Bronze Level Powerlifting Barbell-Only 5-Day Program

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Here’s the current week of your powerlifting barbell-only program.
Equipment Necessary
1 Back Pack or Weighted Vest
Barbell, Squat Rack, Plates, KB/DBs
(If you have any questions about any of the details of this program, email

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Week 84

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM RPE9.5, then -20% for 3×1 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 4x8  superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 4×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM RPE9.5, then -20% for 3×1 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 4x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9.5 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  5×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 5×3
Zercher Lunges RPE9 – 4×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 4x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 4x10ea
Deadlift – 1RM (control to the ground) RPE9.5
Nordic Curls – 4×5-8
Plank Hold – 4x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 4×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
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Week 83

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3  superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 3x8  superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 3×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 3x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 3×5 each leg RPE7 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  3×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 3×3
Zercher Lunges RPE7 – 3×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 3x10ea side at RPE7
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 3x10ea
Deadlift – 75% of last week’s 1RM (control to the ground) for 3×3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Shrimp Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 3×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
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Week 82

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM RPE9, then -20% for 3×1 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 4x8  superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 4×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM RPE9, then -20% for 3×1 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 4x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9.5 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  5×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 5×3
Zercher Lunges RPE9 – 4×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 4x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 4x10ea
Deadlift – 1RM (control to the ground) RPE9.5
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 4×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
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Week 81

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×2 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 3x8  superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 3×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 3x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×2 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 3×5 each leg at RPE7 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  3×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 3×3
Zercher Lunges RPE7 – 3×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 3x10ea side at RPE7
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 3x10ea
Deadlift – 80% of last week for 2×2
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Shrimp Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 3×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
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Week 80

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 1 second) RPE9, then -20% for 3×1 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 4x8  superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 4×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 1 second) RPE9, then -20% for 3×1 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 4x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  5×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 5×3
Zercher Lunges RPE9 – 4×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 4x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 4x10ea
Deadlift – 1RM (control to the ground) RPE9
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 4×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
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Week 79

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of last week’s for 3×3 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 3x8 with original weight superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 3×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 3x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 3×5 each leg at RPE7  superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  3×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 3×3
Zercher Lunges RPE7 – 3×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 3x10ea side at RPE7
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 3x10ea
Deadlift – 80% of last week’s 2RM (eccentric slower than concentric) for 2×2
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 2’s for 3×3
Shrimp Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 3×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
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Week 78

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -15% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 4x8 ending heavier than last week superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 4×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -15% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 4x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  5×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 5×3
Zercher Lunges RPE8 – 4×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 4x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 4x10ea
Deadlift – 2RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 2
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 4×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
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Week 77

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -15% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats3×8 starting at 25% of Back Squat ending at RPE7-8 superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 3×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -15% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 4×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  4×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 4×3
Zercher Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 3x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 3x10ea
Deadlift – 2RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 2
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 2x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 3×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week76, Week77, Week78, Week79″]

Week 76

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Snatch Grip Deadlift w 5 sec eccentric5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Seated Band Leg Curls – 4×12 *slow eccentrics superset with Lateral Lunges – 4×10 ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal comp grip) *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 10×5 at 70%
Strict Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows – 5x submaximal reps switch grips ea set weakest to strongest
Upright Rows– 5×10
Bench Dips -5x submaximal
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats stay at a 7RPE – 5x15ea leg
Wide Goodmorning stay at a 7-8RPE4×8 building slowly from last week
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 at 68%
Push-ups – 5x submaximal
Bentover Barbell Rows5×10 at 68%
Nordic Curls – 4×5-8
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Front Squat with Belt3 sets: (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 8) *can increase each set if able
RDLs – 4×8 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Suitcase Deadlifts – 4×8 ea side RPE9
Reverse Lunge with front foot elevated – 3×10 ea leg superset with Weighted Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week75, Week76, Week77, Week78″]

Week 75

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom– 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 same tempo
Snatch Grip Deadlift w 5 sec eccentric – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5 
Seated Band Leg Curls – 3×12 *slow eccentrics superset with Lateral Lunges – 3×10 ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal comp grip) *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 10×3 at 70%
Strict Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal reps switch grips ea set weakest to strongest
Upright Rows– 3×10
Bench Dips -3x submaximal
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats stay at a 7RPE – 3x15ea leg
Wide Goodmorning stay at a 7-8RPE – 3x8 at last week’s weight
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3x10 at 60%
Push-ups – 3x submaximal
Bentover Barbell Rows – 3x10 at 60%
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Front Squat with Belt3 sets: (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 8) *do not increase
RDLs – 3×8 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Suitcase Deadlifts – 3×8 ea side RPE8
Reverse Lunge with front foot elevated – 3×10 ea leg superset with Weighted Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk


[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week74, Week75, Week76, Week77″]

Week 74

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Snatch Grip Deadlift w 5 sec eccentric5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Seated Band Leg Curls – 4×12 *slow eccentrics superset with Lateral Lunges – 4×10 ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal comp grip) *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 10×4 at 75%
Strict Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows – 5x submaximal reps switch grips ea set weakest to strongest
Upright Rows– 5×10
Bench Dips -5x submaximal
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats stay at a 7RPE – 5x15ea leg
Wide Goodmorning stay at a 7-8RPE4×8 building slowly from last week
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 at 65%
Push-ups – 5x submaximal
Bentover Barbell Rows5×10 at 65%
Nordic Curls – 4×5-8
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Front Squat with Belt3 sets: (83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10) *can increase each set if able
RDLs – 4×8 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Suitcase Deadlifts – 4×8 ea side RPE9
Reverse Lunge with front foot elevated – 3×10 ea leg superset with Weighted Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week73, Week74, Week75, Week76″]

Week 73

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Snatch Grip Deadlift w 5 sec eccentric5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Seated Band Leg Curls – 3×12 *slow eccentrics superset with Lateral Lunges – 3×10 ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal comp grip) *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 10×3 at 75%
Strict Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal reps switch grips ea set weakest to strongest
Upright Rows– 4×10
Bench Dips -4x submaximal
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats stay at a 7RPE – 4x15ea leg
Wide Goodmorning stay at a 7-8RPEstart with 25% of Squat 3×8
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 at 60%
Push-ups – 5x submaximal
Bentover Barbell Rows5×10 at 60%
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Front Squat with Belt3 sets: (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10) *can increase each set if able
RDLs – 3×8 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8  superset with Suitcase Deadlifts – 3×8 ea side RPE8
Reverse Lunge with front foot elevated – 3×10 ea leg superset with Weighted Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week72, Week73, Week74, Week75″]

Week 72

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 1 second) RPE9, then -20% for 4×3 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 4×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 4×5
Wide Stance Good Mornings – 4x8 ending at RPE8-9 superset with Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats – 4×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Jerk Grip Barbell Carry or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 1 second) RPE9, then -20% for 4×3 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 4×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 4×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 4×10 superset with Deadbugs (hands against the wall) – 4×8 ea side
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30 seconds superset with  Zercher Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Slides – 3×30 seconds superset with Spiderman Crawl- 3×10 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats *slow eccentrics – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 5×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges RPE9 – 4×8 each leg superset Feet Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge – 4×10  ea side
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 5x submaximal superset with Jacknife Situps – 5×10
Deadlift – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 3
Nordic Curls – 4×5-8
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Pendulum Lunges- 4×6 ea leg superset with Hack Squats – 4×10
Seated Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week71, Week72, Week73, Week74″]

Week 71

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Wide Stance Good Mornings – 3x8 building heavier than last week ending at RPE7-8 superset with Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats – 3×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Jerk Grip Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 3×10 superset with Deadbugs (hands against the wall) – 3×8 ea side
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30 seconds superset with  Zercher Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Slides – 3×30 seconds superset with Spiderman Crawl- 3×10 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats *slow eccentrics – 3×5 each leg at RPE7 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 3×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Feet Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge – 3×10  ea side
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s for 3×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Jacknife Situps – 3×10
Deadlift – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 1’s for 3×3
Pendulum Lunges- 3×6 ea leg superset with Hack Squats – 3×10
Seated Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week70, Week71, Week72, Week73″]

Week 70

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -20% for 4×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 4×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 4×5
Wide Stance Good Mornings – 4x8 building heavier than last week ending at RPE7-8 superset with Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats – 4×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Jerk Grip Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -20% for 4×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 4×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 4×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 3×10 superset with Deadbugs (hands against the wall) – 3×8 ea side
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30 seconds superset with  Zercher Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Slides – 3×30 seconds superset with Spiderman Crawl- 3×10 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats *slow eccentrics – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 5×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges RPE8 – 4×8 each leg superset Feet Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge – 4×10  ea side
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Jacknife Situps – 4×10
Deadlift – 3RM (1st rep paused 2 seconds at knee and eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Pendulum Lunges- 4×6 ea leg superset with Hack Squats – 4×10
Seated Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week69, Week70, Week71, Week72″]

Week 69

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Wide Stance Good Mornings3×8 starting at 27% of Back Squat ending at RPE7-8 superset with Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats – 3×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Jerk Grip Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 3×10 superset with Deadbugs (hands against the wall) – 3×8 ea side
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30 seconds superset with  Zercher Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Slides – 3×30 seconds superset with Spiderman Crawl- 3×10 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats *slow eccentrics – 4×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 4×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Feet Elevated Single Leg Glute Bridge – 3×10  ea side
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Jacknife Situps – 3×10
Deadlift – 3RM (1st rep paused 2 seconds at knee and eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Pendulum Lunges- 3×6 ea leg superset with Hack Squats – 3×10
Seated Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week68, Week69, Week70, Week71″]

