 x 8
OH Band or Cable Tricep Extensions 6 x 15
(30 sec between sets)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows ss DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 + 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week44,Week45,Week46,Week47″]
Week 44
Day 1
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -15% not paused for 3 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Deadlift – 70% 12 x 1 paused 2 sec at knee (work up <90%)
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) – 85% for 3 x 3
(60 sec rest between sets)
GHDs 3 x 8
BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (8 RPE) 3 x 8 each leg
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt -1RM paused 7 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press – 3RM (1 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 4 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Closegrip Floor Presses with 50lb of chains – 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Rope Face Pulls (hand to ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum 4 x 5
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20yd forwards and backwards
Day 3
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -15% for 4 x 5
Max Effort Deadlift – 8″ Blocks 3RM, then -10% for 3
Farmers Walk 4 x 30 yd
Unilateral RDLs 4 x 5 each leg
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 40 sec ea side
Day 4
Bench Press – 5RM, then -15% for 4 x 5
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Nosebreakers 6 x 8
OH Band or Cable Tricep Extensions 6 x 15
(30 sec between sets)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows ss DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 + 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week43,Week44,Week45,Week46″]
Week 43
Day 1
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -15% not paused for 3 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Deadlift – 70% 10 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ at knee & 2 sec at mid thigh (work up <88%)
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) – 85% for 3 x 3
(60 sec rest between sets)
GHDs 3 x 8
BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (8 RPE) 3 x 8 each leg
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt -1RM paused 7 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press – 3RM (3 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Closegrip Floor Presses with 50lb of chains – 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Rope Face Pulls (hand to ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum 4 x 5
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20yd forwards and backwards
Day 3
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -15% for 4 x 5
Max Effort Deadlift – 8″ Blocks 5RM, then -10% for 5
Farmers Walk 4 x 30 yd
Unilateral RDLs 4 x 5 each leg
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec ea side
Day 4
Bench Press – 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Nosebreakers 6 x 8
OH Band or Cable Tricep Extensions 6 x 15
(30 sec between sets)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows ss DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 + 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week42,Week43,Week44,Week45″]
Week 42
Day 1
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 3 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Deadlift – 70% 8 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ at knee & 2 sec at mid thigh (work up <85%)
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) – 85% for 3 x 3
(60 sec rest between sets)
GHDs 3 x 8
BB Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats (8 RPE) 3 x 8 each leg
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt -1RM paused 7 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press – 3RM (3 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 3 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Closegrip Floor Presses with 50lb of chains – 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Rope Face Pulls (hand to ears) 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum 4 x 5
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
DB Fat Grip OH Walks 3 x 20yd forwards and backwards
Day 3
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -15% for 3 x 5
Max Effort Deadlift – 8″ Blocks 5RM, then -10% for 5
Farmers Walk 4 x 30 yd
Unilateral RDLs 4 x 5 each leg
Plank with Lat Pull 3 x 30 sec ea side
Day 4
Bench Press – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (last set is 3+)
Nosebreakers 6 x 8
OH Band or Cable Tricep Extensions 6 x 15
(30 sec between sets)
DB Hammer Curls 3 x 10
Rows ss DB Rear Delt Flies 3 x 10 + 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week41,Week42,Week43,Week44″]
Week 41
Day 1
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for 5+
Deadlift – 70% 6 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor (work up <90%)
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) 80% for 5 x 3
(60 sec rest between sets)
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts 3 x 8
BB Lunges (8 RPE)3 x 10 ea leg
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press 5RM (1 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of chains – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
DB P. Cleans Seated 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum 3 x 10
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
Axle Bar OH Carries 3 x 20yd forwards and backwards
Day 3
Back Squat with Belt – 8RM, then -15% for 8
Deadlift w Alternate Stance – 1RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
Unilateral Farmer’s Carry 4 x 30 yd ea arm
Band Pull Throughs 3 x 15
BB Hyperextensions 3 x 10 7RPE
Day 4
Bench Press – 8RM, then -15% for 8
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5
DB Tricep Extensions 6 x 8
Band Pushdowns 6 x 15
(30 sec between sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows ss Band Pull-a-parts 3 x 10 + 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week40,Week41,Week42,Week43″]
Week 40
Day 1
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -15% for 5+ not paused
Deadlift – 70% 12 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <88%)
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) 80% for 5 x 3
(60 sec rest between sets)
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts 3 x 8
BB Lunges (8 RPE)3 x 10 ea leg
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press 5RM (3 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of chains – 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
DB P. Cleans Seated 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum 3 x 10
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