Week 68

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -15% for 3×3 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 4×3+2 (each leg)
Front Rack Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges – 4×8 each leg
Weighted Crunches – 3×20 superset with Reverse Snow Angels  – 3×15
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -15% for 3×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 4×8
Plyo Push-ups – 4×10 superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 4×30-45 seconds
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 4x submaximal superset with Hollow Rocks- 4×10-12
Spiderman Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Plank Crunch Reach Through – 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×8
Reverse Lunge with front foot elevated 2″ – 4×8 each side superset with Hip Hinge/Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 4×8 *start out very conservative
Wall Slides *slow and controlled – 3×10 superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×10-20 yards forward and 10-20 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Feet Elevated Push-ups – 4x submaximal superset with Russian Twists – 4×15 ea side
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE9, then -10% for 5
Peterson Step Ups – 4×8 each leg
Front Rack Carry – 3×20-30 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Hack Squat (barbell in corner, back turned and bar on shoulder) – 4×10 *think superset with Single Leg RDLs – 4×8 ea leg
Jumping Split Squats – 4×5 each side superset with Lying Scissors – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week67, Week68, Week69, Week70″]

Week 67

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3×3+2 (each leg)
Front Rack Lunges – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges – 3×8 each leg
Weighted Crunches – 3×20 superset with Reverse Snow Angels  – 3×15
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of last weeks 3RM for 2×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 3×8
Plyo Push-ups – 3×10 superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30-45 seconds
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Hollow Rocks- 3×10-12
Spiderman Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Plank Crunch Reach Through – 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of last week’s 3RMea leg for 2×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×8
Reverse Lunge with front foot elevated 2″ – 3×8 each side superset with Hip Hinge/Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 3×8 *start out very conservative
Wall Slides *slow and controlled – 3×10 superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×10-20 yards forward and 10-20 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Feet Elevated Push-ups – 3x submaximal superset with Russian Twists – 3×15 ea side
Deadlift – 90% of last week’s 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) for 2×5
Peterson Step Ups – 3×8 each leg
Front Rack Carry – 3×20-30 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 1’s for 3×3
Hack Squat (barbell in corner, back turned and bar on shoulder) – 3×10 *think superset with Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 ea leg
Jumping Split Squats – 3×5 each side superset with Lying Scissors – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 3×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week66, Week67, Week68, Week69″]

Week 66

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 4×3+2 (each leg)
Front Rack Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges – 4×8 each leg
Weighted Crunches – 3×20 superset with Reverse Snow Angels  – 3×15
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 4×8
Plyo Push-ups – 4×10 superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 4×30-45 seconds
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 4x submaximal superset with Hollow Rocks- 4×10-12
Spiderman Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Plank Crunch Reach Through – 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×8
Reverse Lunge with front foot elevated 2″ – 4×8 each side superset with Hip Hinge/Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 4×8 *start out very conservative
Wall Slides *slow and controlled – 3×10 superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×10-20 yards forward and 10-20 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Feet Elevated Push-ups – 4x submaximal superset with Russian Twists – 4×15 ea side
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 5
Peterson Step Ups – 4×8 each leg
Front Rack Carry – 3×20-30 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Hack Squat (barbell in corner, back turned and bar on shoulder) – 4×10 *think superset with Single Leg RDLs – 4×8 ea leg
Jumping Split Squats – 4×5 each side superset with Lying Scissors – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week65, Week66, Week67, Week68″]

Week 65

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3×3+2 (each leg)
Front Rack Lunges – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges – 3×8 each leg
Weighted Crunches – 3×20 superset with Reverse Snow Angels  – 3×15
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 3×8
Plyo Push-ups – 3×10 superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30-45 seconds
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Hollow Rocks- 3×10-12
Spiderman Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Plank Crunch Reach Through – 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×8
Reverse Lunge with front foot elevated 2″ – 3×8 each side superset with Hip Hinge/Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 3×8 *start out very conservative
Wall Slides *slow and controlled – 3×10 superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×10-20 yards forward and 10-20 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Feet Elevated Push-ups – 3x submaximal superset with Russian Twists – 3×15 ea side
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 5
Peterson Step Ups – 3×8 each leg
Front Rack Carry – 3×20-30 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Hack Squat (barbell in corner, back turned and bar on shoulder) – 3×10 *think superset with Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 ea leg
Jumping Split Squats – 4×5 each side superset with Lying Scissors – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week64, Week65, Week66, Week67″]

Week 64

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 1 second) RPE9, then -15% for 3×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 4×3+3
DB  Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges with band around knees – 4×10
Stir the Pots – 4×15 each way superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 1 second) RPE9, then -15% for 3×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 4×8
Overhead Press- 8RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×8 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Weighted Bear Crawl – 4×20 yards superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric 9RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Burpee Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 4×5
KB Multi-directional Lunge – 4×3 each side superset with RDLs – 4×8 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 4×60-90 seconds superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 4×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×4 @80% (last set 4+)
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 8RM RPE9, then -10% for 3×8 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 4×10 each side
Plate Front Raises (hip to overhead) – 3×10 superset with Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Wall Slides – 3×10 superset with Side Plank Banded Lat Pulls – 3×25 seconds each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 4×4 each side superset with Tiger Sit outs – 4×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week63, Week64, Week65, Week66″]

Week 63

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
DB  Lunges – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges with band around knees – 3×10
Stir the Pots – 3×15 each way superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Overhead Press- 90% of last week’s 10RM for 3×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×15 each side superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30-60 seconds
Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of last week’s 5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric for 3x5ea leg superset with Burpee Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
KB Multi-directional Lunge – 3×3 each side superset with RDLs – 3×8 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 3×60-90 seconds superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3×5 @70%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 90% of last week’s 10RM for 3×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
Plate Front Raises (hip to overhead) – 3×10 superset with Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3×5 with Day 1’s weight
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 3×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 3×8 each side
Wall Slides – 3×10 superset with Side Plank Banded Lat Pulls – 3×25 seconds each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Tiger Sit outs – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week62, Week63, Week64, Week65″]

Week 62

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 4×3+3
DB  Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges with band around knees – 4×10
Stir the Pots – 4×15 each way superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 4×8
Overhead Press- 10RM RPE8, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Weighted Bear Crawl – 4×20 yards superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric 8RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Burpee Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 4×5
KB Multi-directional Lunge – 4×3 each side superset with RDLs – 4×8 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 4×60-90 seconds superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 4×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @75% (last set 5+)
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE8, then -10% for 3×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 4×10 each side
Plate Front Raises (hip to overhead) – 3×10 superset with Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Wall Slides – 3×10 superset with Side Plank Banded Lat Pulls – 3×25 seconds each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 4×4 each side superset with Tiger Sit outs – 4×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week61, Week62, Week63, Week64″]

Week 61

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
DB  Lunges – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Feet Elevated Glute Bridges with band around knees – 3×10
Stir the Pots – 3×15 each way superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Overhead Press- 10RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×15 each side superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30-60 seconds
Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Burpee Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
KB Multi-directional Lunge – 3×3 each side superset with RDLs – 3×8 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 3×60-90 seconds superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @70% (last set 5+)
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
Plate Front Raises (hip to overhead) – 3×10 superset with Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 3×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 3×8 each side
Wall Slides – 3×10 superset with Side Plank Banded Lat Pulls – 3×20 seconds each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Tiger Sit outs – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week60, Week61, Week62, Week63″]

Week 60

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM RPE9, then -20% for 2×3 superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Staggered Good Mornings – 4x5 ea side starting at 25% of Back Squat ending at RPE9 superset with Tempo Goblet Squat (5 sec down, 3 sec pause, 5 sec up) – 4×5
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Jerk Grip Barbell Carry or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM RPE9, then -20% for 2×3 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 4×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 4×8 ea side
Weighted Hollow Hold– 4x30 seconds superset with  Front Rack Carry or Hold– 4x20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Slides – 3×10 superset with Plank Shoulder Taps – 3×10 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 5×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges front foot elevated 2″ RPE9 – 4×8 each leg superset Single Leg Feet Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4×10 ea
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 5x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-Ups – 5×10 ea
Deadlift – 3RM (All reps paused 2 seconds at knee and eccentric slower than concentric) RPE9, then -10% for 3
Pull Throughs – 4×15
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 20-40 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Curtsy Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Hack Squats – 4×10
Shoulder Press – 5×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 5×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week59, Week60, Week61, Week62″]

Week 59

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of last week for 3×3 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Staggered Good Mornings – 3x8 ea side starting at 25% of Back Squat ending at RPE7 superset with Tempo Goblet Squat (5 sec down, 3 sec pause, 5 sec up) – 3×5
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Jerk Grip Barbell Carry or Hold – 3x20 yards forward and backward or 30 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 80% of last week for 3×3 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 3×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×8 ea side
Weighted Hollow Hold– 3x30 seconds superset with  Front Rack Carry or Hold– 3x20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Slides – 3×10 superset with Plank Shoulder Taps – 3×10 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 3×5 each leg at RPE7  superset with Single Leg RDLs – 3×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges front foot elevated 2″ RPE7 – 3×8 each leg superset Single Leg Feet Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3×10 ea
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-Ups – 3×10 ea
Deadlift – 90% of last week for 2×3
Pull Throughs – 3×15
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 20-40 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 1’s for 3×3
Curtsy Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Hack Squats – 3×10
Shoulder Press – 3×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week58, Week59, Week60, Week61″]

Week 58

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Staggered Good Mornings – 4x8 ea side starting at 25% of Back Squat ending at RPE7-8 superset with Tempo Goblet Squat (5 sec down, 3 sec pause, 5 sec up) – 4×5
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Jerk Grip Barbell Carry or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 4×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 4×8 ea side
Weighted Hollow Hold– 4x30 seconds superset with  Front Rack Carry or Hold– 4x20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Slides – 3×10 superset with Plank Shoulder Taps – 3×10 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 5×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges front foot elevated 2″ RPE8 – 4×8 each leg superset Single Leg Feet Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4×10 ea
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-Ups – 4×10 ea
Deadlift – 3RM (All reps paused 2 seconds at knee and eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 3
Pull Throughs – 4×15
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 20-40 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Curtsy Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Hack Squats – 4×10
Shoulder Press – 4×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week57, Week58, Week59, Week60″]

Week 57

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Staggered Good Mornings3×8 ea side starting at 25% of Back Squat ending at RPE7-8 superset with Tempo Goblet Squat (5 sec down, 3 sec pause, 5 sec up) – 3×5
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Jerk Grip Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 3×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×8 ea side
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30 seconds superset with  Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Slides – 3×10 superset with Plank Shoulder Taps – 3×10 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 4×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 4×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges front foot elevated 2″ RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Single Leg Feet Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3×10 ea
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-Ups – 3×10 ea
Deadlift – 3RM (All reps paused 2 seconds at knee and eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 3
Pull Throughs – 3×15
Weighted Plank Hold – 3x 20-40 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Curtsy Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Hack Squats – 3×10
Shoulder Press – 3×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week56, Week57, Week58, Week59″]

Week 56

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 3×3 no pauses superset with Knee to Chest Squat Jumps – 3×5
Weighted Rear Lunges w/front foot elevated 2″ – 4×8 each leg superset with Unilateral Back Elevated Glute Bridges  – 4×10
Reverse Snow Angel *slow and controlled – 4×15 each side superset with Banded Woodchoppers – 4×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 3×3 no pauses superset with Plyo Push-ups to 2-3″ – 3×5
Diamond Push-ups + Bentover Rows – 5×5+5
Plank Hold- 3×30 seconds superset with Overhead Barbell Hold or Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 seconds
Deadbugs – 3×10 ea side superset with Jefferson Curl – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg with 5 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause ea rep 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 ea leg same tempo superset with Pistol Squat to box and both feet on ground, standing with one leg – 3×5 ea side
Multi-directional  Lunge – 4×3 ea side superset with Staggered Walking RDLs- 4×6 each side
Side Plank with Banded Lat Pull – 4×10 ea side superset with Shoulder Taps – 4×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×3 w/ Day 2’s weight
Standing Shoulder Press – 5RM RPE9, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Inverted Feet Elevated Horizontal Rows w/3 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause at top – 3x submaximal
Plate Bat Wing Rows paused 2 seconds at top – 4×10 superset with Plate Around the World – 4×8 ea way
Bicep Curl – 3×10 superset with Nosebreakers – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×3 with 90% of Day 1
Barbell Jump Squats – 5×5 with 30% of back squat superset with Lateral Step Ups *Slow eccentrics – 5×8 each side
Piston Squat *stop short of extension and right above parallel moving fast like a piston – 4×8
Zercher Carry or Hold – 3×20 yards or 30 sec hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week55, Week56, Week57, Week58″]

Week 55

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% if last week’s 3RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Knee to Chest Squat Jumps – 3×5
Weighted Rear Lunges w/front foot elevated 2″ – 3×8 each leg superset with Unilateral Back Elevated Glute Bridges  – 3×10
Reverse Snow Angel *slow and controlled – 3×15 each side superset with Banded Woodchoppers – 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Plyo Push-ups to 2-3″ – 3×5
Diamond Push-ups + Bentover Rows – 3×5+5
Plank Hold- 3×30 seconds superset with Overhead Barbell Hold or Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 seconds
Deadbugs – 3×10 ea side superset with Jefferson Curl – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of last week’s 3RMea leg w/5 sec eccentric for 3×3 ea leg same tempo superset with Pistol Squat to box and both feet on ground, standing with one leg – 3×5 ea side
Multi-directional  Lunge – 3×3 ea side superset with Staggered Walking RDLs- 3×6 each side
Side Plank with Banded Lat Pull – 3×10 ea side superset with Shoulder Taps – 3×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3×3 w/ Day 2’s weight
Standing Shoulder Press – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 superset with Inverted Feet Elevated Horizontal Rows w/3 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause at top – 3x submaximal
Plate Bat Wing Rows paused 2 seconds at top – 3×10 superset with Plate Around the World – 3×8 ea way
Bicep Curl – 3×10 superset with Nosebreakers – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3×3 with Day 1’s weight
Barbell Jump Squats – 3×5 with 30% of back squat superset with Lateral Step Ups *Slow eccentrics – 3×8 each side
Piston Squat *stop short of extension and right above parallel moving fast like a piston – 3×8
Zercher Carry or Hold – 3×20 yards or 30 sec hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week54, Week55, Week56, Week57″]

Week 54

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×3 no pauses superset with Knee to Chest Squat Jumps – 3×5
Weighted Rear Lunges w/front foot elevated 2″ – 4×8 each leg superset with Unilateral Back Elevated Glute Bridges  – 4×10
Reverse Snow Angel *slow and controlled – 4×15 each side superset with Banded Woodchoppers – 4×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×3 no pauses superset with Plyo Push-ups to 2-3″ – 3×5
Diamond Push-ups + Bentover Rows – 5×5+5
Plank Hold- 3×30 seconds superset with Overhead Barbell Hold or Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 seconds
Deadbugs – 3×10 ea side superset with Jefferson Curl – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg with 5 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause ea rep 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 ea leg same tempo superset with Pistol Squat to box and both feet on ground, standing with one leg – 3×5 ea side
Multi-directional  Lunge – 4×3 ea side superset with Staggered Walking RDLs- 4×6 each side
Side Plank with Banded Lat Pull – 3×10 ea side superset with Shoulder Taps – 3×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×3 w/ Day 2’s weight
Standing Shoulder Press – 5RM RPE8, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Inverted Feet Elevated Horizontal Rows w/3 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause at top – 3x submaximal
Plate Bat Wing Rows paused 2 seconds at top – 3×10 superset with Plate Around the World – 3×8 ea way
Bicep Curl – 3×10 superset with Nosebreakers – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×3 with 90% of Day 1
Barbell Jump Squats – 4×5 with 30% of back squat superset with Lateral Step Ups *Slow eccentrics – 4×8 each side
Piston Squat *stop short of extension and right above parallel moving fast like a piston – 4×8
Zercher Carry or Hold – 3×20 yards or 30 sec hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week53, Week54, Week55, Week56″]

Week 53

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Knee to Chest Squat Jumps – 3×5
Weighted Rear Lunges w/front foot elevated 2″ – 3×8 each leg superset with Unilateral Back Elevated Glute Bridges  – 3×10
Reverse Snow Angel *slow and controlled – 3×15 each side superset with Banded Woodchoppers – 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Plyo Push-ups to 2-3″ – 3×5
Diamond Push-ups + Bentover Rows – 5×5+5
Plank Hold- 3×30 seconds superset with Overhead Barbell Hold or Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 seconds
Deadbugs – 3×10 ea side superset with Jefferson Curl – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg with 5 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause ea rep 7RPE, then -10% for 2×3 ea leg same tempo superset with Pistol Squat to box and both feet on ground, standing with one leg – 3×5 ea side
Multi-directional  Lunge – 3×3 ea side superset with Staggered Walking RDLs- 3×6 each side
Side Plank with Banded Lat Pull – 3×10 ea side superset with Shoulder Taps – 3×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×3 w/ Day 2’s weight
Standing Shoulder Press – 5RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Inverted Feet Elevated Horizontal Rows w/3 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause at top – 3x submaximal
Plate Bat Wing Rows paused 2 seconds at top – 3×10 superset with Plate Around the World – 3×8 ea way
Bicep Curl – 3×10 superset with Nosebreakers – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×3 with 90% of Day 1
Barbell Jump Squats – 3×5 with 25% of back squat superset with Lateral Step Ups *Slow eccentrics – 3×8 each side
Piston Squat *stop short of extension and right above parallel moving fast like a piston – 3×8
Zercher Carry or Hold – 3×20 yards or 30 sec hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week52, Week53, Week54, Week55″]

Week 52

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses superset with Broad Jumps – 3×5
Side to Side Lunges w/DB in front rack – 4×8 each leg superset with Feet Elevated Glute Bridges and band around knees – 4×8
Stir the Pot – 4×15 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Weighted Push-ups + Unweighted Explosive Push-ups – 5×5+5
Handstand Hold- 4×10-30 seconds each side superset with Weighted Wall Sit – 4×30-60 seconds
Tiger Sitouts – 4×10 ea side superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg with 5 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause ea rep 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 ea leg same tempo superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×3
Pendulum Lunge – 4×5 ea side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 4×5 each side
Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×15-30 seconds superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 3×10 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 @68%
Seated Shoulder Press – 4×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Pull-ups – 4x submaximal
Plate Front Raises (hip to overhead) – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Barbell on Back Lunges – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Goblet Squat w/5 sec eccentric – 5×8 superset
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 4×4 each side superset with Bird Dogs – 4×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week51, Week52, Week53, Week54″]

Week 51

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 85% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 no pauses superset with Broad Jumps – 3×5
Side to Side Lunges w/DB in front rack – 3×8 each leg superset with Feet Elevated Glute Bridges and band around knees – 3×8
Stir the Pot – 3×15 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 85% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 no pauses superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Weighted Push-ups + Unweighted Explosive Push-ups – 3×5+5
Handstand Hold- 3×10-30 seconds each side superset with Weighted Wall Sit – 3×30-60 seconds
Tiger Sitouts – 3×10 ea side superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of last week’s 5RMea leg with 5 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause ea rep for 2×5 ea leg same tempo superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×3
Pendulum Lunge – 3×5 ea side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 3×5 each side
Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×15-30 seconds superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 3×10 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3×10 @60%
Seated Shoulder Press – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Pull-ups – 3x submaximal
Plate Front Raises (hip to overhead) – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3×5 with Day 1’s weight
Barbell on Back Lunges – 3×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 3×8 each side
Goblet Squat w/5 sec eccentric – 3×8 superset
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bird Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week50, Week51, Week52, Week53″]