Axle Bar OH Carries 3 x 20yd forwards and backwards
Day 3
Back Squat with Belt – 8RM, then -15% for 4 x 8
Deadlift w Alternate Stance – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Unilateral Farmer’s Carry 4 x 30 yd ea arm
Band Pull Throughs 3 x 15
BB Hyperextensions 3 x 10 7RPE
Day 4
Bench Press – 8RM, then -15% for 4 x 8
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
DB Tricep Extensions 6 x 8
Band Pushdowns 6 x 15
(30 sec between sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows ss Band Pull-a-parts 3 x 10 + 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week39,Week40,Week41,Week42″]
Week 39
Day 1
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Deadlift – 70% 10 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <85%)
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) 80% for 5 x 3
(60 sec rest between sets)
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts 3 x 8
BB Lunges (8 RPE)3 x 10 ea leg
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press 5RM (5 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of chains – 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
DB P. Cleans Seated 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum 3 x 10
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
Axle Bar OH Carries 3 x 20yd forwards and backwards
Day 3
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Deadlift w Alternate Stance – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Unilateral Farmer’s Carry 4 x 30 yd ea arm
Band Pull Throughs 3 x 15
BB Hyperextensions 3 x 10 7RPE
Day 4
Bench Press – 10RM, then -15% for 3 x 10
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
DB Tricep Extensions 6 x 8
Band Pushdowns 6 x 15
(30 sec between sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows ss Band Pull-a-parts 3 x 10 + 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week38,Week39,Week40,Week41″]
Week 38
Day 1
Low Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Deadlift – 70% 8 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <83%)
Box Jumps (focus on height and strong landing at parallel) 80% for 5 x 3
(60 sec rest between sets)
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts 3 x 8
BB Lunges (8 RPE)3 x 10 ea leg
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7 RPE
Bench Press 5RM (5 sec pause each rep), then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Closegrip Floor Presses with 25lb of chains – 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
DB P. Cleans Seated 3 x 12
BB Rows Paused 2 sec on sternum 3 x 10
Core Muscular Imbalance 1
Axle Bar OH Carries 3 x 20yd forwards and backwards
Day 3
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Deadlift w Alternate Stance – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Unilateral Farmer’s Carry 4 x 30 yd ea arm
Band Pull Throughs 3 x 15
BB Hyperextensions 3 x 10 7RPE
Day 4
Bench Press – 10RM, then -15% for 2 x 10
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
DB Tricep Extensions 6 x 8
Band Pushdowns 6 x 15
(30 sec between sets)
Fat Bar Curls 3 x 10
Rows ss Band Pull-a-parts 3 x 10 + 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week37,Week38,Week39,Week40″]
Week 37
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – Work up to opener for 2 sets of 1
Deadlift Competition Stance – Work up to opener for 1 set of 1
BB Hip Ups for 3 x 10 superset with Band or Cable Pull Throughs for 3 x 10
Lunges Bodyweight – Off
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – Off
Bench Press – Opener
Closegrip Floor Presses – Off
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Fat Bar Curls – Off
Day 3
Back Squat – 80% for 2 x 1
Deadlift from 4″ Blocks – Off
Elevated 4 inches Suitcase Deadlifts – Off
Day 4
Back Squat – Max
Bench Press – Max
Deadlift – Max
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week36,Week37,Week38,Week39″]
Week 36
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 1 x 1, work up if feeling good, then speed paused squats for 78% for 1 x 3
Deadlift Competition Stance – 90% for 1 x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good
BB Hip Ups for 3 x 10 superset with Band or Cable Pull Throughs for 3 x 10
Lunges Bodyweight – Off
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – Off
Bench Press – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 1 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 88% for 3-5 reps
Closegrip Floor Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Fat Bar Curls – 3 x 10
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat (1st two reps 5 sec eccentric and paused 2 sec) – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Deadlift from 4″ Blocks – 1RM
Elevated 4 inches Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 5 ea arm
Day 4
Back Squat – 90% for 2 x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 80% for AMRAP
Bench Press – 90% for 2 x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 80% for AMRAP
DB Tricep Extensions – 4 sets of 8
GHDs – 3 x 8
Band Leg Curls – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week35,Week36,Week37,Week38″]
Week 35
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 2 sec speed pause squats for 78% for 2 x 3
Deadlift Competition Stance – 85% for 1 x 2, 90% for 1 x 2, 93% for 1 x 2, 95% for 1, work up if feeling good
BB Hip Ups for 3 x 10 superset with Band or Cable Pull Throughs for 3 x 10
Lunges Bodyweight – 225 total meters
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 85% for max reps
Closegrip Floor Presses – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (AMRAP last set)
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Fat Bar Curls – 3 x 10
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat (1st two reps 5 sec eccentric and paused 2 sec) – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Deadlift from 4″ Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Elevated 4 inches Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 5 ea arm
Day 4
Back Squat – 85% for 1 x 2, 90% for 1 x 2, 93% for 1 x 2, 95% for 1, work up if feeling good, then 83% for max reps
Bench Press – 85% for 1 x 2, 90% for 1 x 2, 93% for 1 x 2, 95% for 1, work up if feeling good, then 83% for max reps
DB Tricep Extensions – 4 sets of 8
GHDs – 3 x 8
Band Leg Curls – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week34,Week35,Week36,Week37″]
Week 34
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 2 sec speed pause squats for 75% for 2 x 3
Deadlift Competition Stance – 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good
BB Hip Ups for 3 x 10 superset with Band or Cable Pull Throughs for 3 x 10
Lunges Bodyweight – 200 total meters
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 83% for max reps