Week 50

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses superset with Broad Jumps – 3×5
Side to Side Lunges w/DB in front rack – 4×8 each leg superset with Feet Elevated Glute Bridges and band around knees – 4×8
Stir the Pot – 3×15 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Weighted Push-ups + Unweighted Explosive Push-ups – 5×5+5
Handstand Hold- 3×10-30 seconds each side superset with Weighted Wall Sit – 3×30-60 seconds
Tiger Sitouts – 3×10 ea side superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg with 5 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause ea rep 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5 ea leg same tempo superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×3
Pendulum Lunge – 4×5 ea side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 4×5 each side
Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×15-30 seconds superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 3×10 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 @65%
Seated Shoulder Press – 4×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Pull-ups – 4x submaximal
Plate Front Raises (hip to overhead) – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Barbell on Back Lunges – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Goblet Squat w/5 sec eccentric – 4×8 superset
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bird Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week49, Week50, Week51, Week52″]

Week 49

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses superset with Broad Jumps – 3×5
Side to Side Lunges w/DB in front rack – 3×8 each leg superset with Feet Elevated Glute Bridges and band around knees – 3×8
Stir the Pot – 3×15 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Weighted Push-ups + Unweighted Explosive Push-ups – 5×5+5
Handstand Hold- 3×10-30 seconds each side superset with Weighted Wall Sit – 3×30-60 seconds
Tiger Sitouts – 3×10 ea side superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg with 5 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause ea rep 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5 ea leg same tempo superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×3
Pendulum Lunge – 3×5 ea side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 3×5 each side
Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×15-30 seconds superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 3×10 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 @60%
Seated Shoulder Press – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Pull-ups – 3x submaximal
Plate Front Raises (hip to overhead) – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Barbell on Back Lunges – 3×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 3×8 each side
Goblet Squat w/5 sec eccentric – 3×8 superset
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bird Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week48, Week49, Week50, Week51″]

Week 48

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3x2 at 90% 
Reverse Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Feet Elevated Glute Bridge with band around knee  – 4×10
Plank Hold Pull Through – 4×8 ea side superset with Banded Woodchoppers – 4×10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3x2 at 90%  
Weighted Push-up – 5×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 5×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 5×3 *heavy
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 5x submaximal superset with Shoulder Taps- 5×15 ea side
Tiger Sit-outs – 4x8ea side superset with Stir the Pot – 4×20 each way
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squat both feet on ground *5 second eccentric each leg – 5×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9.5 superset with Broad Jumps –  5×3
Multi-directional Lunge (forward lunge + 45 degree forward lunge+ side lunge + 45 degree reverse lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 4×2 each side superset with Single Leg RDL – 4×6 ea side
Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 3+ but no misses
Renegade Rows – 4×10
Deadlift – 4x2 at 85%
Box/Stair Step Ups slow eccentric – 4×8 each leg
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses
Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats *quad pump – 5×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Deadbugs – 5×10 ea 2 sec down
Weighted Crunches – 4×15 each side superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Calf Raises – 4×20
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week47, Week48, Week49, Week50″]

Week 47

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 4×2 @80%
Reverse Lunges – 3×8 each leg superset with Feet Elevated Glute Bridge with band around knee  – 3×10
Plank Hold Pull Through – 3×8 ea side superset with Banded Woodchoppers – 3×10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 4×2 @80%
Weighted Push-up – 5×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 3×3 *heavy
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Shoulder Taps- 3×15 ea side
Tiger Sit-outs – 3x8ea side superset with Stir the Pot – 3×20 each way
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squat both feet on ground *5 second eccentric each leg – 3×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Broad Jumps –  3×3
Multi-directional Lunge (forward lunge + 45 degree forward lunge+ side lunge + 45 degree reverse lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 3×2 each side superset with Single Leg RDL – 3×6 ea side
Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Renegade Rows – 3×10
Deadlift – 4x2 at 75%
Box/Stair Step Ups slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5 no pauses
Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats *quad pump – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Deadbugs – 3×10 ea 2 sec down
Weighted Crunches – 3×15 each side superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Calf Raises – 3×20
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week46, Week47, Week48, Week49″]

Week 46

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 4x2 at 88% 
Reverse Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Feet Elevated Glute Bridge with band around knee  – 4×10
Plank Hold Pull Through – 4×8 ea side superset with Banded Woodchoppers – 4×10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 4x2 at 88% 
Weighted Push-up – 5×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 5×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 5×3 *heavy
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 4x submaximal superset with Shoulder Taps- 4×15 ea side
Tiger Sit-outs – 4x8ea side superset with Stir the Pot – 4×20 each way
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squat both feet on ground *5 second eccentric each leg – 5×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Broad Jumps –  5×3
Multi-directional Lunge (forward lunge + 45 degree forward lunge+ side lunge + 45 degree reverse lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 4×2 each side superset with Single Leg RDL – 4×6 ea side
Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3RM RPE8, then -10% for 3×3
Renegade Rows – 4×10
Deadlift – 5x2 at 83%
Box/Stair Step Ups slow eccentric – 4×8 each leg
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses
Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats *quad pump – 4×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Deadbugs – 4×10 ea 2 sec down
Weighted Crunches – 4×15 each side superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Calf Raises – 4×20
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week45, Week46, Week47, Week48″]

Week 45

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 6x2 at 85% 
Reverse Lunges – 3×8 each leg superset with Feet Elevated Glute Bridge with band around knee  – 3×10
Plank Hold Pull Through – 3×8 ea side superset with Banded Woodchoppers – 3×10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 6x2 at 85% 
Weighted Push-up – 4×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 4×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 4×3 *heavy
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Shoulder Taps- 3×15 ea side
Tiger Sit-outs – 3x8ea side superset with Stir the Pot – 3×20 each way
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squat both feet on ground *5 second eccentric each leg – 4×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Broad Jumps –  4×3
Multi-directional Lunge (forward lunge + 45 degree forward lunge+ side lunge + 45 degree reverse lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 3×2 each side superset with Single Leg RDL – 3×6 ea side
Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3RM RPE7, then -10% for 3×3
Renegade Rows – 3×10
Deadlift Dynamic Effort – 6×2 at 80%
Box/Stair Step Ups slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses
Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats *quad pump – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Deadbugs – 3×10 ea 2 sec down
Weighted Crunches – 3×15 each side superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Calf Raises – 3×20
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week44, Week45, Week46, Week47″]

Week 44

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Seated Box Jumps – 4×5
Side to Side Lunges (can add KB or BB) – 5×10 each leg superset with Death Marches – 5×6 each leg
Weighted Sit-ups – 4×20 superset with Barbell Ab Rollouts – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Upright Rows (with BB/KB/DB)- 4×10
Weighted Push up + Unweighted Push up + Bentover Row – 5×5+5+10
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 5x submaximal superset with Weighted Hollow Hold- 5×30 seconds
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Plank Reach Through- 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Broad Jumps –  4×5
Reverse Lunges w/Front Foot Elevated – 5×8 ea side superset with Box or Stair Step Up – 5x8ea leg
Single Leg Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 4×30 seconds-1 minute per leg superset with Zercher Hold – 4×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Strict Press – 5×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE9, then -10% for 5
BB High Pull – 3×10
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Landmine Hack Squat (can put bar in corner of rack) – 5×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Single Leg RDL – 5×8 ea side
Pulsing Split Squats – 5×5 ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Weighted Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Weighted Russian Twist – 4×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week43, Week44, Week45, Week46″]

Week 43

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3 superset with Seated Box Jumps – 3×5
Side to Side Lunges (can add KB or BB) – 3×10 each leg superset with Death Marches – 3×6 each leg
Weighted Sit-ups – 3×20 superset with Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3 superset with Upright Rows (with BB/KB/DB)- 3×10
Weighted Push up + Unweighted Push up + Bentover Row – 3×5+5+10
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Weighted Hollow Hold- 3×30 seconds
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Plank Reach Through- 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of last week’s 3RMea for 3x3ea leg superset with Broad Jumps –  3×5
Reverse Lunges w/Front Foot Elevated – 3×8 ea side superset with Box or Stair Step Up – 3x8ea leg
Single Leg Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute per leg superset with Zercher Hold – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Strict Press – 3×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Deadlift – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
BB High Pull – 3×10
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 1’s weight for 3×3
Landmine Hack Squat (can put bar in corner of rack) – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Single Leg RDL – 3×8 ea side
Pulsing Split Squats – 3×5 ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Weighted Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 3×20 each side
Weighted Russian Twist – 3×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week42, Week43, Week44, Week45″]

Week 42

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Seated Box Jumps – 4×5
Side to Side Lunges (can add KB or BB) – 4×10 each leg superset with Death Marches – 4×6 each leg
Weighted Sit-ups – 3×20 superset with Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Upright Rows (with BB/KB/DB)- 4×10
Weighted Push up + Unweighted Push up + Bentover Row – 4×5+5+10
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 4x submaximal superset with Weighted Hollow Hold- 4×30 seconds
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Plank Reach Through- 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Broad Jumps –  4×5
Reverse Lunges w/Front Foot Elevated – 4×8 ea side superset with Box or Stair Step Up – 4x8ea leg
Single Leg Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute per leg superset with Zercher Hold – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Strict Press – 4×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 5
BB High Pull – 3×10
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Landmine Hack Squat (can put bar in corner of rack) – 4×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Single Leg RDL – 4×8 ea side
Pulsing Split Squats – 4×5 ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Weighted Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Weighted Russian Twist – 4×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week41, Week42, Week43, Week44″]

Week 41

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Seated Box Jumps – 3×5
Side to Side Lunges (can add KB or BB) – 3×10 each leg superset with Death Marches – 3×6 each leg
Weighted Sit-ups – 3×20 superset with Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Upright Rows (with BB/KB/DB)- 3×10
Weighted Push up + Unweighted Push up + Bentover Row – 3×5+5+10
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Weighted Hollow Hold- 3×30 seconds
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Plank Reach Through- 3×12 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Broad Jumps –  3×5
Reverse Lunges w/Front Foot Elevated – 3×8 ea side superset with Box or Stair Step Up – 3x8ea leg
Single Leg Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute per leg superset with Zercher Hold – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Strict Press – 3×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 5
BB High Pull – 3×10
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Landmine Hack Squat (can put bar in corner of rack) – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Single Leg RDL – 3×8 ea side
Pulsing Split Squats – 4×5 ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Weighted Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Weighted Russian Twist – 3×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week40, Week41, Week42, Week43″]