Closegrip Floor Presses – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 (AMRAP last set)
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Fat Bar Curls – 3 x 10
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat (1st two reps 5 sec eccentric and paused 2 sec) – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Deadlift from 4″ Blocks – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Elevated 4 inches Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 5 ea arm
Day 4
Back Squat – 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 80% for max reps
Bench Press – 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 80% for max reps
DB Tricep Extensions – 4 sets of 8
GHDs – 3 x 8
Band Leg Curls – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week33,Week34,Week35,Week36″]
Week 33
Day 1
Back Squat – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 and last set is 3+
Deadlift (Alt. Stance) – 75% (no bands or pauses) for 8 x 1 (work up RPE 9)
Axle Bar Unilateral RDLs – 3 x 5 ea leg
Lunges Bodyweight – 150 total meters
BB Rollouts – 3 x 10
Day 2
Front Squats – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -15% for 2 x 3
Bench Press – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -15% for 2 x 3
Closegrip Floor Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10
Fat Bar Curls – 3 x 10
Day 3
Back Squats – Take 90% of Day 1’s 3RM for 3 x 3
Deadlift from Blocks Bar 1″ Below knees – 1RM, then -15% for 3
Rear Leg Elevated Squats – 4 x 5 ea leg
Elevated BB Hip Ups w Band Around Knees for 3 x 10 superset with Band or Cable Pull Throughs – 3 x 10
Day 4
Back Squat with Belt
65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Bench Press
65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Goodmornings – 3 x 5, each week add 5-10 lb if all reps and sets were completed the previous week
DB Leg Curls – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week32,Week33,Week34,Week35″]
Week 32
Day 1
Back Squat – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 and last set is 3+
Deadlift with Mini Bands (Alt. Stance) – 60% + Bands – 12 x 1, paused 2 sec at knee (work up RPE 8-9)
Axle Bar Unilateral RDLs – 3 x 5 ea leg
Lunges Bodyweight – 200 total meters
BB Rollouts – 3 x 10
Day 2
Front Squats – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -15% for 2 x 3
Bench Press – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -15% for 2 x 3
Closegrip Floor Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10
Fat Bar Curls – 3 x 10
Day 3
Back Squats – Take 90% of Day 1’s 3RM for 3 x 3
Deadlift from Blocks Bar 1″ Below knees – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Rear Leg Elevated Squats – 4 x 5 ea leg
Elevated BB Hip Ups w Band Around Knees for 3 x 10 superset with Band or Cable Pull Throughs – 3 x 10
Day 4
Back Squat with Belt
65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Bench Press
65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Goodmornings – 3 x 5, each week add 5-10 lb if all reps and sets were completed the previous week
DB Leg Curls – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week31,Week32,Week33,Week34″]
Week 31
Day 1
Back Squat – 3RM with 1st rep paused 3 sec & then -10% for 2 x 3 (no pauses and last set 3+)
Deadlift with Mini Bands (Alt. Stance) – 60% + Bands – 10 x 1, paused 2 sec at knee (work up RPE 7-8)
Axle Bar Unilateral RDLs – 3 x 5 ea leg
Lunges Bodyweight – 175 total meters
BB Rollouts – 3 x 10
Day 2
Front Squats – 3RM, then -10% for 3 and then -15% for 3+
Bench Press – 3RM, then -10% for 3 and then -15% for 3+
Closegrip Floor Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10
Fat Bar Curls – 3 x 10
Day 3
Back Squats – 3 x 3 with 95% of 3RM from Day 1 with no pauses
Deadlift from Blocks Bar 1″ Below knees – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Rear Leg Elevated Squats – 4 x 5 ea leg
Elevated BB Hip Ups w Band Around Knees for 3 x 10 superset with Band or Cable Pull Throughs – 3 x 10
Day 4
Back Squat with Belt
65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Bench Press
65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Goodmornings – 3 x 5, each week add 5-10 lb if all reps and sets were completed the previous week
DB Leg Curls – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week30,Week31,Week32,Week33″]
Week 30
Day 1
Back Squat – 3RM with 1st rep paused 3 sec & then -10% for 2 x 3 (no pauses and last set 3+)
Deadlift with Mini Bands (Alt. Stance) – 60% + Bands – 8 x 1, paused 2 sec at knee (work up RPE 7)
Axle Bar Unilateral RDLs – 3 x 5 ea leg
Lunges Bodyweight – 150 total meters
BB Rollouts – 3 x 10
Day 2
Front Squats – 3RM, then -10% for 3 and then -15% for 3+
Bench Press – 3RM, then -10% for 3 and then -15% for 3+
Closegrip Floor Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10
Fat Bar Curls – 3 x 10
Day 3
Back Squats – 3 x 3 with 95% of 3RM from Day 1 with no pauses
Deadlift from Blocks Bar 1″ Below knees – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Rear Leg Elevated Squats – 4 x 5 ea leg
Elevated BB Hip Ups w Band Around Knees for 3 x 10 superset with Band or Cable Pull Throughs – 3 x 10
Day 4
Back Squat with Belt
65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Bench Press
65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Goodmornings – 3 x 5, starting with 33% of Back Squat
DB Leg Curls – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week29,Week30,Week31,Week32″]
Week 29
Day 1
Back Squat – 3RM with 1st rep paused 3 sec & then -10% for 2 x 3 (no pauses and last set 3+)
Deadlift – 70% for 6 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <90%)
Axle Bar Unilateral RDLs – 3 x 8 ea leg
Lunges Bodyweight – 100 total meters
Barebell Rollouts – 3 x 10
Day 2
Front Squat – 3RM, then -10% for 3 and then -15% for 3+
Bench Press – 3RM with 1st rep paused 3 sec & then -10% for 2 x 3 (no pauses and last set 3+)
Closegrip Floor Presses -8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Plate Raises – 3 x 10
Day 3
Back Squat – 3 x 3 using 95% of 3RM weight from Day 1 (no pauses)
Deadlift with Alternate Stance – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Rear Leg Elevated Squats – 3 x 8 ea leg
Elevated BB Hip Ups for 3 x 10 supersetted with Band or Cable Pull Throughs for 3 x 10
Day 4
Back Squat with Belt – 8RM, then -10% for 8 and then -15% for 8+
Bench Press – 8RM, then -10% for 8 and then -15% for 8+
Kang Squats – 4 x 8, add 5-10 lb to start per week if form is perfect
Band Leg Curls – 3 x 15
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week28,Week29,Week30,Week31″]
Week 28
Day 1
Back Squat – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (if completed all reps from last week, add 5-10 lb)
Deadlift – 70% for 12 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <88%)
Axle Bar Unilateral RDLs – 3 x 8 ea leg