Week 40

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
Weighted Reverse Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Barbell Glute Bridges – 4×5 increasing to RPE9
Single Leg V-ups – 4×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Hollow Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Crab Walk – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
DB/KB Curtsy Lunge – 4×10 each side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 4×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 4×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 4×4 @83%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
DB/Plate Front Raises – 4×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 4×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 4×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 4×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 4×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week39, Week40, Week41, Week42″]

Week 39

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
Weighted Reverse Lunges – 3×8 each leg superset with Barbell Glute Bridges – 3×5 increasing to RPE7
Single Leg V-ups – 3×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of last week’s for 3×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 90% of last week’s 10RM for 3×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×15 each side superset with Hollow Hold – 3×30-60 seconds
Crab Walk – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of last week’s 5RMea leg for 3×5 superset with Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
DB/KB Curtsy Lunge – 3×10 each side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 3×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3×5 @80%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 90% of last week’s 10RM for 3×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
DB/Plate Front Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3×5 with Day 1’s weight
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 3×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 3×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 3×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 3×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×3 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week38, Week39, Week40, Week41″]

Week 38

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
Weighted Reverse Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Barbell Glute Bridges – 4×5 increasing to RPE9
Single Leg V-ups – 4×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE8, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Hollow Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Crab Walk – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
DB/KB Curtsy Lunge – 4×10 each side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 4×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 4×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @78%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE8, then -10% for 2×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
DB/Plate Front Raises – 4×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 4×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 4×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 4×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 4×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week37, Week38, Week39, Week40″]

Week 37

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
Weighted Reverse Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Barbell Glute Bridges – 4×5 increasing to RPE8
Single Leg V-ups – 4×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Hollow Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Crab Walk – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg 7 RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
DB/KB Curtsy Lunge – 3×10 each side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 3×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @75%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
DB/Plate Front Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week36, Week37, Week38, Week39″]

Week 36

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM RPE9.5 *no misses
Seated Good Mornings – 4x8 increasing weight and ending at RPE8-9 superset with Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats – 4×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Wide Grip Barbell Carry or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM RPE9.5 *no misses
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 4×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 4×8 ea side
Weighted Plank– 4x30 seconds superset with  Zercher Carry or Hold– 4x20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Sits Weighted – 4×30 seconds superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9.5 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 5×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges RPE9 – 3×8 each leg superset Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 5x submaximal superset with Jacknife Situps – 5×10
Deadlift – 1RM RPE9
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Hollow Hold – 3x 20-40 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Curtsy Squats- 5×8 each leg superset with Hack Squats – 5×10
Shoulder Press – 5×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 5×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 5×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week35, Week36, Week37, Week38″]

Week 35

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Seated Good Mornings – 3x8 RPE7 superset with Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats – 3×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Wide Grip Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench –  80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 3×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×8 ea side
Weighted Plank3×30 seconds superset with  Zercher Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Sits Weighted – 3×30 seconds superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 3×5 each leg RPE7  superset with Single Leg RDLs – 3×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges RPE7 – 3×8 each leg superset Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3×10 RPE7
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Jacknife Situps – 3×10
Deadlift – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Hollow Hold – 3x 20-40 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Curtsy Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Hack Squats – 3×10
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week34, Week35, Week36, Week37″]

Week 34

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Seated Good Mornings – 4x8 increasing weight and ending at RPE8-9 superset with Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats – 4×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Wide Grip Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds)RPE8, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 3×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×8 ea side
Weighted Plank3×30 seconds superset with  Zercher Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Sits Weighted – 3×30 seconds superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 5×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Jacknife Situps – 4×10
Deadlift – 3RM (1st rep paused 2 seconds at knee and eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Hollow Hold – 3x 20-40 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Curtsy Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Hack Squats – 4×10
Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week33, Week34, Week35, Week36″]

Week 33

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Jumps – 3×5 superset with Unweighted Jumps – 3×5
Seated Good Mornings3×8 starting at 27% of Back Squat ending at RPE7-8 superset with Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Goblet Squats – 3×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups with slow eccentric – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Wide Grip Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -20% for 3×5 no pauses superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Jefferson Curls *slow and controlled* – 3×10 superset with Four Way Deadbugs – 3×8 ea side
Weighted Plank3×30 seconds superset with  Zercher Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Wall Sits Weighted – 3×30 seconds superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 4×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Single Leg RDLs – 4×6 ea leg
Barbell Reverse Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Jacknife Situps – 3×10
Deadlift – 3RM (1st rep paused 2 seconds at knee and eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Weighted Hollow Hold – 3x 20-40 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 1 for 5×3
Curtsy Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Hack Squats – 3×10
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week32, Week33, Week34, Week35″]

Week 32

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Depth Jumps – 3×3
Side to Side Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 5×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 5×6 each leg
Weighted Crunches – 4×20 superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 4×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Shoulder Taps – 3×20 ea side
Weighted Push-ups + Unweighted Dynamic Push-ups – 5×3+3
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 5x submaximal superset with Weighted Wall sit- 5×30 seconds
Barbell Ab Roll-outs – 3×10 superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Jump Squats –  4×5
Weighted Step-Ups (slower eccentric) – 5×8 each side superset with Wide Stance Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 5×8 *increase weight from last week
Side Plank Reach Through – 3×12 per side superset with Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Push Press – 4×10 superset with Jacknife Sit-ups – 4×10
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE9, then -10% for 5
Reverse Lunges w/Front Foot Elevated – 4×8 each leg
Overhead Carry – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Squat (with BB or KB in Goblet Hold) *quad pump – 5×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Single Leg RDLs – 5×8 each side
Pulsing Split Squats – 5×5 each side superset with Flutter Kicks – 5×30 seconds
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Russian Twists – 4×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week31, Week32, Week33, Week34″]

Week 31

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3 superset with Depth Jumps – 3×3
Side to Side Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 3×6 each leg
Weighted Crunches – 3×20 superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3 superset with Shoulder Taps – 3×15 ea side
Weighted Push-ups + Unweighted Dynamic Push-ups – 3×3+3
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Weighted Wall sit- 3×30 seconds
Barbell Ab Roll-outs – 3×10 superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of last week’s 3RMea leg for 3x3ea leg superset with Jump Squats –  3×5
Weighted Step-Ups (slower eccentric) – 3×8 each side superset with Wide Stance Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 3×8 *increase weight from last week
Side Plank Reach Through – 3×12 per side superset with Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s for 3×3
Push Press – 3×10 superset with Jacknife Sit-ups – 3×10
Deadlift – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
Reverse Lunges w/Front Foot Elevated – 3×8 each leg
Overhead Carry – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 1’s weight for 3×3
Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Squat (with BB or KB in Goblet Hold) *quad pump – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 each side
Pulsing Split Squats – 3×5 each side superset with Flutter Kicks – 3×30 seconds
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 3×20 each side
Russian Twists – 3×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week30, Week31, Week32, Week33″]

Week 30

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Depth Jumps – 4×3
Side to Side Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 4×6 each leg
Weighted Crunches – 3×20 superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Shoulder Taps – 4×15 ea side
Weighted Push-ups + Unweighted Dynamic Push-ups – 5×3+3
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 4x submaximal superset with Weighted Wall sit- 4×30 seconds
Barbell Ab Roll-outs – 3×10 superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Jump Squats –  4×5
Weighted Step-Ups (slower eccentric) – 4×8 each side superset with Wide Stance Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 4×8 *increase weight from last week
Side Plank Reach Through – 3×12 per side superset with Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Push Press – 4×10 superset with Jacknife Sit-ups – 4×10
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 5
Reverse Lunges w/Front Foot Elevated – 4×8 each leg
Overhead Carry – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Squat (with BB or KB in Goblet Hold) *quad pump – 4×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Single Leg RDLs – 4×8 each side
Pulsing Split Squats – 4×5 each side superset with Flutter Kicks – 4×30 seconds
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Russian Twists – 3×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week29, Week30, Week31, Week32″]

Week 29

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Depth Jumps – 3×3
Side to Side Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 3×6 each leg
Weighted Crunches – 3×20 superset with Weighted Plank Hold – 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Shoulder Taps – 3×15 ea side
Weighted Push-ups + Unweighted Dynamic Push-ups – 5×3+3
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Weighted Wall sit- 3×30 seconds
Barbell Ab Roll-outs – 3×10 superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Jump Squats –  3×5
Weighted Step-Ups (slower eccentric) – 3×8 each side superset with Wide Stance Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 3×8 *start out very conservative
Side Plank Reach Through – 3×12 per side superset with Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Push Press – 3×10 superset with Jacknife Sit-ups – 3×10
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 5
Reverse Lunges w/Front Foot Elevated – 3×8 each leg
Overhead Carry – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Heels Elevated Narrow Stance Squat (with BB or KB in Goblet Hold) *quad pump – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 each side
Pulsing Split Squats – 4×5 each side superset with Flutter Kicks – 4×30 seconds
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Russian Twists – 3×15 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week28, Week29, Week30, Week31″]

Week 28

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Russian Hops – 3×5 ea side
Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges w/KB in Hand of leg stepping back – 5×8 each leg superset with KB/BB/DB Unilateral Glute Bridges – 5×8 ea side
Single Leg V-ups – 5×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 5×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Single Arm KB/DB/Suitcase Rows – 3×8 ea side
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 5×15 each side superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 5×30-60 seconds
Tiger Sitouts – 5×10 ea side superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 5×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Burpee Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×3
Sissy Squat – 4×8 superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 4×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 4×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @80%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Pull-ups – 5x submaximal
DB/Plate Front Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 5×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 5×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 4×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 4×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week27, Week28, Week29, Week30″]

Week 27

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5 superset with Russian Hops – 3×5 ea side
Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges w/KB in Hand of leg stepping back – 3×8 each leg superset with KB/BB/DB Unilateral Glute Bridges – 3×8 ea side
Single Leg V-ups – 3×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2x5superset with Single Arm KB/DB/Suitcase Rows – 3×8 ea side
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 90% of last week’s 10RM for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×15 each side superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×30-60 seconds
Tiger Sitouts – 3×10 ea side superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of last week’s 5RMea leg for 2×5 superset with Burpee Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×3
Sissy Squat – 3×8 superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 3×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3×5 @75%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 90% of last week’s 10RM for 2×10 superset with Pull-ups – 3x submaximal
DB/Plate Front Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3×5 with Day 1’s weight
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 3×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 3×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 3×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 3×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week26, Week27, Week28, Week29″]

Week 26

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Russian Hops – 3×5 ea side
Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges w/KB in Hand of leg stepping back – 4×8 each leg superset with KB/BB/DB Unilateral Glute Bridges – 4×8 ea side
Single Leg V-ups – 4×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Single Arm KB/DB/Suitcase Rows – 3×8 ea side
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE8, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Tiger Sitouts – 4×10 ea side superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Burpee Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×3
Sissy Squat – 4×8 superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 4×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 4×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @78%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE8, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Pull-ups – 3x submaximal
DB/Plate Front Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week25, Week26, Week27, Week28″]

Week 25

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Russian Hops – 3×5 ea side
Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges w/KB in Hand of leg stepping back – 3×8 each leg superset with KB/BB/DB Unilateral Glute Bridges – 3×8 ea side
Single Leg V-ups – 3×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Single Arm KB/DB/Suitcase Rows – 3×8 ea side
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×15 each side superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×30-60 seconds
Tiger Sitouts – 3×10 ea side superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg 7 RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Burpee Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×3
Sissy Squat – 3×8 superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 3×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @75%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Pull-ups – 3x submaximal
DB/Plate Front Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week24, Week25, Week26, Week27″]

Week 24

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 1 seconds) RPE9, then -20% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 5x8 ending heavier than week 22 superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 5×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 1 seconds) RPE9, then -20% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 5x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 5×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9.5 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  5×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 5×3
Zercher Lunges RPE8 – 4×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 4x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 5x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 5x10ea
Deadlift – 1RM  RPE9
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 4×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week23, Week24, Week25, Week26″]

Week 23

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 3x8 ending with original weight superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 3×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 3x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 3×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  3×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 3×3
Zercher Lunges RPE7 – 3×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 3x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 3x10ea
Deadlift – 80% of last week’s 2RM (eccentric slower than concentric) for 2×2 
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 2’s weight for 3×3
Shrimp Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 3×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week22, Week23, Week24, Week25″]

Week 22

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -15% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats – 4x8 ending heavier than last week superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 4×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 4×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold – 4x20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -15% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 4x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 4×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  5×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 5×3
Zercher Lunges RPE8 – 4×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 4x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 4x10ea
Deadlift – 2RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 2
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 3x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 4×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week21, Week22, Week23, Week24″]

Week 21

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -15% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3x3ea+3
Kang Squats3×8 starting at 25% of Back Squat ending at RPE7-8 superset with Landmine Hack Squats – 3×10
Weighted Lateral Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×8 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -15% for 2×3 no pauses superset with Bentover BB Rows – 3×10
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Deadbugs *slow and controlled* – 3×30 seconds
Weighted Hollow Hold3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Paloff Press – 3×8 each side superset with Weighted Bear Crawl – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 4×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  4×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 4×3
Zercher Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Single Leg Glute Bridges – 3x10ea side starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Single Leg V-ups – 3x10ea
Deadlift – 2RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 2
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 2x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Staggered RDLs – 3×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Hollow Rocks – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week20, Week21, Week22, Week23″]

Week 20

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Dynamic Effort Back Squat – 75% straight weight 7×2 with 60-90sec rest  superset with Seated Jumps – 7×3
Cossack Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 4×6 each leg
Weighted Hollow Holds – 4×30 seconds superset with Heel Taps – 4×20 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec) RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 not paused superset with Single Arm KB/DB Rows- 3×8 each side
Weighted Push-up – 5×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 5×5
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 5x submaximal superset with Plank Up (Plank on elbows to Front Leaning Rest)- 5×10-12
Tiger Sit-outs – 3x8ea side superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squat both feet on ground *5 second eccentric each leg – 5×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9.5 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  5×5
Pendulum Lunge (Stationary forward lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 4×8 each side superset with Walking Staggered RDL – 4×6 each side *start out very conservative
Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×5
Shoulder Tap (L+R) + Push-Up – 5×10 superset with Single Leg V-Ups – 5×10 each leg
Deadlift Dynamic Effort – 75% straight weight 6×2 with 60-90sec rest
Box/Stair Step Ups pushing off with top foot/leg only *add weight if possible – 3×8 each leg
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses
Landmine Hack Squat (with BB in corner of Squat Rack) *quad pump – 5×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Dirty Dog (all fours/lift the leg like a fire hydrant exercise, straightening the leg at the top keeping the hips quiet) – 5×8 each side
Jumping Lunges – 5×5 each side superset with Weighted Sit-ups – 5×10
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 3×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week19, Week20, Week21, Week22″]

Week 19

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Dynamic Effort Back Squat – 70% straight weight 5×3 with 60-90sec rest  superset with Seated Jumps – 5×3
Cossack Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 3×6 each leg
Weighted Hollow Holds – 3×30 seconds superset with Heel Taps – 3×20 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 superset with Single Arm KB/DB Rows- 3×8 each side
Weighted Push-up – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 3×5
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Plank Up (Plank on elbows to Front Leaning Rest)- 3×10-12
Tiger Sit-outs – 3x8ea side superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squat both feet on ground *5 second eccentric each leg – 3×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×5
Pendulum Lunge (Stationary forward lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 3×8 each side superset with Walking Staggered RDL – 3×6 each side *start out very conservative
Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2’s weight for 3×5
Shoulder Tap (L+R) + Push-Up – 3×10 superset with Single Leg V-Ups – 3×10 each leg
Deadlift Dynamic Effort – 70% straight weight 5×2 with 60-90sec rest
Box/Stair Step Ups pushing off with top foot/leg only *add weight if possible – 3×8 each leg
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5
Landmine Hack Squat (with BB in corner of Squat Rack) *quad pump – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Dirty Dog (all fours/lift the leg like a fire hydrant exercise, straightening the leg at the top keeping the hips quiet) – 3×8 each side
Jumping Lunges – 3×5 each side superset with Weighted Sit-ups – 3×10
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 3×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week18, Week19, Week20, Week21″]

Week 18

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Dynamic Effort Back Squat – 70% straight weight 8×3 with 60-90sec rest  superset with Seated Jumps – 8×3
Cossack Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 4×6 each leg
Weighted Hollow Holds – 4×30 seconds superset with Heel Taps – 4×20 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 not paused superset with Single Arm KB/DB Rows- 3×8 each side
Weighted Push-up – 4×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 4×5
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 4x submaximal superset with Plank Up (Plank on elbows to Front Leaning Rest)- 4×10-12
Tiger Sit-outs – 3x8ea side superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squat both feet on ground *5 second eccentric each leg – 5×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  5×5
Pendulum Lunge (Stationary forward lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 3×8 each side superset with Walking Staggered RDL – 3×6 each side *start out very conservative
Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×5
Shoulder Tap (L+R) + Push-Up – 4×10 superset with Single Leg V-Ups – 4×10 each leg
Deadlift Dynamic Effort – 70% straight weight 8×2 with 60-90sec rest
Box/Stair Step Ups pushing off with top foot/leg only *add weight if possible – 3×8 each leg
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses
Landmine Hack Squat (with BB in corner of Squat Rack) *quad pump – 4×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Dirty Dog (all fours/lift the leg like a fire hydrant exercise, straightening the leg at the top keeping the hips quiet) – 4×8 each side
Jumping Lunges – 4×5 each side superset with Weighted Sit-ups – 4×10
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 3×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week17, Week18, Week19, Week20″]

Week 17

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Dynamic Effort Back Squat – 65% straight weight 8×3 with 60-90sec rest superset with Seated Jumps – 8×3
Cossack Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 3×6 each leg
Weighted Hollow Holds – 3×30 seconds superset with Heel Taps – 3×20 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 not paused superset with Single Arm KB/DB Rows- 3×8 each side

Weighted Push-up – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 3×5
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Plank Up (Plank on elbows to Front Leaning Rest)- 3×10-12
Tiger Sit-outs – 3x8ea side superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squat both feet on ground *5 second eccentric each leg – 4×5 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  4×5
Pendulum Lunge (Stationary forward lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 3×8 each side superset with Walking Staggered RDL – 3×6 each side *start out very conservative
Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×5
Shoulder Tap (L+R) + Push-Up – 3×10 superset with Single Leg V-Ups – 3×10 each leg
Deadlift Dynamic Effort – 65% straight weight 8×2 with 60-90sec rest
Box/Stair Step Ups pushing off with top foot/leg only *add weight if possible – 3×8 each leg
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 no pauses
Landmine Hack Squat (with BB in corner of Squat Rack) *quad pump – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Dirty Dog (all fours/lift the leg like a fire hydrant exercise, straightening the leg at the top keeping the hips quiet) – 3×8 each side
Jumping Lunges – 3×5 each side superset with Weighted Sit-ups – 3×10
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 3×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week16, Week17, Week18, Week19″]