Lunges Bodyweight – 150 total meters
Barebell Rollouts – 3 x 10
Day 2
Front Squat – 5RM, then -10% for 5 and then -15% for 5+
Bench Press – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (if completed all reps from last week, add 5-10 lb)
Closegrip Floor Presses – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Plate Raises – 3 x 10
Day 3
Back Squat – 3 x 5 using 95% of weight from Day 1
Deadlift with Alternate Stance – Pull to knee, lower w 3 sec eccentric, & full rep – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Squats – 3 x 8 ea leg
Elevated BB Hip Ups for 3 x 10 supersetted with Band or Cable Pull Throughs for 3 x 10
Day 4
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Bench Press – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Kang Squats – 4 x 8, add 5-10 lb to start per week if form is perfect
Band Leg Curls – 3 x 15
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week27,Week28,Week29,Week30″]
Week 27
Day 1
Back Squat – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (if completed all reps from last week, add 5-10 lb)
Deadlift – 70% for 10 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <85%)
Axle Bar Unilateral RDLs – 3 x 8 ea leg
Lunges Bodyweight – 125 total meters
Barebell Rollouts – 3 x 10
Day 2
Front Squat – 5RM, then -10% for 5 and then -15% for 5+
Bench Press – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (if completed all reps from last week, add 5-10 lb)
Closegrip Floor Presses – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Plate Raises – 3 x 10
Day 3
Back Squat – 3 x 5 using 95% of weight from Day 1
Deadlift with Alternate Stance – Pull to knee, lower w 3 sec eccentric, & full rep – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Squats – 3 x 8 ea leg
Elevated BB Hip Ups for 3 x 10 supersetted with Band or Cable Pull Throughs for 3 x 10
Day 4
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Bench Press – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Kang Squats – 4 x 8, add 5-10 lb to start per week if form is perfect
Band Leg Curls – 3 x 15
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week26,Week27,Week28,Week29″]
Week 26
Day 1
Back Squat – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (start with 75% of 1RM and then progress)
Deadlift – 70% for 8 x 1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <83%)
Axle Bar Unilateral RDLs – 3 x 8 ea leg
Lunges Bodyweight – 100 total meters
Barebell Rollouts – 3 x 10
Day 2
Front Squat – 5RM, then -10% for 5 and then -15% for 5+
Bench Press – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (start with 75% of 1RM)
Closegrip Floor Presses – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Rows (BB Bentover, T Bar, or Seated) – 3 x 10
Plate Raises – 3 x 10
Day 3
Back Squat – 3 x 5 using 95% of weight from Day 1
Deadlift with Alternate Stance – Pull to knee, lower w 3 sec eccentric, & full rep – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Rear Leg Elevated Squats – 3 x 8 ea leg
Elevated BB Hip Ups for 3 x 10 supersetted with Band or Cable Pull Throughs for 3 x 10
Day 4
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Bench Press – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Kang Squats – 4 x 8 starting with 28% of Back Squat
Band Leg Curls – 3 x 15
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week25,Week26,Week27,Week28″]
Week 25: Testing
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – Work up to 85% for 2 x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance – Work up to 85% for 2 x 1
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – Off
Conditioning: Off
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – Off
Bench Press – Work up to 85% for 2 x 1
Floor Presses – Off
DB Power Cleans 3 x 10 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Testing
Max Squat
Max Bench
Max Deadlift
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week24,Week25,Week26,Week27″]
Week 24
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – Work up to Opener 2 x 1
Deadlift Competition Stance – Work up to Opener 2 x 1
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: Off
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – Off
Bench Press – Opener
Floor Presses – Off
DB Power Cleans 3 x 10 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3
Back Squat – 93% for 1 x 2, 95% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 83% for AMRAP
Deadlift Max Effort off 4″ Blocks – 1RM, then -15% for 3
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot – 90% of 3RM for 3
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 83% for 5, 88% x 3, 90% for AMRAP
Fat Bar Curls superset with Nosebreakers – 2 sets of 8 each
Seated Rows – 4 x 10
DB Swinging Rows – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week23,Week24,Week25,Week26″]
Week 23
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 1, work up if feeling good, then 78% for 1 x 3 (speed paused squats)
Deadlift Competition Stance – 90% for 1 x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: Off
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – Off
Bench Press – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 1, work up if feeling good, then 88% for 3-5 reps
Floor Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
DB Power Cleans 3 x 10 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3
Back Squat – 90% for 2 x 2, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 80% for AMRAP
Deadlift Max Effort off 4″ Blocks – 1RM, then -10% for 3
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot – 1RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 88% x 3, 93% x 2, 95% for 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Fat Bar Curls superset with Nosebreakers – 4 sets of 8 each
Seated Rows – 4 x 10
DB Swinging Rows – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week22,Week23,Week24,Week25″]
Week 22
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 78% for 2 x 3 (2 sec speed pause squats)
Deadlift Competition Stance – 85% for 1 x 2, 90% for 1 x 2, 93% for 1 x 2, 95% for 1, work up if feeling good
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 300M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 85% for max reps
Floor Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3 (AMRAP last set)
DB Power Cleans 3 x 10 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3
Back Squat – 85% for 1 x 2, 90% for 1 x 2, 93% for 1 x 2, 95% for 1, work up if feeling good, then 83% for max reps
Deadlift Max Effort off 4″ Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 5
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot – 1RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 85% for 5, 90% x 3, 93% for AMRAP
Fat Bar Curls superset with Nosebreakers – 4 sets of 8 each
Seated Rows – 4 x 10
DB Swinging Rows – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week21,Week22,Week23,Week24″]
Week 21
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 75% for 2 x 3 (2 sec speed pause squats)
Deadlift Competition Stance – 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 300M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 83% for max reps
Floor Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3 (AMRAP last set)
DB Power Cleans 3 x 10 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3
Back Squat – 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% for 2 x 1, 93% for 2 x 1, work up if feeling good, then 80% for max reps
Deadlift Max Effort off 4″ Blocks – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot – 1RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 85% for 3, 90% x 3, 90% for AMRAP
Fat Bar Curls superset with Nosebreakers – 4 sets of 8 each
Seated Rows – 4 x 10
DB Swinging Rows – 3 x 10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week20,Week21,Week22,Week23″]
Week 20
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 88% for AMRAP
Deadlift Competition Stance – 3RM
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 250M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 3 seconds
Bench Press – 93% for 2 x 1, 95% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 88% for AMRAP
Floor Presses – 3 x 5
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 8 superset with Plater Rear Delt Flies 3 x 8 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 90% of 3RM for 3
Deadlift Max Effort off 8″ Blocks – 1RM, then -15% for 3
Wide Goodmornings – 4 x 6
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot – 3RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 83% for 5, 88% x 3, 90% for AMRAP
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Chest to Bar Pullups 3-4 sets of submaximal reps superset with Dips 3-4 sets of submaximal reps superset with KB Hight Pulls 3-4 sets of 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week19,Week20,Week21,Week22″]
Week 19
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 90% for 3 x 1, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 85% for AMRAP
Deadlift Competition Stance – 3RM (each rep paused 3 sec 2″ below knee), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 250M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 90% for 3 x 1, 93% x 1, work up if feeling good, then 85% for AMRAP
Floor Presses – 5 x 5
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 8 superset with Plater Rear Delt Flies 3 x 8 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Deadlift Max Effort off 8″ Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Wide Goodmornings – 4 x 6
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot – 3RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 88% x 3, 93% x 2, 95% for 1, max, then 85% for AMRAP
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Chest to Bar Pullups 3-4 sets of submaximal reps superset with Dips 3-4 sets of submaximal reps superset with KB Hight Pulls 3-4 sets of 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week18,Week19,Week20,Week21″]
Week 18
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Deadlift Competition Stance – 3RM (each rep paused 3 sec 2″ below knee), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 250M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Floor Presses – 5 x 5
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 8 superset with Plater Rear Delt Flies 3 x 8 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% (not paused) for 2 x 3 (last set as many as possible but don’t miss)
Deadlift Max Effort off 8″ Blocks – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Wide Goodmornings – 4 x 6
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot – 3RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 85% for 5, 90% x 3, 93% for AMRAP
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Chest to Bar Pullups 3-4 sets of submaximal reps superset with Dips 3-4 sets of submaximal reps superset with KB Hight Pulls 3-4 sets of 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week17,Week18,Week19,Week20″]
Week 17
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Deadlift Competition Stance – 3RM (each rep paused 3 sec 2″ below knee), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 250M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Floor Presses – 5 x 5
Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 8 superset with Plater Rear Delt Flies 3 x 8 superset with T-Bar Rows 3 x 8
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% (not paused) for 2 x 3 (last set as many as possible but don’t miss)
Deadlift Max Effort off 8″ Blocks – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Wide Goodmornings – Start at 40% for Back Squat, 4 x 6 (work up slowly)
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Max Effort Bench Press Sling Shot – 3RM
Bench Press no Sling Shot Competition Grip – 83% for 5, 88% x 3, 90% for AMRAP
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Chest to Bar Pullups 3-4 sets of submaximal reps superset with Dips 3-4 sets of submaximal reps superset with KB Hight Pulls 3-4 sets of 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week16,Week17,Week18,Week19″]
Week 16
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 8RM, then -15% for 8
Kang Squats – 4 x 6
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 3 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 8RM, then -15% for 2 x 8
Floor Presses – 3 x 8
Plate Raises 3 x 8 superset with Bentover Rows 3 x 8
OH Axle Carries – when you carry 3 sets of 45 seconds unbroken, move up in weight
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (no pause), then -10% for as many as possible but don’t miss
Deadlift Opposite Stance – 5RM (no pause)
GHDs – 4 x 8
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Closegrip Bench – 5RM, then -10% for as many reps as possible
DB Tricep Extension – 30-60 sec rest between sets for 6 x 8
Seated Rows – 4 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans – 3 x 8
Pull-Ups – 3 x submaximal reps
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week15,Week16,Week17,Week18″]
Week 15
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
Kang Squats – 4 x 6
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 3 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
Floor Presses – 4 x 8
Plate Raises 3 x 8 superset with Bentover Rows 3 x 8
OH Axle Carries – when you carry 3 sets of 45 seconds unbroken, move up in weight
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 1 seconds), then -10% not paused for as many as possible but don’t miss
Deadlift Opposite Stance – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec 2 inches off the floor), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
GHDs – 4 x 8
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Closegrip Bench – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
DB Tricep Extension – 30-60 sec rest between sets for 6 x 8
Seated Rows – 4 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans – 3 x 8
Pull-Ups – 3 x submaximal reps
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week14,Week15,Week16,Week17″]
Week 14
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Kang Squats – 4 x 6
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Floor Presses – 4 x 8
Plate Raises 3 x 8 superset with Bentover Rows 3 x 8
OH Axle Carries – when you carry 3 sets of 45 seconds unbroken, move up in weight
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds), then -10% for 3 x 5 (not paused)(last set do as many as possible but don’t miss)
Deadlift Opposite Stance – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec 2 inches off the floor), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
GHDs – 4 x 8
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Closegrip Bench – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
DB Tricep Extension – 30-60 sec rest between sets for 6 x 8
Seated Rows – 4 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans – 3 x 8
Pull-Ups – 3 x submaximal reps
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week13,Week14,Week15,Week16″]
Week 13
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Kang Squats – Start at 35% for Back Squat, 4 x 6
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Bench Press – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Floor Presses – 4 x 8
Plate Raises 3 x 8 superset with Bentover Rows 3 x 8
OH Axle Carries – when you carry 3 sets of 45 seconds unbroken, move up in weight
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds), then -10% for 2 x 5 (not paused)(last set do as many as possible but don’t miss)
Deadlift Opposite Stance – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec 2 inches off the floor), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
GHDs – 4 x 8
Pull Throughs – 4 x 10
Day 4
Closegrip Bench – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5 (last set is AMRAP)
DB Tricep Extension – 30-60 sec rest between sets for 6 x 8
Seated Rows – 4 x 10
Seated DB Power Cleans – 3 x 8
Pull-Ups – 3 x submaximal reps
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week12,Week13,Week14,Week15″]
Week 12
Day 1
Back Squat with no Belt – Work up to 90% for 1
Bench Press with Competition Grip and Pause – Work up to 85% of max for 1 rep
Kang Squats – None
Lunges (bodyweight of add light weight) – None
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – None
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Incline Bench Work – None
Seated DB Clean and Press for 15 superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
Bentover, T-bar, or Seated Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – Work up to 85% for 1
Bench Press (all reps paused) – Start at 65% for 6 sets of 3, work up but no misses
Deadlift EMOMs – 70%, 5 x 1, work up heavy but not past 85%
Floor Presses for 8 superset with DB Hammer Curls for 8 x 4 sets
Lunges (bodyweight or add light weight) – None
Day 4: Testing Day
Max Squat
Max Bench
Max Deadlift
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week11,Week12,Week13,Week14″]
Week 11
Day 1
Back Squat with no Belt – 1RM, then -20% for 4 x 3
Bench Press with Competition Grip and Pause – 1RM, then -20% for 4 x 3
Kang Squats – 4 x 5 reps (start with 40% of Back Squat and work up)
Lunges (bodyweight of add light weight) – None
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, change grips each set for 5-8 reps superset with Band or Cable Face Pulls for 15 x 4 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec)
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3 sets
Seated DB Clean and Press for 15 superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
Bentover, T-bar, or Seated Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 4 x 3 not paused
Bench Press (all reps paused, add doubled mini-bands) – Start at 50% and work up heavy but no misses – 12 sets of 3 reps
Deadlift EMOMs – 70%, 12 x 1, work up heavy but no misses
Floor Presses for 8 superset with DB Hammer Curls for 8 x 4 sets
Lunges (bodyweight or add light weight) – None
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat with 25lb of weight releasers per side – 1RM
Closegrip Bench – 3RM, then -10% for 3
1 Board Bench – 3RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 1RM from 2 inch deficit
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Lunges (bodyweight or add light weight) – None
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week10,Week11,Week12,Week13″]
Week 10
Day 1
Back Squat with no Belt – 1RM, then -20% for 3 x 3
Bench Press with Competition Grip and Pause – 1RM, then -20% for 3 x 3
Kang Squats – 3 x 8 reps (start with 40% of Back Squat and work up)
Lunges (bodyweight of add light weight) – 400m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, change grips each set for 5-8 reps superset with Band or Cable Face Pulls for 15 x 4 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3 sets
Seated DB Clean and Press for 15 superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
Bentover, T-bar, or Seated Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 3 x 3 not paused
Bench Press (all reps paused, add doubled mini-bands) – Start at 50% and work up heavy but no misses – 10 sets of 3 reps
Deadlift EMOMs – 70%, 10 x 1, work up heavy but no misses
Floor Presses for 8 superset with DB Hammer Curls for 8 x 4 sets
200M of Lunges (bodyweight or add light weight)
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat with 25lb of weight releasers per side, then -20% for 2 sets of 3 with bar weight
Closegrip Bench – 3RM, then -10% for 3
1 Board Bench – 5RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 1RM from 2 inch blocks
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
400M of Lunges (bodyweight or add light weight)
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week9,Week10,Week11,Week12″]
Week 9
Day 1
Back Squat with no Belt – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Bench Press with Competition Grip and Pause – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Kang Squats – 3 x 8 reps (start with 40% of Back Squat and work up)
Lunges (bodyweight of add light weight) – 400m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, change grips each set for 5-8 reps superset with Band or Cable Face Pulls for 15 x 4 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 5 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3 sets
Seated DB Clean and Press for 15 superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
Bentover, T-bar, or Seated Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 5 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Bench Press (all reps paused, add doubled mini-bands) – Start at 50% and work up heavy but no misses – 8 sets of 3 reps
Deadlift EMOMs – 70%, 8 x 1, work up heavy but not past 90%
Floor Presses for 8 superset with DB Hammer Curls for 8 x 4 sets
400M of Lunges (bodyweight or add light weight)
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat with 25lb of weight releasers per side, then -20% for 3 with bar weight
Closegrip Bench – 3RM, then -10% for 3
1 Board Bench – 5RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 3RM from 2 inch blocks
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
400M of Lunges (bodyweight or add light weight)
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week8,Week9,Week10,Week11″]
Week 8
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (no pause), then -10% for 2 x 3
Bench Press – 3RM (no pause), then -10% for 2 x 3
RDLs from 2 inch deficit – 3 x 8 reps
Lunges (bodyweight of add light weight) – 400m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, Close Pronated for 5-8 reps superset with KB Upright Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Incline Bench Work – None
BB Behind L-Sits/10 superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
Seated DB Power Cleans for 10 superset with Bentover, T-bar, or Seated Rows for 15 x 3 sets
Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 5-8 reps each side (start out light)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (no pause)
Bench Press (add 25lb of Chain) with 60 sec rest – Start at 60% and work up heavy but no misses – 6 sets of 3 reps
Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec at Knee – 70%, 5 x 1, work up heavy but not past 85%
Lying Curl Bar Tricep Ext for 10 superset with Fat Bar Curls for 10 x 4
Band Pushdowns for 20 ss DB Hammer Curls for 10 x 4
400M of Lunges
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 40lb – 60lb of Bands
Closegrip Bench – 5RM
1 Board Bench – 1RM, then -20% for 3
Deadlift Max Effort – 1RM from 6 inch blocks
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Pull-Ups Supinated for 5-10 (use weight if necessary) superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 (with 1 sec pause at top) x 4 sets
400M of Lunges
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week7,Week8,Week9,Week10″]
Week 7
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 4 x 3 not paused
Bench Press – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 4 x 3 not paused
RDLs from 2 inch deficit – 3 x 8 reps
Lunges (bodyweight of add light weight) – 400m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, Close Pronated for 5-8 reps superset with KB Upright Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3 sets
BB Behind L-Sits/10 superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
Seated DB Power Cleans for 10 superset with Bentover, T-bar, or Seated Rows for 15 x 3 sets
Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 5-8 reps each side (start out light)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Bench Press (add 25lb of Chain) with 60 sec rest – Start at 60% and work up heavy – 8 sets of 3 reps, then single up heavy with no misses, then drop chains and max
Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec at Knee – 70%, 10 x 1, work up heavy
Lying Curl Bar Tricep Ext for 10 superset with Fat Bar Curls for 10 x 4
Band Pushdowns for 20 ss DB Hammer Curls for 10 x 4
400M of Lunges
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 40lb – 60lb of Bands, then take off bands and max
Closegrip Bench – 5RM, then -10% for 5
1 Board Bench – 3RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 3RM from 6 inch blocks
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Pull-Ups Supinated for 5-10 (use weight if necessary) superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 (with 1 sec pause at top) x 4 sets
400M of Lunges
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week6,Week7,Week8,Week9″]
Week 6
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 3 x 3 not paused
Bench Press – 3RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 3 x 3 not paused
RDLs from 2 inch deficit – 3 x 8 reps
Lunges (bodyweight of add light weight) – 400m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, Close Pronated for 5-8 reps superset with KB Upright Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3 sets
BB Behind L-Sits/10 superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
Seated DB Power Cleans for 10 superset with Bentover, T-bar, or Seated Rows for 15 x 3 sets
Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 5-8 reps each side (start out light)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Bench Press (add 25lb of Chain) with 60 sec rest – Start at 60% and work up heavy – 7 sets of 3 reps, then 3 sets of 2, then 2 sets of 1
Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec at Knee – 70%, 8 x 1, work up heavy but no misses
Lying Curl Bar Tricep Ext for 10 superset with Fat Bar Curls for 10 x 4
Band Pushdowns for 20 ss DB Hammer Curls for 10 x 4
400M of Lunges
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 40lb – 60lb of Bands, then take off bands and max
Closegrip Bench – 5RM, then -10% for 5
1 Board Bench – 5RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 5RM from 6 inch blocks
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Pull-Ups Supinated for 5-10 (use weight if necessary) superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 (with 1 sec pause at top) x 4 sets
400M of Lunges
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week5,Week6,Week7,Week8″]
Week 5
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Bench Press – 3RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
RDLs from 2 inch deficit – 3 x 8 reps
Lunges (bodyweight of add light weight) – 400m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, Close Pronated for 5-8 reps superset with KB Upright Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3 sets
BB Behind L-Sits/10 superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
Seated DB Power Cleans for 10 superset with Bentover, T-bar, or Seated Rows for 15 x 3 sets
Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 5-8 reps each side (start out light)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Bench Press (add 25lb of Chain) with 60 sec rest – Start at 60% and work up heavy but no misses – 6 sets of 3 reps, then 2 sets of 2, then 2 sets of 1
Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec at Knee – 70%, 6 x 1, work up heavy but not past 90%
Lying Curl Bar Tricep Ext for 10 superset with Fat Bar Curls for 10 x 4
Band Pushdowns for 20 ss DB Hammer Curls for 10 x 4
400M of Lunges
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 40lb – 60lb of Bands (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Closegrip Bench – 5RM, then -10% for 5
1 Board Bench – 5RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 5RM from 6 inch blocks
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Pull-Ups Supinated for 5-10 (use weight if necessary) superset with KB Bat Wing Rows for 10 (with 1 sec pause at top) x 4 sets
400M of Lunges
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week4,Week5,Week6,Week7″]
Week 4
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (no pause), then -10% for 2 x 5
Bench Press – 5RM (no pause), then -10% for 2 x 5
Wide Goodmornings – 3 x 8 reps
Lunges – 200m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, Close Pronated for 5-8 reps superset with KB Upright Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM
Incline Bench Work – None
DB/KB L-Sits/8 ea arm superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
DB Power Cleans for 10 superset with Bentover Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 45 sec ea hand x 3 sets (if all sets are completed unbroken, increase weight the following week)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec)
Bench Press with 60 sec rest – Start at 60% for 6 sets of 3 reps, working up heavy but no misses
Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Floor – 70%, 6 x 1, work up heavy but not past 85%
DB Tricep Ext for 10 superset with Fat Bar Curls for 10 x 4
Overhead Tricep Ext for 10 ss Incline Curls for 10 x 4
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat without Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain (not paused)
Closegrip Bench – 8RM
2 Board Bench – 1RM., then -20% for 3
Deadlift Max Effort – 3RM from Blocks with Bar at Knees
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Pull-Ups Supinated for 5-10 (use weight if necessary) superset with One Arm Rows for 10 (with 1 sec pause at top) x 4 sets
400M of Lunges
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week3,Week4,Week5,Week6″]
Week 3
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 4 x 5 not paused
Bench Press – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 4 x 5 not paused
Wide Goodmornings – 3 x 8 reps
Lunges – 200m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, Close Pronated for 5-8 reps superset with KB Upright Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3 sets
DB/KB L-Sits/8 ea arm superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
DB Power Cleans for 10 superset with Bentover Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 45 sec ea hand x 3 sets (if all sets are completed unbroken, increase weight the following week)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Bench Press with 60 sec rest – Start at 60% for 12 sets of 3 reps, working up heavy but no misses
Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Floor – 70%, 10 x 1, work up heavy but no misses
DB Tricep Ext for 10 superset with Fat Bar Curls for 10 x 4
Overhead Tricep Ext for 10 ss Incline Curls for 10 x 4
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat without Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Closegrip Bench – 8RM
2 Board Bench – 3RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 3RM from Blocks with Bar at Knees
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Pull-Ups Supinated for 5-10 (use weight if necessary) superset with One Arm Rows for 10 (with 1 sec pause at top) x 4 sets
400M of Lunges
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week2,Week3,Week4,Week5″]
Week 2
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 3 x 5 not paused
Bench Press – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 3 x 5 not paused
Wide Goodmornings – 3 x 8 reps
Lunges – 200m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, Close Pronated for 5-8 reps superset with KB Upright Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3 sets
DB/KB L-Sits/8 ea arm superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
DB Power Cleans for 10 superset with Bentover Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 45 sec ea hand x 3 sets (if all sets are completed unbroken, increase weight the following week)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Bench Press with 60 sec rest – Start at 60% for 10 sets of 3 reps, working up heavy but no misses
Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Floor – 70%, 8 x 1, work up heavy but no misses
DB Tricep Ext for 10 superset with Fat Bar Curls for 10 x 4
Overhead Tricep Ext for 10 ss Incline Curls for 10 x 4
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat without Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2×3 not paused
Closegrip Bench – 10RM
2 Board Bench – 5RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 5RM from Blocks with Bar at Knees
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Pull-Ups Supinated for 5-10 (use weight if necessary) superset with One Arm Rows for 10 (with 1 sec pause at top) x 4 sets
400M of Lunges
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week1,Week2,Week3,Week4″]
Week 1
Day 1
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Bench Press – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Wide Goodmornings – 3 x 8 reps
Lunges – 200m
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work – Pull-Ups, Close Pronated for 5-8 reps superset KB Upright Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Incline Bench Work – 65/95lb for 10 Close, 10 Med, 10 Wide (without resting) x 3
DB/KB L-Sits/8 ea arm superset with Pull-Ups Wide Pronated for 5-8 x 3 sets
DB P. Cleans for 10 superset with Bentover Rows for 10 x 3 sets
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 45 sec ea hand x 3 sets (if all sets are completed unbroken, increase weight the following week)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Bench Press with 60 sec rest – Start at 60% for 8 sets of 3 reps, working up heavy but no misses
Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Floor – 70%, 6 x 1, work up but not past 90%
DB Tricep Ext for 10 superset with Fat Bar Curls for 10 x 4
Overhead Tricep Ext for 10 ss Incline Curls for 10 x 4
Day 4
Low or High Bar Back Squat without Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2×3 not paused
Closegrip Bench – 10RM
2 Board Bench – 5RM
Deadlift Max Effort – 5RM from Blocks with Bar at Knees
GHDs – 8-10 reps for 3-5 sets
Pull-Ups Supinated for 5-10 (use weight if necessary) superset with One Arm Rows for 10 (with 1 sec pause at top) x 4 sets
400M of Lunges