Week 16

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Box Squat – 85% 6×3  superset with Prisoner Jump Squats – 6×3 (60-90 sec rest)
Snatch Grip Deadlift w/5 sec eccentric5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Seated Band Leg Curls – 5×12 superset with Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats stay at a 7RPE – 5x12ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal grip) *can sub floor press10×5 at 80%
Bentover Rows5×10 at 70%
Barbell Bicep Curls 3×10 superset with Weighted Close Grip Push-ups3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Front Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Wide Goodmorning stay at a 7-8RPEtake original weight 2×8
KB RDLs with Band Around Waist – 3x60 seconds
Barbell Overhead Carry – 3×20 yards forward and 20 yards backward
Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 at 70%
Dips5x submaximal (if ten reps plus add weight) superset with Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows5x submaximal reps switch grips ea set weakest to strongest
Back Elevated Glute Bridge with Band Around Knees – 3×15 superset with BB Abdominal Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 10RM RPE8, then -15% for 2×10 last set is 10+
Deadlift 70% 12×1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <88%)
Unilateral RDLs3x8ea
Lunges Bodyweight – 100 total meters
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week15, Week16, Week17, Week18″]

Week 15

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Box Squat – 70% 6×3  superset with Prisoner Jump Squats – 6×3 (60-90 sec rest)
Snatch Grip Deadlift w/5 sec eccentricTake 90% of last week and do 2 x 5
Seated Band Leg Curls – 3×12 superset with Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats stay at a 7RPE – 3x12ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal grip) *can sub floor press10×3 at 80%
Bentover Rows – 3x10 at 60%
Barbell Bicep Curls 3×10 superset with Weighted Close Grip Push-ups3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Front Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – Take 90% of last week and do 2×5
Wide Goodmorning stay at a 7-8RPEadd 5k 3×8
KB RDLs with Band Around Waist – 3x60 seconds
Barbell Overhead Carry – 3×20 yards forward and 20 yards backward
Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3x10 at 60%
Dips5x submaximal (if ten reps plus add weight) superset with Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows5x submaximal reps switch grips ea set weakest to strongest
Back Elevated Glute Bridge with Band Around Knees – 3×15 superset with BB Abdominal Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Take 10% of best 10RM for 3×10
Deadlift 70% 6×1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor (work up <90%)
Unilateral RDLs3x8ea
Lunges Bodyweight – 100 total meters
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week14, Week15, Week16, Week17″]

Week 14

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Box Squat – 80% 8×3  superset with Prisoner Jump Squats – 8×3 (60-90 sec rest)
Snatch Grip Deadlift w/5 sec eccentric5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Seated Band Leg Curls – 5×12 superset with Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats stay at a 7RPE – 5x12ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal grip) *can sub floor press10×4 at 80%
Bentover Rows5×10 at 65%
Barbell Bicep Curls 3×10 superset with Weighted Close Grip Push-ups3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Front Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Wide Goodmorning stay at a 7-8RPEadd 5-10k 3×8
KB RDLs with Band Around Waist4×45 seconds
Barbell Overhead Carry – 3×20 yards forward and 20 yards backward
Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 at 65%
Dips5x submaximal (if ten reps plus add weight) superset with Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows5x submaximal reps switch grips ea set weakest to strongest
Back Elevated Glute Bridge with Band Around Knees – 3×15 superset with BB Abdominal Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 10RM RPE8, then -15% for 2×10 last set is 10+
Deadlift 70% 10×1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <85%)
Unilateral RDLs3x8ea
Lunges Bodyweight – 100 total meters
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week13, Week14, Week15, Week16″]

Week 13

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Box Squat – 75% 7×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats – 7×3 (60-90 sec rest)
Snatch Grip Deadlift w/5 sec eccentric5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Seated Band Leg Curls – 4×12 superset with Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats stay at a 7RPE4x12ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Wide Grip Bench Press (wider than normal grip) *can sub floor press10×3 at 80%
Bentover Rows5×10 at 60%
Barbell Bicep Curls 3×10 superset with Weighted Close Grip Push-ups3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Front Squat 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Wide Goodmorning stay at a 7-8RPEstart with 25% of Squat 3×8
KB RDLs with Band Around Waist4×45 seconds
Barbell Overhead Carry – 3×20 yards forward and 20 yards backward
Wall Sit – 3×60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×10 at 60%
Dips5x submaximal (if ten reps plus add weight) superset with Pull-Ups or Inverted Rows5x submaximal reps switch grips ea set weakest to strongest
Back Elevated Glute Bridge with Band Around Knees – 3×15 superset with BB Abdominal Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 10RM RPE7, then -15% for 2×10 last set is 10+
Deadlift 70% 8×1 paused 2 sec 2″ off floor & 2 sec at knee (work up <83%)
Unilateral RDLs3x8ea
Lunges Bodyweight – 100 total meters
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week12, Week13, Week14, Week15″]

Week 12

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM 9RPE, then -20% for 3+ superset with Prisoner Jump Squat – 2×5
Wide Stance Good Mornings – 4x5 ending heavier than last week at RPE9 superset with Piston Goblet Squats (think speed stopping just above parallel and just before lockout)– 4×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×6 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM 9RPE, then -20% for 3+ superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 2×5
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 5x submaximal superset with Reverse Snow Angels *slow and controlled* – 5×10
Reverse Plank3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Deadbugs – 5×8 each side superset with Spiderman Low Crawl – 5×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RP9.5 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  5×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 5×3
Barbell Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9.5
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 5x submaximal superset with Lying Leg Raises – 5×10
Deadlift – 1RM 9RPE
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 2x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 80% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 5×8 each leg superset with Single Leg RDL – 5×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 5×6 superset with Supermans (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 5×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 5×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week11, Week12, Week13, Week14″]

Week 11 (Deload)

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 85% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squat – 4×5
Wide Stance Good Mornings – 3x8 ending heavier than last week at RPE8 superset with Piston Goblet Squats (think speed stopping just above parallel and just before lockout)– 3×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×6 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 85% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3 no pauses superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 4×5
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Reverse Snow Angels *slow and controlled* – 3×10
Reverse Plank3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Deadbugs – 3×8 each side superset with Spiderman Low Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 3×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  3×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 3×3
Barbell Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2 weight for 3×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Lying Leg Raises – 3×10
Deadlift – 90% of 3RM for 2×3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 2x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat –  Day 2 weight for 3×3
Shrimp Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg RDL – 3×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Supermans (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week10, Week11, Week12, Week13″]

Week 10

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 3 seconds), then -15% for 3×3 no pauses superset with Prisoner Jump Squat – 4×5
Wide Stance Good Mornings4×8 ending heavier than last week at RPE8 superset with Piston Goblet Squats (think speed stopping just above parallel and just before lockout)– 4×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×6 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 3 seconds), then -15% for 3×3 no pauses superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 4×5
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 4x submaximal superset with Reverse Snow Angels *slow and controlled* – 4×10
Reverse Plank3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Deadbugs – 4×8 each side superset with Spiderman Low Crawl – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 5×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  5×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 5×3
Barbell Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 85% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 4x submaximal superset with Lying Leg Raises – 4×10
Deadlift – 3RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 2x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 85% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg RDL – 4×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 4×10 superset with Supermans (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 4×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 4×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week9, Week10, Week11, Week12″]

Week 9

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 1RM (paused 5 seconds), then -15% for 2×5 no pauses superset with Prisoner Jump Squat – 3×5
Wide Stance Good Mornings3×8 starting at 27% of Back Squat ending at RPE7-8 superset with Piston Goblet Squats (think speed stopping just above parallel and just before lockout)– 3×10
Weighted Box or Stair Step Ups – 3×6 each leg superset with Overhead Barbell Carry or Hold3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 second hold
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 1RM (paused 5 seconds), then -15% for 2×5 no pauses superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups 3×5
Close Grip Diamond Push-ups*can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Reverse Snow Angels *slow and controlled* – 3×10
Reverse Plank3×30-45 seconds superset with Front Rack Carry or Hold3×20 yards or 30 second hold
Deadbugs – 3×8 each side superset with Spiderman Low Crawl – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Split Squats (Both legs on the ground) – 4×5 each leg starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8 superset with Weighted Squat Jumps –  4×3 superset Unweighted Explosive Squat Jumps – 4×3
Barbell Lunges RPE8 – 3×8 each leg superset Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3×10 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each arm
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 85% of Day 2 for 5×3
Inverted Rows – 3x submaximal superset with Lying Leg Raises – 3×10
Deadlift – 3RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 3
Nordic Curls – 3×5-8
Plank Hold – 2x max attempt *rest as need between
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 85% of Day 2 for 5×3
Shrimp Squats- 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg RDL – 3×6 each leg
Shoulder Press – 3×10 superset with Supermans (hold 3 seconds at top each rep) – 3×10 superset with Shoulder Taps (Handstand or Front Leaning Rest) – 3×8-10 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week8, Week9, Week10, Week11″]

Week 8 (DELOAD)

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of 3RM for 2×3 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3×3+2 (each leg)
Cossack Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 3×6 each leg
Weighted Sit-ups – 3×20 superset with Superman Hold – 3×45 seconds-1 minute
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of 3RM for 2×3 superset with Upright Rows (with BB/KB/DB)- 3×10

Push up with one hand close, one hand out (advanced can do one arm push-ups) *can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×30-45 seconds
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Plank Up (Plank on elbows to Front Leaning Rest)- 3×10-12
Leopard Core Crawl *Back is flat and hips are low entire time – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of 3RM for 3×3 ea leg superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×8
Pendulum Lunge (Stationary forward lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 3×8 each side superset with Hip Hinge/Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 3×8 *start out very conservative
Single Leg Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute per leg superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×10-20 yards forward and 10-20 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – Day 2 weight for 3×3
Deficit Push-ups – 3x submaximal superset with Sky Touches *On back, feet facing the sky, reach for the sky with arms and shoulders – 3×10
Deadlift – 90% of 5RM for 2×5
Lateral Box/Stair Step Ups pushing off with top foot/leg only *add weight if possible – 3×8 each leg
Zercher Carry – 3×20-30 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – Day 1 weight for 3×3
Piston Squat (with BB or KB in Goblet Hold) *quad pump – stop right at or above parallel and right before lockout – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Dirty Dog (all fours/lift the leg like a fire hydrant exercise, straightening the leg at the top keeping the hips quiet) – 3×8 each side
Pulsing Split Squats – 3×5 each side superset with Flutter Kicks – 3×30 seconds
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 3×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk


[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week7, Week8, Week9, Week10″]

Week 7

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3×3+2 (each leg)
Cossack Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 5×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 5×6 each leg
Weighted Sit-ups – 5×20 superset with Superman Hold – 5×45 seconds-1 minute
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Upright Rows (with BB/KB/DB)- 3×10

Push up with one hand close, one hand out (advanced can do one arm push-ups) *can add weighted vest or backpack – 5x submaximal superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 5×30-45 seconds
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 5x submaximal superset with Plank Up (Plank on elbows to Front Leaning Rest)- 5×10-12
Leopard Core Crawl *Back is flat and hips are low entire time – 5×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 5×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×8
Pendulum Lunge (Stationary forward lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 5×8 each side superset with Hip Hinge/Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 5×8 *start out very conservative
Single Leg Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute per leg superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×10-20 yards forward and 10-20 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Deficit Push-ups – 5x submaximal superset with Sky Touches *On back, feet facing the sky, reach for the sky with arms and shoulders – 5×10
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE9, then -10% for 5
Lateral Box/Stair Step Ups pushing off with top foot/leg only *add weight if possible – 4×8 each leg
Zercher Carry – 3×20-30 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Piston Squat (with BB or KB in Goblet Hold) *quad pump – stop right at or above parallel and right before lockout – 5×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Dirty Dog (all fours/lift the leg like a fire hydrant exercise, straightening the leg at the top keeping the hips quiet) – 5×8 each side
Pulsing Split Squats – 5×5 each side superset with Flutter Kicks – 5×30 seconds
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week6, Week7, Week8, Week9″]

Week 6

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3×3+2 (each leg)
Cossack Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 4×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 4×6 each leg
Weighted Sit-ups – 4×20 superset with Superman Hold – 4×45 seconds-1 minute
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Upright Rows (with BB/KB/DB)- 3×10

Push up with one hand close, one hand out (advanced can do one arm push-ups) *can add weighted vest or backpack – 4x submaximal superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 4×30-45 seconds
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 4x submaximal superset with Plank Up (Plank on elbows to Front Leaning Rest)- 4×10-12
Leopard Core Crawl *Back is flat and hips are low entire time – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 4×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×8
Pendulum Lunge (Stationary forward lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 4×8 each side superset with Hip Hinge/Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 4×8 *start out very conservative
Single Leg Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute per leg superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×10-20 yards forward and 10-20 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Deficit Push-ups – 4x submaximal superset with Sky Touches *On back, feet facing the sky, reach for the sky with arms and shoulders – 4×10
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE8, then -10% for 5
Lateral Box/Stair Step Ups pushing off with top foot/leg only *add weight if possible – 4×8 each leg
Zercher Carry – 3×20-30 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Piston Squat (with BB or KB in Goblet Hold) *quad pump – stop right at or above parallel and right before lockout – 4×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Dirty Dog (all fours/lift the leg like a fire hydrant exercise, straightening the leg at the top keeping the hips quiet) – 4×8 each side
Pulsing Split Squats – 4×5 each side superset with Flutter Kicks – 4×30 seconds
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week5, Week6, Week7, Week8″]

Week 5

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Single Leg Hops + Broad Jumps – 3×3+2 (each leg)
Cossack Lunges (can add KB or Backpack) – 3×8 each leg superset with Single Leg Glute Bridges (can add BB/KB/DB) – 3×6 each leg
Weighted Sit-ups – 3×20 superset with Superman Hold – 3×45 seconds-1 minute
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3 superset with Upright Rows (with BB/KB/DB)- 3×10

Push up with one hand close, one hand out (advanced can do one arm push-ups) *can add weighted vest or backpack – 3x submaximal superset with Weighted Hollow Hold – 3×30-45 seconds
Tricep Dips (use chair/bench, stationary bar, or rings) *add weight if more than 10 – 3x submaximal superset with Plank Up (Plank on elbows to Front Leaning Rest)- 3×10-12
Leopard Core Crawl *Back is flat and hips are low entire time – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with Side Bridge Crunch *hips on floor to side plank* – 3×8 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 3RMea leg 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Prisoner Jump Squats –  3×8
Pendulum Lunge (Stationary forward lunge + reverse lunge on leg = 1) – 3×8 each side superset with Hip Hinge/Good Morning with BB/KB/Band – 3×8 *start out very conservative
Single Leg Wall Sit *can add weight on top of knees – 3×30 seconds-1 minute per leg superset with Overhead KB/DB/BB Carry – 3×10-20 yards forward and 10-20 yards backward
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 90% of Day 2 for 5×3
Deficit Push-ups – 3x submaximal superset with Sky Touches *On back, feet facing the sky, reach for the sky with arms and shoulders – 3×10
Deadlift – 5RM (eccentric slower than concentric) RPE7, then -10% for 5
Lateral Box/Stair Step Ups pushing off with top foot/leg only *add weight if possible – 3×8 each leg
Zercher Carry – 3×20-30 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of Day 1 for 5×3
Piston Squat (with BB or KB in Goblet Hold) *quad pump – stop right at or above parallel and right before lockout – 3×10 *think speed with light to moderate superset with Dirty Dog (all fours/lift the leg like a fire hydrant exercise, straightening the leg at the top keeping the hips quiet) – 3×8 each side
Pulsing Split Squats – 4×5 each side superset with Flutter Kicks – 4×30 seconds
Calf Raises (Single Leg) – 4×20 each side
Barbell Ab Rollouts – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week4, Week5, Week6, Week7″]

Week 4

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 90% of 5RM for 2×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
Weighted Reverse Lunges – 3×8 each leg superset with Barbell Glute Bridges – 3×5 increasing to RPE7
Single Leg V-ups – 3×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 3×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 90% of 5RM for 2×3, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 90% of 10RM for 3×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×15 each side superset with Hollow Hold – 3×30-60 seconds
Crab Walk – 3×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 90% of 5RM for 3×5 each leg superset with Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
DB/KB Curtsy Lunge – 3×10 each side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 3×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 3×5 @75%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 90% of 10RM for 3×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
DB/Plate Front Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 3×5 with Day 1 weight
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 3×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 3×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 3×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 3×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week3, Week4, Week5, Week6″]

Week 3

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
Weighted Reverse Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Barbell Glute Bridges – 4×5 increasing to RPE9.5
Single Leg V-ups – 4×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Hollow Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Crab Walk – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg RPE9, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
DB/KB Curtsy Lunge – 5×10 each side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 5×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 5×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 5×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @80%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
DB/Plate Front Raises – 5×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 5×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 5×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 5×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 5×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 5×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 5×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week2, Week3, Week4, Week5″]

Week 2

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
Weighted Reverse Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Barbell Glute Bridges – 4×5 increasing to RPE9
Single Leg V-ups – 4×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE8, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Hollow Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Crab Walk – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg RPE8, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
DB/KB Curtsy Lunge – 4×10 each side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 4×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 4×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @78%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE8, then -10% for 2×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
DB/Plate Front Raises – 4×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 4×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 4×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 4×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 4×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week1, Week2, Week3, Week4″]

Week 1

Day 1

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB Loaded Jump Squats + Unloaded Jump Squats – 3×3+3
Weighted Reverse Lunges – 4×8 each leg superset with Barbell Glute Bridges – 4×5 increasing to RPE8
Single Leg V-ups – 4×12 each side superset with Med Ball Russian Twists – 4×15 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 2

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Bench Press *can sub with Floor Press if no bench – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) RPE7, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×8
Feet Elevated Close Grip Push-up *try to touch chest to thumbs *slow eccentric/explode up *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×10 superset with Deadbugs – 3×8 each side
Shoulder Taps *for for of a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 4×15 each side superset with Hollow Hold – 4×30-60 seconds
Crab Walk – 4×10 yards forward and 10 yards backward superset with KB High Pull *slower eccentric – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 3

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Barbell Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat *5 second eccentric each leg – 5RMea leg 7 RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with Broad Jumps *keep chest up and land soft feet and with whole foot – 3×5
DB/KB Curtsy Lunge – 3×10 each side superset with DB/KB/Barbell Single Leg RDLs – 3×8 each side
Wall Sit *add weight on top of knees – 3×60-90 seconds superset with Plank Hold *for a challenge, add backpack or weighted vest – 3×45-60 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 4

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Close Grip Bench Press *sub with floor press if no bench – 5×5 @75%
Tempo Normal Grip Push-ups (5 second eccentric, 2 second pause, 3 second concentric, 1 second at top) *add backpack or weighted vest – 10RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×10 superset with DB/KB Bent Over Single Arm Row – 3×10 each side
DB/Plate Front Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Lateral Raises – 3×10 superset with DB/Plate Rear Raises – 3×10
KB Farmer Carry (Single Arm) – 3×20 yards each
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 5

Daily Warm-up:
Warm-up with walk/bike/jog/row x 3-5 minutes
Dynamic warm-up to address any troublesome areas you will be using
McGill Big 3 (Bird Dogs, Side Bridges, and Curl Ups) x 3 sets

Back Squat – 5×5 with 90% of Day 1
Goblet Hold Cossack Lunges *nice and steady sitting as low as you can keeping the chest up and foot planted – 4×8 each side superset with Goblet Hold Step Ups *lift toes of the bottom foot and focus on only using the top foot to step up – 4×8 each side
Russian Baby Makers – 4×8 superset with Side Plank Reach Throughs – 4×8 each side
KB/DB Turkish Get Ups *slow and controlled up and down – 3×4 each side superset with Bear Dogs – 3×6 each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk

Day 6 (optional)

Active Recovery – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk