Bronze Level Weightlifting 6-Day Program with Optional 7th Day
[memb_contact fields=”FirstName”]!Here’s the current week of your weightlifting program.
(If you have any questions about any of the details of this program, email
Week 84
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 2+2 RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+No hook and No Feet Snatch+Snatch – 75% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Tempo Front Squats 3 sec eccentric – 1RM 9RPE (1 sec pause in bottom as well), then -20% for 3×3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Chest 2 Bar Strict Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 4x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Weighted Closegrip Pushups – 4×8 7-9RPE
Bentover Rows – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Front Squat + 2 Jerks – 75% 8×1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Clean & 2 Jerks
Back Squat -3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – 3RM
Overhead DB Carry – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Back Elevated with Band Around Knee Glute Bridges – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch Above Knee + Hang Sn Below Knee 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks 9RPE Max
Strict Press – 3RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 5RM for 5×5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 4×25 yards ea side starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
RDLs – 4×8 starting working up to an 9RPE
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week83, Week84, Week85, Week86″]
Week 83
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 2+2 RM 8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull + No hook and No Feet Snatch + Snatch – 73% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Tempo Front Squats 5 sec eccentric – 1RM 9RPE (3 sec pause in bottom as well), then -20% for 3×3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Chest 2 Bar Strict Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Weighted Closegrip Pushups – 3×8 7-9RPE
Bentover Rows – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Front Squat + 2 Jerks – 73% 8×1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Clean & 2 Jerks
Back Squat -3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – 3RM
Overhead DB Carry – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Back Elevated with Band Around Knee Glute Bridges – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch Above Knee + Hang Sn Below Knee 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks 8RPE Max
Strict Press – 3RM at 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 5RM for 5×5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 4×25 yards ea side starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
RDLs – 4×8 starting working up to an 8RPE
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week82, Week83, Week84, Week85″]
Week 82
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 90% of last weeks for 3×1+2
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang from Knee – 5 X 1+1+1 @ 7RPE
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 90% of 3RM for 2×3
Unilateral RDLs – 3x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex from Rack or Blocks – 90% of last weeks for 3×1+2
Push Press – 90% of 10RM for 2×10
Pullups – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Dips – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 90% of 10RM for 2×10 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Hang from Knee+Jerk – 5 X 1+1+1+1 @ 7RPE
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 90% of 5RM for 2×5 each leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 3 x 1+2 RPE7
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – 5RM
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Band Pull Throughs – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – 1RM allowed 1 miss
Clean & Jerk – 1RM allowed 1 miss
Strict Press – 90% of 5RM for 2×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 10RM for 3×10
Zercher Carries – 3 x 25 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 at 75%
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Sled Drag *heavy* – 3×20 yards
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week81, Week82, Week83, Week84″]
Week 81
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 1+2 RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang from Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 7-9RPE
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9.5RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex from Rack or Blocks – 1+2 RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×1+2
Push Press – 10RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×10
Pullups – 4 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Dips – 4 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 10RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×10 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 9RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Hang from Knee+Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 7-9RPE
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 5RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 4 x 1+2 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9.5RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – Work Up to 80% for 3×5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Band Pull Throughs – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – 2RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 2RM no misses
Strict Press – 5RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 10RM for 3×10
Zercher Carries – 4 x 25 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9.5RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 8×8 at 70%
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Sled Drag *heavy* – 5×20 yards
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week80, Week81, Week82, Week83″]Week 80
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 3+3RM 9RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch – 75% 7×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Front Squats 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 3RM 9RPE, then -20% for 3×3
2″ Deficit RDLs – 5×5 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict L-Sit Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 5x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 5x 15-30 seconds
Bentover Rows – 4×10 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 4×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 4×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – 75% 7×1+1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Pull + Clean + Jerk
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats – with SSB if able) -5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric each rep 9RPE, then -10% for 3×5 ea leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Front Squat (no belt) – 1RM with 2 breaths in the bottom RPE8
Zercher Carry- 3×20 yards work up to RPE7
Deadbugs with hands against wall – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Weighted Plank Hold- 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Jerk 9RPE Max
Close Grip Bench Press Press – 4×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 9RPE superset with DB Pull-overs – 4×10
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 4)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to heavy weight if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 4)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 4)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×3
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week79, Week80, Week81, Week82″]
Week 79
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 90% of last week for 2×5+5 RM
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch – 70% 5×1+1+1
Front Squats 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 90% of last week for 2×3
2″ Deficit RDLs – 3×5 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 90% of last week for 2×5
Strict L-Sit Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 3x 15-30 seconds
Bentover Rows – 3×10 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 3×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – 70% 5×1+1+1+2
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats – with SSB if able) – 90% of last week for 2x5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric each rep
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 3×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Front Squat (no belt) – 1RM with 2 breaths in the bottom RPE8
Zercher Carry- 3×20 yards work up to RPE7
Deadbugs with hands against wall – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Weighted Plank Hold- 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch + Hang Snatch Below Knee 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 9RPE Max
Close Grip Bench Press Press – 3×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 8RPE superset with DB Pull-overs – 3×10
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
3 sets *no build (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 4)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 90% of last week for 2×3
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 3×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week78, Week79, Week80, Week81″]
Week 78
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 5+5 RM 9RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch – 73% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Front Squats 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 3RM 8RPE, then -20% for 3×3
2″ Deficit RDLs – 5×5 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict L-Sit Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 4x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 4x 15-30 seconds
Bentover Rows – 4×10 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 4×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 4×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – 73% 8×1+1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Pull + Clean + Jerk
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats – with SSB if able) -5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric each rep 8RPE, then -10% for 3×5 ea leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Front Squat (no belt) – 1RM with 2 breaths in the bottom RPE8
Zercher Carry- 3×20 yards work up to RPE7
Deadbugs with hands against wall – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Weighted Plank Hold- 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch + Hang Snatch Below Knee 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 9RPE Max
Close Grip Bench Press Press – 4×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 9RPE superset with DB Pull-overs – 4×10
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 5)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 5)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (89% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 5)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds at knee) RPE8, then -10% for 2×3
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week77, Week78, Week79, Week80″]
Week 77
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 5+5 RM 8RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch – 70% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Front Squats 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 3RM 7RPE, then -20% for 3×3
2″ Deficit RDLs – 4×5 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict L-Sit Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 3x 15-30 seconds
Bentover Rows – 3×10 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 3×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – 70% 8×1+1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Pull + Clean + Jerk
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats – with SSB if able) -5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric each rep 7RPE, then -10% for 3×5 ea leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Front Squat (no belt) – 1RM with 2 breaths in the bottom RPE8
Zercher Carry- 3×20 yards work up to RPE7
Deadbugs with hands against wall – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Weighted Plank Hold- 3×30 seconds
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch + Hang Snatch Below Knee 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 8RPE Max
Close Grip Bench Press Press – 3×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 8RPE superset with DB Pull-overs – 3×10
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds at knee) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week76, Week77, Week78, Week79″]
Week 76
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 1+1+2 RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+Snatch+Hang Snatch from Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 75% (can build last 2 sets)
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and explode up) – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 same tempo
RDLs – 5×5(starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Behind the Neck Push Press – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups – 5 x submaximal (do chin over bar if less than 4) superset with Dips – 5 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 4×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 9RPE superset with Weighted Push-ups – 4×5 superset with Explosive Dynamic Push-ups – 4×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Clean +Hang Clean from Knee+Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1 75% (can build last 2 sets)
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) with slow 5 second eccentric – 5RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Snatch Pulls stopping each rep 2″ from ground – 5×3 starting with 95% building each set
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Front Squat (no belt) – 1RM with 3 breaths in the bottom RPE8
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards work up to RPE7
Deadbugs with hands against wall – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Stability Ball Stir the Pot – 3×15 ea way
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 1RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 1RM no misses
Strict Press – 5RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Snatch High Pulls – 3×5
Front Rack Carries – 4×20 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 at 75% (last set 5+)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds at knee) RPE9, then – 10% for 2×5
Barbell on Back Lunge Steps – 4×8 ea leg
Wall Slides – 3×10 slow and controlled
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week75, Week76, Week77, Week78″]
Week 75
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 90% of last week for 2×1+1+2 with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+Snatch+Hang Snatch from Knee – 5×1+1+1 70%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and explode up) – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3 same tempo
RDLs – 3×5(starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Behind the Neck Push Press – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups – 3x submaximal (do chin over bar if less than 4) superset with Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 3×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 8RPE superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Explosive Dynamic Push-ups – 3×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Clean +Hang Clean from Knee+Jerk – 5×1+1+1 70%
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) with slow 5 second eccentric – 90% of last week’s 5RMea leg for 2×5 ea leg
Snatch Pulls stopping each rep 2″ from ground – 3×3 at 95%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Front Squat (no belt) – 1RM with 3 breaths in the bottom RPE8
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards work up to RPE7
Deadbugs with hands against wall – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Stability Ball Stir the Pot – 3×15 ea way
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 80% of last week’s 2RM for 3×2
Clean & Jerk – 80% of last week’s 2RM for 3×2
Strict Press – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 superset with Snatch High Pulls – 3×5
Front Rack Carries – 3×20 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 3×5 at 70%
Clean Grip Deadlift – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
Barbell on Back Lunge Steps – 3×8 ea leg
Wall Slides – 3×10 slow and controlled
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week74, Week75, Week76, Week77″]
Week 74
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 1+1+2 RM 8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+Snatch+Hang Snatch from Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 73%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and explode up) – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 same tempo
RDLs – 5×5(starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Behind the Neck Push Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups – 4 x submaximal (do chin over bar if less than 4) superset with Dips – 4 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 4×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 9RPE superset with Weighted Push-ups – 4×5 superset with Explosive Dynamic Push-ups – 4×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Clean +Hang Clean from Knee+Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 73%
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) with slow 5 second eccentric – 5RMea leg 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Snatch Pulls stopping each rep 2″ from ground – 5×3 starting with 93% building each set
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Front Squat (no belt) – 1RM with 3 breaths in the bottom RPE8
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards work up to RPE7
Deadbugs with hands against wall – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Stability Ball Stir the Pot – 3×15 ea way
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 2RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 2RM no misses
Strict Press – 5RM at 8RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Snatch High Pulls – 3×5
Front Rack Carries – 4×20 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 at 73% (last set 5+)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds at knee) RPE8, then – 10% for 2×5
Barbell on Back Lunge Steps – 4×8 ea leg
Wall Slides – 3×10 slow and controlled
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week73, Week74, Week75, Week76″]
Week 73
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 1+1+2 RM 7RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+Snatch+Hang Snatch from Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 70%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and explode up) – 3RM 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3 same tempo
RDLs – 4×5(starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Behind the Neck Push Press – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups – 3 x submaximal (do chin over bar if less than 4) superset with Dips – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 3×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 8RPE superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Explosive Dynamic Push-ups – 3×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Clean +Hang Clean from Knee+Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 70%
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) with slow 5 second eccentric – 5RMea leg 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Snatch Pulls stopping each rep 2″ from ground – 4×3 starting with 90% building each set
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Front Squat (no belt) – 1RM with 3 breaths in the bottom RPE7
Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards work up to RPE7
Deadbugs with hands against wall – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Stability Ball Stir the Pot – 3×15 ea way
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 3RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 3RM no misses
Strict Press – 5RM at 7RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Snatch High Pulls – 3×5
Front Rack Carries – 4×20 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 at 70% (last set 5+)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds at knee) RPE7, then – 10% for 2×5
Barbell on Back Lunge Steps – 3×8 ea leg
Wall Slides – 3×10 slow and controlled
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week72, Week73, Week74, Week75″]
Week 72
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance – 1+2RM RPE9
Snatch + Hang Snatch from Below Knee – 75% 7×1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Front Squats Bottoms – 5RM RPE9, then -10% for 3×5
2″ Deficit Banded RDLs – 4x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Behind the Neck Push Press – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×3
Power Jerk + Split Jerk from Rack or Blocks – 75% 7×1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 5x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 5x 15-30 seconds
KB High Pulls – 3×10 superset with Scapular Push-ups – 3×20
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Hang Clean from Below Knee + Jerk – 75% 7×1+1+1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat (with Safety Bar if possible)- 3RMea leg with slow eccentrics RPE8 for 3×3 ea leg
Snatch Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Snatch Balance – Build to a heavy single with 3 second pause in the bottom RPE8
Quadruped Thoracic Rotation – 3×8 ea side
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each
Day 5
Snatch Waves – (75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1) x 2 waves then 1RM RPE9 allowed 1 miss
Clean & Jerk Waves (75% x 1+2, 80% x 1+1, 85% x 1+1) x 2 waves then 1RM RPE9 allowed 1 miss
Close Grip Bench Press – 4×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 9RPE superset with Dips – 4×10 superset with DB Pullovers – 4×10
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 second hold starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 1RM RPE9
Clean Pull – 3RM RPE9 then -10% for 2×3+3 Clean Pull + Shrugs
DB Lunges – 4×8 ea side
Banded Leg Curls *slow eccentrics – 4×12 superset with Single Leg Weighted Calf Raises – 4×10 ea leg
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – Run/Row/Bike 30-45 minutes at conversational pace
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week71, Week72, Week73, Week74″]Week 71
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance – 90% of last week for 2×1+2
Snatch + Hang Snatch from Below Knee – 70% 5×1+1
Front Squats Bottoms – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5
2″ Deficit Banded RDLs – 3x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Behind the Neck Push Press – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Power Jerk + Split Jerk from Rack or Blocks – 70% 5×1+1
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 3x 15-30 seconds
KB High Pulls – 3×10 superset with Scapular Push-ups – 3×20
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Hang Clean from Below Knee + Jerk – 70% 5×1+1+1+1
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat (with Safety Bar if possible)- 90% of last week’s 3RMea leg with slow eccentrics for 3×3 ea leg
Snatch Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 3×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Snatch Balance – Build to a heavy single with 3 second pause in the bottom RPE7
Quadruped Thoracic Rotation – 3×8 ea side
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each
Day 5
Snatch Waves – (73% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 1) x 2 waves
Clean & Jerk Waves (73% x 2+2, 78% x 1+2, 83% x 1+1) x 2 waves
Close Grip Bench Press – 3×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 8RPE superset with Dips – 3×10 superset with DB Pullovers – 3×10
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 second hold starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
(85% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 5) x 3 sets *do not increase
Clean Pull – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3+3 Clean Pull + Shrugs
DB Lunges – 3×8 ea side
Banded Leg Curls *slow eccentrics – 3×12 superset with Single Leg Weighted Calf Raises – 3×10 ea leg
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – Run/Row/Bike 30-45 minutes at conversational pace
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week70, Week71, Week72, Week73″]Week 70
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance – 1+2RM RPE7
Snatch + Hang Snatch from Below Knee – 73% 7×1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Front Squats Bottoms – 5RM RPE8, then -10% for 3×5
2″ Deficit Banded RDLs – 3x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Behind the Neck Push Press – 3RM RPE8, then -10% for 2×3
Power Jerk + Split Jerk from Rack or Blocks – 73% 7×1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 4x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 4x 15-30 seconds
KB High Pulls – 3×10 superset with Scapular Push-ups – 3×20
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Hang Clean from Below Knee + Jerk – 73% 7×1+1+1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat (with Safety Bar if possible)- 3RMea leg with slow eccentrics RPE8 for 3×3 ea leg
Snatch Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Snatch Balance – Build to a heavy single with 3 second pause in the bottom RPE8
Quadruped Thoracic Rotation – 3×8 ea side
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each
Day 5
Snatch Waves – (70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 1) x 2 waves then 3RM RPE8
Clean & Jerk Waves (70% x 2+2, 75% x 1+2, 80% x 1+1) x 2 waves then 2+2RM RPE8
Close Grip Bench Press – 3×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 9RPE superset with Dips – 3×10 superset with DB Pullovers – 3×10
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 second hold starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4) x 3 sets *can increase 5-10k each set if able
Clean Pull – 3RM RPE8 then -10% for 2×3+3 Clean Pull + Shrugs
DB Lunges – 4×8 ea side
Banded Leg Curls *slow eccentrics – 4×12 superset with Single Leg Weighted Calf Raises – 4×10 ea leg
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – Run/Row/Bike 30-45 minutes at conversational pace
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week69, Week70, Week71, Week72″]Week 69
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance – 1+2RM RPE7
Snatch + Hang Snatch from Below Knee – 70% 7×1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Front Squats Bottoms – 5RM RPE7, then -10% for 3×5
2″ Deficit Banded RDLs – 3x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Behind the Neck Push Press – 3RM RPE7, then -10% for 2×3
Power Jerk + Split Jerk from Rack or Blocks – 70% 7×1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Strict Chest to Bar Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 3x 15-30 seconds
KB High Pulls – 3×10 superset with Scapular Push-ups – 3×20
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Hang Clean from Below Knee + Jerk – 70% 7×1+1+1+1 (can build last 2 sets if no misses)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat (with Safety Bar if possible)- 3RMea leg with slow eccentrics RPE7 for 3×3 ea leg
Snatch Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Snatch Balance – Build to a heavy single with 3 second pause in the bottom RPE7
Quadruped Thoracic Rotation – 3×8 ea side
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 slow and controlled
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds slow and controlled
Unilateral Farmer Carry – 3×20 yards each
Day 5
Snatch Waves – (70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 1) x 2 waves then 3RM RPE7
Clean & Jerk Waves (70% x 2+2, 75% x 1+2, 80% x 1+1) x 2 waves then 2+2RM RPE7
Close Grip Bench Press – 3×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 8RPE superset with Dips – 3×10 superset with DB Pullovers – 3×10
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards or 30 second hold starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4) x 3 sets *can increase 5-10k each set if able
Clean Pull – 3RM RPE7 then -10% for 2×3+3 Clean Pull + Shrugs
Banded Leg Curls *slow eccentrics – 4×12 superset with Single Leg Weighted Calf Raises – 4×10 ea leg
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – Run/Row/Bike 30-45 minutes at conversational pace
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week68, Week69, Week70, Week71″]Week 68
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 3+3RM 9RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch – 75% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Front Squats 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 3RM98RPE, then -20% for 3×3
2″ Deficit RDLs – 5×5 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict L-Sit Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 5x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 5x 15-30 seconds
Bentover Single Arm KB Rows – 5×8 ea superset with Weighted Push-ups – 5×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 5×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – 75% 8×1+1+1+1 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Pull + Clean + Jerk
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat (with SSB if possible) -5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric each rep 9RPE, then -10% for 3×5 ea leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch + Overhead Squat 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 9RPE Max
Close Grip Bench Press – 4×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 9RPE superset with DB Pull-overs – 4×10
Bradford Press (front to back to front = 1) – 5×5 superset with DB Rear Delt Flies – 5×10
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 4)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 4)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 4)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM RPE9, then -10% for 2×3
Banded Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Glute Bridge with Band around Knees – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week67, Week68, Week69, Week70″]
Week 67
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 90% of last week for 2×5+5RM
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch – 75% 5×1+1+1
Front Squats 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3
2″ Deficit RDLs – 3x5ea leg 7RPE
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
Strict L-Sit Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 3x 15-30 seconds
Bentover Single Arm KB Rows – 3×10 ea superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 3×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – 75% 5×1+1+1+1
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat (with SSB if possible) – 90% of last week’s 5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric each rep for 3×5 ea leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 3×1+1 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch + Hang Snatch Below Knee 7RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 7RPE Max
Close Grip Bench Press – 3×10 7RPE superset with DB Pull-overs – 3×10
Bradford Press (front to back to front = 1) – 3×5 superset with DB Rear Delt Flies – 3×10
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 seconds 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
3 sets: (85% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 5) *do not increase
Clean Grip Deadlift – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Banded Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 3×10
Glute Bridge with Band around Knees – 3×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week66, Week67, Week68, Week69″]
Week 66
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 5+5 RM 9RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch – 73% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Front Squats 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 3RM 8RPE, then -20% for 3×3
2″ Deficit RDLs – 4x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict L-Sit Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 4x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 4x 15-30 seconds
Bentover Single Arm KB Rows – 4×10 ea superset with Weighted Push-ups – 4×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 4×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – 73% 8×1+1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Pull + Clean + Jerk
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat (with SSB if possible) -5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric each rep 8RPE, then -10% for 3×5 ea leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch + Hang Snatch Below Knee 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 9RPE Max
Close Grip Bench Press – 4×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 9RPE superset with DB Pull-overs – 4×10
Bradford Press (front to back to front = 1) – 4×5 superset with DB Rear Delt Flies – 4×10
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds at knee) RPE9, then -10% for 2×3
Banded Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Glute Bridge with Band around Knees – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week65, Week66, Week67, Week68″]
Week 65
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 5+5 RM 8RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch+Snatch – 70% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Front Squats 4 sec eccentric and 2 sec pause in bottom – 3RM 7RPE, then -20% for 3×3
2″ Deficit RDLs – 4x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Zercher Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict L-Sit Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Handstand Hold – 3x 15-30 seconds
Bentover Single Arm KB Rows – 3×10 3ea superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5 superset with Dynamic Explosive Push-ups – 3×5
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Jerk Balance – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk – 70% 8×1+1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Pull + Clean + Jerk
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squat (with SSB if possible) -5RMea leg with 5 second eccentric each rep 7RPE, then -10% for 3×5 ea leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch + Hang Snatch Below Knee 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 8RPE Max
Close Grip Bench Press – 3×10 starting at 7RPE ending at 8RPE superset with DB Pull-overs – 3×10
Bradford Press (front to back to front = 1) – 3×5 superset with DB Rear Delt Flies – 3×10
Overhead Barbell Carry – 3×20 yards forward and backward or 45 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds at knee) RPE7, then -10% for 2×3
Banded Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Glute Bridge with Band around Knees – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week64, Week65, Week66, Week67″]
Week 64
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + Sotts Press – 1+1+3 RM 9RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang Snatch from Below Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 78%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric, 2 second pause) – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 same tempo
Landmine RDLs – 3×8 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Pull-ups (Tempo 2 second pause at top, 4 second eccentric) – 5×5 superset with Dips – 5x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Hang Muscle Snatch – 4×10 superset with Hang Snatch High Pulls – 4×5
GHRs – 4×6
Overhead Hold in Split Position (front foot elevated) – 3×30 seconds each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+ Hang Clean from Below Knee + Power Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 78%
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 4×10 each leg starting at 7RPE and ending at 9RPE
Pull to Hip paused 2 seconds + Snatch Pull – 4×2+2 starting at 90% building
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 1RM paused at knee for 2 seconds no misses
Clean & Jerk – 1RM paused at knee for 2 seconds no misses
Seated Strict Press – 5×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 4×5
Front Rack Lunges – 4×5 each leg starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×4 @83% (last set 5+ with RIR 1)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 5RM (1st rep paused 2 seconds at knee) RPE9, then -10% for 5
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week63, Week64, Week65, Week66″]
Week 63
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + Sotts Press – 90% of last week for 3×1+1+3 RM
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang Snatch from Below Knee – 5 x 1+1+1 @ 75%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric, 2 second pause) – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
Landmine RDLs – 3×8 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
Pull-ups (Tempo 2 second pause at top, 4 second eccentric) – 3×5 superset with Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×10 superset with Hang Snatch High Pulls – 3×5
GHRs – 3×6
Overhead Hold in Split Position (front foot elevated) – 3×30 seconds each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+ Hang Clean from Below Knee + Power Jerk – 5 x 1+1+1+1 @ 75%
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 3×10 each leg starting at 7RPE and ending at 8RPE
Pull to Hip paused 2 seconds + Snatch Pull – 3×2+2 starting at 90%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 80% of last week’s 2RM for 3×2
Clean & Jerk – 80% of last week’s 2RM for 3×2
Seated Strict Press – 3×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 3×10
Front Rack Lunges – 3×5 each leg starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 3×5 @70%
Clean Grip Deadlift – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 3×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week62, Week63, Week64, Week65″]
Week 62
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + Sotts Press – 1+1+3 RM 8RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang Snatch from Below Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 73%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric, 2 second pause) – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5 same tempo
Landmine RDLs – 3×8 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Pull-ups (Tempo 2 second pause at top, 4 second eccentric) – 4×5 superset with Dips – 4x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×10 superset with Hang Snatch High Pulls – 3×5
GHRs – 4×6
Overhead Hold in Split Position (front foot elevated) – 3×30 seconds each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+ Hang Clean from Below Knee + Power Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 73%
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 4×10 each leg starting at 7RPE and ending at 9RPE
Pull to Hip paused 2 seconds + Snatch Pull – 4×2+2 starting at 88% building
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 2RM paused at knee for 2 seconds no misses
Clean & Jerk – 2RM paused at knee for 2 seconds no misses
Seated Strict Press – 4×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 4×10
Front Rack Lunges – 3×5 each leg starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 @78% (last set 5+ with RIR 1)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 2 seconds at knee) RPE8, then -10% for 5
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week61, Week62, Week63, Week64″]
Week 61
Day 1
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + Sotts Press – 1+1+3 RM 7RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang Snatch from Below Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 70%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric, 2 second pause) – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5 same tempo
Landmine RDLs – 3×8 (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Pull-ups (Tempo 2 second pause at top, 4 second eccentric) – 3×5 superset with Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×10 superset with Hang Snatch High Pulls – 3×5
GHRs – 4×6
Overhead Hold in Split Position (front foot elevated) – 3×30 seconds each side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+ Hang Clean from Below Knee + Power Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 70%
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 3×10 each leg starting at 7RPE and ending at 8RPE
Pull to Hip paused 2 seconds + Snatch Pull – 4×2+2 starting at 85% building
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 3RM paused at knee for 2 seconds no misses
Clean & Jerk – 3RM paused at knee for 2 seconds no misses
Seated Strict Press – 3×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 3×10
Front Rack Lunges – 3×5 each leg starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 @75% (last set 5+ with RIR 1)
Clean Grip Deadlift – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 2 seconds at knee) RPE7, then -10% for 5
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week60, Week61, Week62, Week63″]
Week 60
Day 1
Snatch – (75% x 2, 78% x 1, 80% x 1) 3 Waves *increasing 2-5k each wave if possible
Clean & Jerk – (75% x 2, 78% x 1, 80% x 1) 3 Waves *increasing 2-5k each wave if possible
Front Squat – 3RM RPE9 then -10% for 2×3
Clean Pulls from short blocks – 4×3 starting at 100%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
No Hook and No Feet Hang Snatch – 7×2 at 73%
Behind the Neck Jerk from Rack + Jerk – 78% 4×1+1 (can build 2 bonus sets if no misses)
Back Squat – 2RM RPE9 then -15% for 2×2
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Seated DB Press 4×10 ending with a 9RPE
1b. DB Pull-overs 4×10
1c. Lateral Raises 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Front Squats – 1RM paused 3 full breaths in the bottom
Snatch from Medium Blocks w Bar at knees – 6×1 at 80% *can build last 2 sets if no misses
Clean from Medium Blocks – 6×1 at 80% *can build last 2 sets if no misses
DB Lunges (focus on a vertical Spine) – 4×10
Snatch Pulls – 4×3 starting at 95%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Max *allowed 1 miss
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Jerk Max *allowed 1 miss
Strict Press – 1RM RPE9.5
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Strict Pull-ups – 5x submaximal (if 10 or more, add weight)
1b. Dips – 5x submaximal (if 10 or more, add weight)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squat – Max RPE9
RDLs – 5×5 at RPE9
Banded Leg Curls – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week59, Week60, Week61, Week62″]
Week 59
Day 1
Snatch – (75% x 2, 78% x 1, 80% x 1) 3 Waves *no increases
Clean & Jerk – (75% x 2, 78% x 1, 80% x 1) 3 Waves *no increases
Front Squat – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Clean Pulls from short blocks – 3×3 at 100%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
No Hook and No Feet Hang Snatch – 5×3 at 65%
Behind the Neck Jerk from Rack + Jerk – 75% 4×1+1
Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 2RM for 3×2
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Seated DB Press 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
1b. DB Pull-overs 3×10
1c. Lateral Raises 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Front Squats – 1RM paused 3 full breaths in the bottom
Snatch from Medium Blocks w Bar at knees – 5×2 at 75%
Clean from Medium Blocks – 5×2 at 75%
DB Lunges (focus on a vertical Spine) – 3×10
Snatch Pulls – 3×3 at 95%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk 8RPE Max
Strict Press – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Strict Pull-ups – 3x submaximal (if 10 or more, add weight)
1b. Dips – 3x submaximal (if 10 or more, add weight)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
(85% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 4) x 3 sets *no increases
RDLs – 3×5 at RPE7
Banded Leg Curls – 3×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week58, Week59, Week60, Week61″]
Week 58
Day 1
Snatch – (73% x 3, 75% x 2, 78% x 1) 3 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Clean & Jerk – (73% x 3, 75% x 2, 78% x 1) 3 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Front Squat – 3RM(1st rep paused 3 seconds) 9RPE
Clean Pulls from short blocks – 5×3 work up heavy starting at 98%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
No Hook and No Feet Hang Snatch – 6×2 at 70%
Behind the Neck Jerk from Rack + Jerk – 73% 4×1+1 (can work up 2 bonus sets if no misses)
Back Squat – 2RM Paused 3 Sec 1st rep only 9RPE
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Seated DB Press 4×10 ending with a 8RPE
1b. DB Pull-overs 4×10
1c. Lateral Raises 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Front Squats – 1RM paused 3 full breaths in the bottom
Snatch from Medium Blocks w Bar at knees – 5×2 at 78% (can work up last two sets if no misses)
Clean from Medium Blocks – 5×2 at 78% (can work up last two sets if no misses)
DB Lunges (focus on a vertical Spine) – 4×10
Snatch Pulls – 4×3 work up heavy starting at 90%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 2 Snatch Pulls + Snatch 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 9RPE Max
Strict Press – 3RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 2×3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Strict Pull-ups – 4x submaximal (if 10 or more, add weight)
1b. Dips – 4x submaximal (if 10 or more, add weight)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (83% x 3)
Set 2 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (83% x 3)
Set 3 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (83% x 3)
RDLs – 5×5 starting at RPE7 ending at 9RPE
Banded Leg Curls – 4×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week57, Week58, Week59, Week60″]
Week 57
Day 1
Snatch – (70% x 3, 73% x 2, 75% x 1) 3 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Clean & Jerk – (70% x 3, 73% x 2, 75% x 1) 3 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Front Squat – 3RM(1st rep paused 3 seconds) 8RPE
Clean Pulls from short blocks – 4×3 work up heavy starting at 95%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
No Hook and No Feet Hang Snatch – 6×2 at 68%
Behind the Neck Jerk from Rack + Jerk – 70% 4×1+1 (can work up 2 bonus sets if no misses)
Back Squat – 2RM Paused 3 Sec 1st rep only 8RPE
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Seated DB Press 3×10 ending with a 8RPE
1b. DB Pull-overs 3×10
1c. Lateral Raises 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Front Squats – 1RM paused 3 full breaths in the bottom
Snatch from Medium Blocks w Bar at knees – 5×2 at 75% (can work up last two sets if no misses)
Clean from Medium Blocks – 5×2 at 75% (can work up last two sets if no misses)
DB Lunges (focus on a vertical Spine) – 3×10
Snatch Pulls – 4×3 work up heavy starting at 85%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 2 Snatch Pulls + Snatch 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 8RPE Max
Strict Press – 3RM at 8RPE, then -10% for 2×3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Strict Pull-ups – 3x submaximal (if 10 or more, add weight)
1b. Dips – 3x submaximal (if 10 or more, add weight)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 2 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 3 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4+)
RDLs – 4×5 starting at RPE7 ending at 8RPE
Banded Leg Curls – 3×10
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week56, Week57, Week58, Week59″]
Week 56
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 1+1 RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch + Hang Snatch from below Knee – 75% 9×1+1 (working up on last 3)
Tempo Front Squats 5 sec eccentric – 3RM 9RPE, then -20% for 3
Staggered Walking RDLs – 4x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Weighted Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges – 4x8ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×3
Weighted Strict Pullups (keep doing regular strict pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 5RM, then – 10% for 2×5 superset with Deficit Pushups using paralletes or bumpers for upper body elevation- 3×8 7-9RPE
Weighted Dips -5RM, then – 10% for 2×5 superset with KB High Pulls – 3×10
Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Hang Clean from below knee + Power Jerk + Split Jerk – 75% 9×1+1+1+1 (working up on last three)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5RM with 5 second eccentric ea leg RPE9 then -10% for 3×5 ea leg w 5 second eccentric
Snatch Pulls to knee + to hip – 2+2 RPE8, then -10% for 2×2+2 superset with Depth Jumps 3×5
Overhead Jerk Grip Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk 9RPE Max
Seated Arnold Press – 4×10 superset with Ring Rows w/ 2 sec pause at top and 3 sec eccentric – 4×10
Staggered Carry (Farmer + Overhead w/DB or KB) – 3×20 yards ea hand
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 8)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 8)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 8)
Banded Deficit RDLs – 5×5 starting at RPE7 working up to an 9RPE
DB External Rotation – 3x10ea side
Glute Bridge w/Feet Elevated and Band around Knees – 3×15
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week55, Week56, Week57, Week58″]
Week 55
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 90% of last week’s 2+2 RM with a 3 sec pause in bottom for 2×2+2
Snatch + Hang Snatch from below Knee – 75% 6×1+1
Tempo Front Squats 5 sec eccentric – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Staggered Walking RDLs – 3x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Weighted Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges – 3x8ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Weighted Strict Pullups (keep doing regular strict pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 superset with Deficit Pushups using paralletes or bumpers for upper body elevation- 3×8 7-8RPE
Weighted Dips -90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5 superset with KB High Pulls – 3×10
Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Hang Clean from below knee + Power Jerk + Split Jerk – 75% 6×1+1+1+1
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 90% of last week’s 5RM with 5 second eccentric ea leg for 2×5 ea leg w 5 second eccentric
Snatch Pulls to knee + to hip – 90% of last week’s 2+2 for 3×2+2 superset with Depth Jumps 3×5
Overhead Jerk Grip Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk 8RPE Max
Seated Arnold Press – 3×10 superset with Ring Rows w/ 2 sec pause at top and 3 sec eccentric – 3×10
Staggered Carry (Farmer + Overhead w/DB or KB) – 3×20 yards ea hand
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 8)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 8)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (8% x 10)
Banded Deficit RDLs – 3×5 at RPE7
DB External Rotation – 3x10ea side
Glute Bridge w/Feet Elevated and Band around Knees – 3×15
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week54, Week55, Week56, Week57″]
Week 54
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 2+2 RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch + Hang Snatch from below Knee – 73% 9×1+1 (working up on last 3)
Tempo Front Squats 5 sec eccentric – 3RM 8RPE, then -20% for 3×3
Staggered Walking RDLs – 4x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Weighted Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges – 4x8ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×3
Weighted Strict Pullups (keep doing regular strict pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 5RM, then – 10% for 2×5 superset with Deficit Pushups using paralletes or bumpers for upper body elevation- 3×8 7-9RPE
Weighted Dips -5RM, then – 10% for 2×5 superset with KB High Pulls – 3×10
Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Hang Clean from below knee + Power Jerk + Split Jerk – 73% 9×1+1+1+1 (working up on last three)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5RM with 5 second eccentric ea leg RPE8 then -10% for 3×5 ea leg w 5 second eccentric
Snatch Pulls to knee + to hip – 2+2 RPE8, then -10% for 2×2+2 superset with Depth Jumps 3×5
Overhead Jerk Grip Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Hip Snatch + Snatch 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull + Hip Clean + Clean + Jerk 9RPE Max
Seated Arnold Press – 4×10 superset with Ring Rows w/ 2 sec pause at top and 3 sec eccentric – 4×10
Staggered Carry (Farmer + Overhead w/DB or KB) – 3×20 yards ea hand
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
Banded Deficit RDLs – 5×5 starting at RPE7 working up to an 9RPE
DB External Rotation – 3x10ea side
Glute Bridge w/Feet Elevated and Band around Knees – 3×15
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week53, Week54, Week55, Week56″]
Week 53
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 2+2 RM 8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch + Hang Snatch from below Knee – 70% 8×1+1 (working up on last 3)
Tempo Front Squats 5 sec eccentric – 3RM 7RPE, then -20% for 3×3
Staggered Walking RDLs – 3x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Weighted Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunges – 3x8ea leg
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 3RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×3
Weighted Strict Pullups (keep doing regular strict pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 5RM, then – 10% for 2×5 superset with Deficit Pushups using paralletes or bumpers for upper body elevation- 3×8 7-9RPE
Weighted Dips -5RM, then – 10% for 2×5 superset with KB High Pulls – 3×10
Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×10 superset with Bentover Barbell Rows – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Hang Clean from below knee + Power Jerk + Split Jerk – 70% 8×1+1+1+1 (working up on last three)
Rear Leg Elevated Split Squats – 5RM with 5 second eccentric ea leg RPE7 then -10% for 2×5 ea leg w 5 second eccentric
Snatch Pulls to knee + to hip – 2+2 RPE7, then -10% for 2×2+2 superset with Depth Jumps 3×5
Overhead Jerk Grip Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Hip Snatch + Snatch 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull + Hip Clean + Clean + Jerk 8RPE Max
Seated Arnold Press – 3×10 superset with Ring Rows w/ 2 sec pause at top and 3 sec eccentric – 3×10
Staggered Carry (Farmer + Overhead w/DB or KB) – 3×20 yards ea hand
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
Banded Deficit RDLs – 4×5 starting at RPE7 working up to an 8RPE
DB External Rotation – 3x10ea side
Glute Bridge w/Feet Elevated and Band around Knees – 3×15
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week52, Week53, Week54, Week55″]
Week 52
Day 1
Snatch Balance + Sotts Press – 1+3 RM 9RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Snatch – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 75% *can build 2 bonus sets if no misses
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric) – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 same tempo
Single Leg RDLs – 4x6ea (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9.5RPE)
Weighted Box Step Ups – 4×9 ea to 14-16″ *heavier than week 50
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Pull-ups (Tempo 2 second pause at top, 4 second eccentric) – 5×10 superset with Ring Dips – 5x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Hang Muscle Snatch – 4×5 superset with Hang Snatch High Pulls – 4×8
Seated DB Press – 4×10 superset Bentover Single Arm DB Row – 4×8 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Clean+ Power Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 75% *can build 2 bonus sets if no misses
Split Squats (both feet on ground)- 5×5 each leg starting at 7RPE and ending at 9.5RPE
Lasha Snatch Pulls – 4×3 starting at 95% building
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 1RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 1RM no misses
Bradford Presses – 5×5 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 5×5
Zercher Lunges – 4×8 each leg starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 6×4 @83%
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM RPE9
Take 85% of above for Clean Pull + Shrug – 4×3+5
Wall Slides – 4×10
Unilateral Banded Leg Curls – 4×20 ea
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week51, Week52, Week53, Week54″]
Week 51
Day 1
Snatch Balance + Sotts Press – 90% of last week for 3×1+3
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Snatch – 5 x 1+1+1 @ 70%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric) – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 2×5 same tempo
Single Leg RDLs – 3x6ea (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Weighted Box Step Ups – 3×9 ea to 14-16″
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5
Strict Pull-ups (Tempo 2 second pause at top, 4 second eccentric) – 3×10 superset with Ring Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Hang Muscle Snatch – 3×5 superset with Hang Snatch High Pulls – 3×8
Seated DB Press – 3×10 superset Bentover Single Arm DB Row – 3×8 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Clean+ Power Jerk – 5 x 1+1+1+1 @ 70%
Split Squats (both feet on ground)- 3×5 each leg starting at 7RPE and ending at 8RPE
Lasha Snatch Pulls – 3×3 starting at 95%
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 80% of 2RM for 3×2
Clean & Jerk – 80% of 2RM for 3×2
Bradford Presses – 3×5 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5
Zercher Lunges – 3×8 each leg starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 3×5 @70%
Clean Grip Deadlift – off
Take 85% of last week for Clean Pull + Shrug – 3×3+5
Wall Slides – 3×10
Unilateral Banded Leg Curls – 3×20 ea
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week50, Week51, Week52, Week53″]
Week 50
Day 1
Snatch Balance + Sotts Press – 1+3 RM 8RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Snatch – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 73%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric) – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5 same tempo
Single Leg RDLs – 4x6ea (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Weighted Box Step Ups – 4×9 ea to 14-16″ *heavier than last week
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Pull-ups (Tempo 2 second pause at top, 4 second eccentric) – 4×10 superset with Ring Dips – 4x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Hang Muscle Snatch – 4×5 superset with Hang Snatch High Pulls – 4×8
Seated DB Press – 3×10 superset Bentover Single Arm DB Row – 3×8 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Clean+ Power Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 73%
Split Squats (both feet on ground)- 5×5 each leg starting at 7RPE and ending at 9RPE
Lasha Snatch Pulls – 4×3 starting at 93% building
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 2RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 2RM no misses
Bradford Presses – 4×5 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 4×5
Zercher Lunges – 3×8 each leg starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 @78%
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM RPE8
Take 85% of above for Clean Pull + Shrug – 4×3+5
Wall Slides – 4×10
Unilateral Banded Leg Curls – 4×20 ea
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week49, Week50, Week51, Week52″]
Week 49
Day 1
Snatch Balance + Sotts Press – 1+3 RM 7RPE
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Snatch – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 70%
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric) – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5 same tempo
Single Leg RDLs – 4x6ea (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE)
Weighted Box Step Ups – 4×9 ea to 14-16″
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Strict Press – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Pull-ups (Tempo 2 second pause at top, 4 second eccentric) – 3×10 superset with Ring Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Hang Muscle Snatch – 4×5 superset with Hang Snatch High Pulls – 4×8
Seated DB Press – 3×10 superset Bentover Single Arm DB Row – 3×8 ea side
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Clean+ Power Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 70%
Split Squats (both feet on ground)- 4×5 each leg starting at 7RPE and ending at 8RPE
Lasha Snatch Pulls – 4×3 starting at 90% building
Front Rack Carry – 3×20 yards
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
Day 5
Snatch – 3RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 3RM no misses
Bradford Presses – 3×5 superset with Weighted Push-ups – 3×5
Zercher Lunges – 3×8 each leg starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 @75%
Clean Grip Deadlift – 3RM RPE7
Take 85% of above for Clean Pull + Shrug – 4×3+5
Wall Slides – 4×10
Unilateral Banded Leg Curls – 4×20 ea
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week48, Week49, Week50, Week51″]
Week 48
Day 1
Snatch -(80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Jerk from Rack Pause in Catch + No Pause – 85% 2×1+1, then 1RM no pause
Front Squat – 3RM 9RPE, then -20% for 3+ (2 RIR)
Clean Pulls – 3×3 work up heavy starting at 105%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
No Hook and No Feet Hang Snatch 5 sec Eccentric – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3
Clean & Jerk – (80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Back Squat – 3RM Paused 3 Sec 1st rep only 9RPE, then -10% for 2×3 no pause
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Seated L-Sit KB Z Press – 4×8 ending with a 9RPE
1b. Dips – 4x submaximal
1c. Chest Supported KB Batwing Rows – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Front Squat – 1RM paused 2 breaths in the bottom 9RPE
Snatch from Short Blocks w Bar Below knees – (75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Clean from Blocks – (75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
BB Lunges (focus on a vertical Spine) – 5RM ea leg(2 sec pause at parallel), -10% for 2x5ea leg no pause
Lasha Snatch Pulls – 3×3 work up heavy starting at 95%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat – 3×1+3 at 70% of snatch, then 1+1RM 8RPE
Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip – 3×20 yards
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 *slow and controlled
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull + Jerk 9RPE Max
Push Press – 3RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Plate Front Raises 4×10
1b. Plate Lateral Raises 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
Set 2 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
Set 3 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
RDLs – 4×6 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9.5
Banded Leg Curls – 4×12
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week47, Week48, Week49, Week50″]
Week 47
Day 1
Snatch – (80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% x 1) 2 Waves *do not increase
Jerk from Rack Pause in Catch + No Pause – 85% 3×1+1
Front Squat – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Clean Pulls – 3×3 at 100%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
No Hook and No Feet Hang Snatch 5 sec Eccentric – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Clean & Jerk – (80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% x 1) 2 Waves *do not increase
Back Squat – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3 no pauses
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Seated L-Sit KB Z Press – 3×8 ending with a 8RPE
1b. Dips – 3x submaximal
1c. Chest Supported KB Batwing Rows – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Front Squat – 1RM paused 2 breaths in the bottom 7RPE
Snatch from Short Blocks w Bar Below knees – (75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1) 2 Waves *no increases
Clean from Blocks – (75% x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1) 2 Waves *no increases
BB Lunges (focus on a vertical Spine) – 90% of last week’s 5RM ea leg for 2x5ea leg no pause
Lasha Snatch Pulls – 3×3 at 90%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat – 2×1+3 at 70% of snatch
Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip – 3×20 yards
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 *slow and controlled
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 9RPE Max
Push Press – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 2×3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Plate Front Raises 3×10
1b. Plate Lateral Raises 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
(85% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 5) x 3 sets *do not increase
RDLs – 3×6 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Banded Leg Curls – 3×12
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week46, Week47, Week48, Week49″]
Week 46
Day 1
Snatch -(78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Jerk from Rack Pause in Catch + No Pause – 83% 4×1+1, then 1RM no pause
Front Squat – 3RM 8RPE, then -20% for 3+ (2 RIR)
Clean Pulls – 4×3 work up heavy starting at 100%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
No Hook and No Feet Hang Snatch 5 sec Eccentric – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3
Clean & Jerk – (78% x 2, 83% x 1, 88% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Back Squat – 3RM Paused 3 Sec 1st rep only 8RPE, then -10% for 2×3 no pause
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Seated L-Sit KB Z Press – 4×8 ending with a 9RPE
1b. Dips – 4x submaximal
1c. Chest Supported KB Batwing Rows – 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Front Squat – 1RM paused 3 breaths in the bottom 8RPE
Snatch from Short Blocks w Bar Below knees – (73% x 2, 78% x 1, 83% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Clean from Blocks – (73% x 2, 78% x 1, 83% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
BB Lunges (focus on a vertical Spine) – 5RM ea leg(2 sec pause at parallel), -10% for 2x5ea leg no pause
Lasha Snatch Pulls – 4×3 work up heavy starting at 90%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat – 3×1+3 at 68% of snatch, then 1+1RM 8RPE
Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip – 3×20 yards
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 *slow and controlled
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – 2 Snatch Pulls + Snatch 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull+Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 9RPE Max
Push Press – 3RM at 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Plate Front Raises 4×10
1b. Plate Lateral Raises 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (83% x 3)
Set 2 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (83% x 3)
Set 3 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (83% x 3+)
RDLs – 4×6 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE9
Banded Leg Curls – 4×12
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week45, Week46, Week47, Week48″]
Week 45
Day 1
Snatch – (75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Jerk from Rack Pause in Catch + No Pause – 80% 4×1+1, then 1RM no pause
Front Squat – 3RM 7RPE, then -20% for 3+ (2 RIR)
Clean Pulls – 4×3 work up heavy starting at 95%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
No Hook and No Feet Hang Snatch 5 sec Eccentric – 3RM 7RPE, then -10% for 3
Clean & Jerk – (75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Back Squat – 3RM Paused 3 Sec 1st rep only 7RPE, then -10% for 2×3 no pause
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Seated L-Sit KB Z Press – 3×8 ending with a 8RPE
1b. Dips – 3x submaximal
1c. Chest Supported KB Batwing Rows – 3×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Front Squat – 1RM paused 3 breaths in the bottom 7RPE
Snatch from Short Blocks w Bar Below knees – (70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
Clean from Blocks – (70% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 1) 2 Waves adding 3-5kg/wave
BB Lunges (focus on a vertical Spine) – 5RM ea leg(2 sec pause at parallel), -10% for 2x5ea leg no pause
Lasha Snatch Pulls – 4×3 work up heavy starting at 85%
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat – 3×1+3 at 65% of snatch, then 1+1RM 7RPE
Overhead Barbell Carry in Jerk Grip – 3×20 yards
Jefferson Curls – 3×10 *slow and controlled
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – 2 Snatch Pulls + Snatch 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean Pull+Clean + Front Squat + Jerk 8RPE Max
Push Press – 3RM at 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Plate Front Raises 4×10
1b. Plate Lateral Raises 4×10
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 2 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 3 (add 5-10 Kilos to the 1 rep set if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4+)
RDLs – 3×6 starting at RPE7 ending at RPE8
Banded Leg Curls – 4×12
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week44, Week45, Week46, Week47″]
Week 44
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 1+1 RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+No hook and No Feet Snatch+Snatch – 78% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Front Squat – 1RM 9RPE , then -20% for 3×3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Chest 2 Bar Strict Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 5x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Weighted Closegrip Pushups – 5×8 7-9RPE
Bentover Rows – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Front Squat + 2 Jerks – 78% 8×1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Clean & Jerk
Back Squat -3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – 1RM
Overhead DB Carry – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Back Elevated with Band Around Knee Glute Bridges – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + 2 Jerks 9RPE Max
Strict Press – 3RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 5RM for 3×5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 4×25 yards ea side starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 5)
RDLs – 4×8 starting working up to an 9RPE
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week43, Week44, Week45, Week46″]
Week 43
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 90% of last week’s 2+2RM for 3×2+2
Snatch Pull+No hook and No Feet Snatch+Snatch – 75% 5×1+1+1
Tempo Front Squats 3 sec eccentric – 80% of last week’s 1RM for 3×3
Unilateral RDLs – 3x5ea leg 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 90% of last week’s 5RM for 3×5
Chest 2 Bar Strict Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Weighted Closegrip Pushups – 3×8 7RPE
Bentover Rows – 90% of last week’s 5RM 3×5 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Front Squat + 2 Jerks – 75% 5×1+1+2
Back Squat -90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 3×1+1 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – 80% of last week for 3×3
Overhead DB Carry – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Back Elevated with Band Around Knee Glute Bridges – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Sn Below Knee 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + Front Squats + Jerk 9RPE Max
Strict Press – 90% of last week’s 3RM for 3×3 superset with Bentover Rows – Day 2’s weight for 3×5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3×25 yards ea side 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (85% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5) x 3 sets *no increase
RDL’s – 3×8 RPE7
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week42, Week43, Week44, Week45″]
Week 42
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 2+2 RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+No hook and No Feet Snatch+Snatch – 75% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Tempo Front Squats 3 sec eccentric – 1RM 9RPE (1 sec pause in bottom as well), then -20% for 3×3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Chest 2 Bar Strict Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 4x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Weighted Closegrip Pushups – 4×8 7-9RPE
Bentover Rows – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Front Squat + 2 Jerks – 75% 8×1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Clean & 2 Jerks
Back Squat -3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – 3RM
Overhead DB Carry – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Back Elevated with Band Around Knee Glute Bridges – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch Above Knee + Hang Sn Below Knee 9RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks 9RPE Max
Strict Press – 3RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 5RM for 5×5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 4×25 yards ea side starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
RDLs – 4×8 starting working up to an 9RPE
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week41, Week42, Week43, Week44″]
Week 41
Day 1
Snatch Push Press + OH Squat – 2+2 RM 8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+No hook and No Feet Snatch+Snatch – 73% 8×1+1+1 (working up on last 3) *Work up Sets are Pull + Snatch Only
Tempo Front Squats 5 sec eccentric – 1RM 9RPE (3 sec pause in bottom as well), then -20% for 3×3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x5ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE)
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Press – 5RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Chest 2 Bar Strict Pullups (keep doing regular Pullups if can’t perform 4+) – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Weighted Closegrip Pushups – 3×8 7-9RPE
Bentover Rows – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Rack Position Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean + Front Squat + 2 Jerks – 73% 8×1+1+2 (working up on last three) *Work up with just Clean & 2 Jerks
Back Squat -3RM (1st rep paused 3 seconds) 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Clean Pulls from Ground + 1 from Hang below knees – 4×1+1 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – 3RM
Overhead DB Carry – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Back Elevated with Band Around Knee Glute Bridges – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch Above Knee + Hang Sn Below Knee 8RPE Max
Clean & Jerk – Clean + 2 Front Squats + 2 Jerks 8RPE Max
Strict Press – 3RM at 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 5RM for 5×5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 4×25 yards ea side starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats
Set 1 (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 2 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 3 (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
RDLs – 4×8 starting working up to an 8RPE
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week40, Week41, Week42, Week43″]
Week 40
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 90% of last weeks for 3×1+2
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang from Knee – 5 X 1+1+1 @ 7RPE
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 90% of 3RM for 2×3
Unilateral RDLs – 3x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex from Rack or Blocks – 90% of last weeks for 3×1+2
Push Press – 90% of 10RM for 2×10
Pullups – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Dips – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 90% of 10RM for 2×10 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Hang from Knee+Jerk – 5 X 1+1+1+1 @ 7RPE
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 90% of 5RM for 2×5 each leg
Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 3 x 1+2 RPE7
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – 5RM
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Band Pull Throughs – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – 1RM allowed 1 miss
Clean & Jerk – 1RM allowed 1 miss
Strict Press – 90% of 5RM for 2×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 10RM for 3×10
Zercher Carries – 3 x 25 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 5×5 at 75%
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Sled Drag *heavy* – 3×20 yards
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week39, Week40, Week41, Week42″]
Week 39
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 1+2 RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang from Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 7-9RPE
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9.5RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex from Rack or Blocks – 1+2 RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×1+2
Push Press – 10RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×10
Pullups – 4 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Dips – 4 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 10RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×10 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 9RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Hang from Knee+Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 7-9RPE
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 5RMea leg 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 4 x 1+2 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9.5RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – Work Up to 80% for 3×5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Band Pull Throughs – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – 2RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 2RM no misses
Strict Press – 5RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 10RM for 3×10
Zercher Carries – 4 x 25 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9.5RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 8×8 at 70%
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Sled Drag *heavy* – 5×20 yards
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week38, Week39, Week40, Week41″]Week 38
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 1+2 RM 8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang from Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 7-8RPE
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex from Rack or Blocks – 1+2 RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×1+2
Push Press – 10RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×10
Pullups – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Dips – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 10RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×10 superset with KB or BB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 8RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Hang from Knee+Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 7-8RPE
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 5RMea leg 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 4 x 1+2 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – Work Up to 78% for 3×5 (last set is 5+)
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Band Pull Throughs – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – 3RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 3RM no misses
Strict Press – 5RM at 8RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 10RM for 4×10
Zercher Carries – 4 x 25 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 10×10 at 65%
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Sled Drag *heavy* – 5×20 yards
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week37, Week38, Week39, Week40″]
Week 37
Day 1
Snatch Balance + OH Squat – 1+2 RM 7RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
Snatch Pull+Hang Snatch from Hip+Hang from Knee – 7 x 1+1+1 @ 7-8RPE
Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 3RM 7RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Unilateral RDLs – 4x8ea leg (starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 2
Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex from Rack or Blocks – 1+2 RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×1+2
Push Press – 10RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×10
Pullups – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved) superset with Dips – 3 x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Bentover Rows – 10RM 7RPE, then -10% for 2×10 superset with KB Upright Rows (eccentric slower than concentric) – 3×10 ending with a 7RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 3
Behind the Neck Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
Clean Pull + Hang Cl from Hip+Hang from Knee+Jerk – 7 x 1+1+1+1 @ 7-8RPE
Unilateral Squat (Pistol, RLE Split, or Split Squats) – 5RMea leg 7RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 4 x 1+2 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 4
OH Squat Max Effort – Work Up to 75% for 3×5 (last set is 5+)
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3×40 yards ea side
Plate Around the Worlds – 3×8 ea side
Band Pull Throughs – 3×15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3×10 with 3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch – 3RM no misses
Clean & Jerk – 3RM no misses
Strict Press – 5RM at 7RPE, then -10% for 3×5 superset with Bentover Rows – 90% of day 2’s 10RM for 4×10
Zercher Carries – 4 x 25 yards or 20 seconds starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 8RPE
Optional Conditioning – 30-45 minutes bike/row/jog/walk
Day 6
Back Squats – 10×10 at 63%
Deadbugs – 3×30 seconds
Slider Leg Curls (Keep hips in extension) – 4×10
Sled Drag *heavy* – 5×20 yards
Day 7 (optional)
Active Recovery – 45-60 minute conversational pace bike/walk
[/memb_has_any_tag] [memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week36,Week37,Week38,Week39″]Week 36
Day 1
Snatch – Snatch max but no misses
Clean & Jerk – work up to opener
Back Squat with Belt – 90% of 3rm for 1 x 3
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
P. Snatch – 65% 3 x 2
P. Clean + Jerk – 70% 3 x 1
Day 3
Snatch – Work up to opener
Clean & Jerk – Work up to last warm up
Back Squat with belt – Work up t0 85% for 1
Day 4
Front Squat with belt – Work up to 75% for 1
Active Recovery –
Sled drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Max Snatch
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Max Clean + Jerk
[/memb_has_any_tag][memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week35,Week36,Week37,Week38″]
Week 35
Day 1
Snatch – 90% for 3 x 1 (have to hit 3 singles), then max out allowed 1 miss
Clean & Jerk -90% for 3 x 1 (have to hit 3 singles), then max out allowed 1 miss
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds 7RPE
P. Snatch – 1rm no misses
No Hook Hang Clean – 1rm no misses
Day 3
Snatch – 88% for 4 x 1 (have to hit 4 singles), then work up no misses
Clean & Jerk – 88% for 4 x 1 (have to hit 4 singles), then work up no misses
Back Squat with belt + 50-100lb of weight releasers – 1RM, then -20% for 3 not paused & no weight releasers
Day 4
Warm up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 85% for 1 rep paused 3 sec
No Hook No Feet Snatch – 3rm 9RPE
Plank Lat Pulls – 3 x 30 sec ea side
Active Recovery –
Sled drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 -(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (85% x 3)
GHDs – 3 x 8
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week34,Week35,Week36,Week37″]
Week 34
Day 1
Snatch – 50% 1 x 3, 60% 1 x 3, 70% 1 x 2, 75% 2 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, work up allowed 1 miss
Clean & Jerk – 50% 1 x 3, 60% 1 x 3, 70% 1 x 2, 75% 2 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, work up allowed 1 miss
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Clean Pulls from Blocks – 105% 3 x 3 working up ea set
Upper Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1a. KB One Arm Rows – 3 x 8 ea arm
1b. KB High Pulls – 3 x 8 reps (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds 7RPE
P. Snatch – 68% for 3 x 3 then 3RM
No Hook Hang Clean – 63% for 3 x 3 then 3RM
Day 3
Snatch – 70% 1 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, work up but no misses
Clean & Jerk – 70% 1 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, work up but no misses
Back Squat with belt + 50-100lb of weight releasers – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused & no weight releasers
Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 8 ea side
Day 4
Warm up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 83% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
No Hook No Feet Snatch – 3rm 8RPE
Plank Lat Pulls – 3 x 25 sec ea side
Active Recovery –
Sled drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Front Squat with 50-100lb from a weight releaser – 1rm
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – 105% 3 x 3 working up ea set
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 -(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4+)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(95% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (80% x 4+)
GHDs – 3 x 8
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week33,Week34,Week35,Week36″]
Week 33
Day 1
Snatch – 70% 1 x 3, 75% 1 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 73% 1 x 3, 78% 1 x 2, 83%1 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, 90% 1 x 1, max
Clean & Jerk -70% 1 x 3, 75% 1 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 73% 1 x 3, 78% 1 x 2, 83%1 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, 90% 1 x 1, max
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Clean Pulls from Blocks – 105% 3 x 3 working up ea set
Upper Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1a. KB One Arm Rows – 3 x 8 ea arm
1b. KB High Pulls – 3 x 8 reps (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 7 seconds 7RPE
P. Snatch – 65% for 3 x 3 then 3RM
No Hook Hang Clean – 60% for 3 x 3 then 3RM
Day 3
Snatch – 65% 1 x 3, 75% 1 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 70% 1 x 3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, max
Clean & Jerk -65% 1 x 3, 75% 1 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 70% 1 x 3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, max
Back Squat with belt + 50-100lb of weight releasers – 1RM (paused 5 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused & no weight releasers
Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 8 ea side
Day 4
Warm up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 80% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
No Hook No Feet Snatch – 3rm 7RPE
Plank Lat Pulls – 3 x 20 sec ea side
Active Recovery –
Sled drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Front Squat with 50-100lb from a weight releaser – 1rm
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – 105% 3 x 3 working up ea set
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 -(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4+)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 4+)
GHDs – 3 x 8
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week32,Week33,Week34,Week35″]
Week 32
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Step from split – 35% 1 x 3, 45% 2 x 3
Clean & Jerk – 55% 1 x 3, 65% 1 x 3, 78% 1 x 2, 83% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1, 90% 2 x 1, work up allowed 2 misses
P. Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – Max Single
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Clean Pulls with 50lb of chains – 3 x 3 work up heavy starting at 95% total weight
Day 2
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat work up to 70% of Snatch
Snatch – 55% 1 x 3, 65% 1 x 3, 78% 1 x 2, 83% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1, 90% 2 x 1, work up allowed 2 misses
No Hook and No Feet Snatch – Max Single
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7RPE
Push Presses – 3RM
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 5
1c. Band Face Busters – 3 x 12
Day 3
Snatch from Short Blocks Bar Below Knee – 70% 1 x 3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 73% 1 x 3, 83% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1, 75% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, max
Clean & Jerk from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% 1 x 3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 73% 1 x 3, 83% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1, 75% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, max
High Bar Back Squat –
Step 1 – (50% straight weight + 25% Band Tension) 2 x 5 with 60 sec between sets
Step 2 – Work up to a heavy Double with the Bands keeping it at around a 8-9 RPE
Step 3 – Take Bands off and work up to a 1RM
Clean Grip Deadlift Paused at mid shin – 3RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Core Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1. One arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB
For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets move up in weight
Day 4
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 3 sec pause
Jerk From Racks Paused 3 sec in catch – 3RM
Farmers Walk – 4 x 40 yds
Sled Rope Rows – 4 x 30 yds
Sled Bear Crawls – 4 x 30 yds
Med Ball Side to Side Abs – 15 touches per side
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Jerk Max
Front Squat – 1rm
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 -(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 5)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 5)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 5)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 5)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 5)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(93% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (78% x 5)
2″ Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band – 3 x 6 Progress ending with an 7-8 RPE
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week31,Week32,Week33,Week34″]
Week 31
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Step from split – 35% 1 x 3, 40% 2 x 3
Clean & Jerk – 50% 1 x 3, 60% 1 x 3, 70% 2 x 2, 77% 2 x 2, 83% 2 x 1, 85% 1 x 1
P. Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 75% for 3 x 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Clean Pulls with 50lb of chains – 3 x 3 work up heavy starting at 95% total weight
Day 2
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat work up to 80% of Snatch
Snatch -50% 1 x 3, 60% 1 x 3, 70% 2 x 2, 77% 2 x 2, 83% 2 x 1, 85% 1 x 1
No Hook and No Feet Snatch – 70% for 3 x 3
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7RPE
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 5
1c. Band Face Busters – 3 x 12
Day 3
Snatch from Short Blocks Bar Below Knee – 70% 1 x 3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1 (work up if no misses allowed 1 miss)
Clean & Jerk from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% 1 x 3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1 (work up if no misses allowed 1 miss)
High Bar Back Squat –
Step 1 – (60% straight weight + 25% Band Tension) 3 x 5 with 60 sec between sets
Step 2 – Work up to a heavy Double with the Bands keeping it at around a 8-9 RPE
Step 3 – Take Bands off and work up to a 1RM with an 8-9 RPE
Clean Grip Deadlift Paused at mid shin – 3RM(1st 2 reps paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Core Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1. One arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB
For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets move up in weight
Day 4
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Jerk From Racks Paused 3 sec in catch – 3RM, then -10% for 3 no pause
Farmers Walk – 4 x 40 yds
Sled Rope Rows – 4 x 30 yds
Sled Bear Crawls – 4 x 30 yds
Med Ball Side to Side Abs – 15 touches per side
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Jerk Max
Front Squat – 1rm
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 -(90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5+)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(90% x 1) rest 2 minutes and then (75% x 5+)
2″ Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band – 4 x 6 Progress ending with an 9-10 RPE
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week30,Week31,Week32,Week33″]
Week 30
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Step from split – 35% 1 x 3, 45% 3 x 3
Clean & Jerk – 50% 1 x 3, 60% 1 x 3, 70% 1 x 2, 75% 2 x 3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 2 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, work up allowed 2 miss
P. Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 73% for 3 x 3 then 3RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Clean Pulls with 50lb of chains – 4 x 3 work up heavy starting at 90% total weight
Day 2
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat work up to 78% of Snatch
Snatch – 50% 1 x 3, 60% 1 x 3, 70% 1 x 2, 75% 2 x 3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 2 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, work up allowed 2 miss
No Hook and No Feet Snatch – 68% for 3 x 3 then 3RM
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7RPE
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 5
1c. Band Face Busters – 3 x 12
Day 3
Snatch from Short Blocks Bar Below Knee – 70% 2 x 3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 75% 1 x 2, 83% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1, 90% 2 x 1 (work up if no misses)
Clean & Jerk from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) -70% 2 x 3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 75% 1 x 2, 83% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1, 90% 2 x 1 (work up if no misses)
High Bar Back Squat –
Step 1 – (60% straight weight + 25% Band Tension) 4 x 5 with 60 sec between sets
Step 2 – Work up to a heavy Double with the Bands keeping it at around a 8-9 RPE
Step 3 – Take Bands off and work up to a 2RM
Clean Grip Deadlift Paused at mid shin – 3RM(1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Core Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1. One arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB
For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets move up in weight
Day 4
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Jerk From Racks Paused 3 sec in catch – 3RM, then -10% for 3 no pause
Farmers Walk – 4 x 40 yds
Sled Rope Rows – 4 x 30 yds
Sled Bear Crawls – 4 x 30 yds
Med Ball Side to Side Abs – 15 touches per side
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull + Snatch Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Max
Front Squat – 1rm
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 – (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6+)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (73% x 6+)
2″ Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band – 4 x 6 Progress ending with an 8-9 RPE
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week29,Week30,Week31,Week32″]
Week 29
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Step from split – 35% 1 x 3, 45% 2 x 3
Clean & Jerk – 50% 1 x 3, 60% 1 x 3, 70% 1 x 2, 75% 2 x 2, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 2 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, work up allowed 1 miss
P. Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 70% for 3 x 3 then 3RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Clean Pulls with 50lb of chains – 5 x 3 work up heavy starting at 90% total weight
Day 2
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat work up to 75% of Snatch
Snatch -50% 1 x 3, 60% 1 x 3, 70% 1 x 2, 75% 2 x 2, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 2 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, work up allowed 1 miss
No Hook and No Feet Snatch – 65% for 3 x 3 then 3RM
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7RPE
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 5
1c. Band Face Busters – 3 x 12
Day 3
Snatch from Short Blocks Bar Below Knee – 70% 2 x 3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 3 x 1, 88% 2 x 1 (work up if no misses and stop at first miss)
Clean & Jerk from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% 2 x 3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 3 x 1, 88% 2 x 1 (work up if no misses and stop at first miss)
High Bar Back Squat –
Step 1 – (55% straight weight + 25% Band Tension) 4 x 5 with 60 sec between sets
Step 2 – Work up to a heavy Double with the Bands keeping it at around a 8-9 RPE
Step 3 – Take Bands off and work up to a 2RM with an 8-9 RPE
Clean Grip Deadlift Paused at mid shin – 3RM(1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Core Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1. One arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB
For Timed Events when you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets move up in weight
Day 4
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Jerk From Racks Paused 3 sec in catch – 3RM, then -10% for 3 no pause
Farmers Walk – 4 x 40 yds
Sled Rope Rows – 4 x 30 yds
Sled Bear Crawls – 4 x 30 yds
Med Ball Side to Side Abs – 15 touches per side
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Max
Front Squat – 1rm
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 – (88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 2) rest 2 minutes and then (70% x 6)
2″ Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band – 4 x 6 Progress ending with an 7-8 RPE
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week28,Week29,Week30,Week31″]
Week 28
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Step from split – 33% 1 x 3, 38% 2 x 3
Clean & Jerk from Blocks Bar at Knee – 55% 1 x 3, 65% 1 x 3, 75% 1 x 3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, work up allowed 1 miss
No Hook P. Cleans from Blocks – max single
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for 5+
Clean Pulls from 2″ Deficit with Mini Bands – 3 x 3 work up heavy starting at 95%
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Day 2
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat work up to 70% of Snatch
Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee – 55% 1 x 3, 65% 1 x 3, 75% 1 x 3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 88% 1 x 1, work up allowed 1 miss
Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position) – 3RM(no misses 8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 3
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7RPE
Snatch Pulls – OFF
Core Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1a. OH Carries Axle – 3 x 40 yd
Day 3
Front Squat (all reps 5 seconds eccentric and 4 sec concentric) – 3RM(Pausing all reps 5 sec in bottom and 10sec at top), then -10% for 2 x 3 all paused
Push Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 5+
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM
Snatch Grip Deadlift Paused at mid shin – 5RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 10
1b. KB Bat Wing Rows – 3 x 10 w/2 sec pause
2c. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 5rm
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3 x 40 yd each hand
Plate Around the Worlds – 3 x 8 each direction
Band Pull Throughs – 3 x 15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3 x 10 w/3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Jerk Max
KB Swings with Bands around Hips – 4 x 12
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 – (88% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 10)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (88% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 10)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 10)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(88% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 10)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 10)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(88% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (68% x 10)
2″ Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band – 3 x 8 Progress ending with an 7-8 RPE
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week27,Week28,Week29,Week30″]
Week 27
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Step from split – 25% 1 x 3, 30% 2 x 3
Clean & Jerk from Blocks Bar at Knee – 65% 2 x 3, 70% 1 x 2, 75% 2 x 1, 80% 1 x 1, 83% 1 x 1
No Hook P. Cleans from Blocks – 65% 2 x 3, 70% 3 x 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -15% for 5+ not paused
Clean Pulls from 2″ Deficit with Mini Bands – 3 x 3 work up heavy starting at 95%
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Day 2
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat work up to 80% of Snatch
Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee -65% 2 x 3, 70% 1 x 2, 75% 2 x 1, 80% 1 x 1, 83% 1 x 1
Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position) – 3RM(no misses 8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 3
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7RPE
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1a. OH Carries Axle – 3 x 40 yd
Day 3
Front Squat (all reps 5 seconds eccentric and 4 sec concentric) – 3RM(Pausing all reps 5 sec in bottom and 10sec at top), then -10% for 2 x 3 all paused
Push Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift Paused at mid shin – 5RM(1st 2 reps paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 10
1b. KB Bat Wing Rows – 3 x 10 w/2 sec pause
2c. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – Work Up to 80% for 3 x 5
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3 x 40 yd each hand
Plate Around the Worlds – 3 x 8 each direction
Band Pull Throughs – 3 x 15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3 x 10 w/3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull + Snatch Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Max
KB Swings with Bands around Hips – 4 x 12
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 – (85% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 10)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (85% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 10)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(85% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 10)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(85% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 10)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(85% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 10)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(85% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (65% x 10)
2″ Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band – 3 x 8 Progress ending with an 9-10 RPE
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week26,Week27,Week28,Week29″]
Week 26
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Step from split – 25% 1 x 3, 35% 3 x 3
Clean & Jerk from Blocks Bar at Knee – 75% 3 x 3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1
No Hook P. Cleans from Blocks – 68% 2 x 3, 73% 2 x 3, work to max single (no misses)
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Clean Pulls from 2″ Deficit with Mini Bands – 4 x 3 work up heavy starting at 90%
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Day 2
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat work up to 78% of Snatch
Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee – 75% 3 x 3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1
Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position) – 3RM(no misses 8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 3
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7RPE
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1a. OH Carries Axle – 3 x 40 yd
Day 3
Front Squat (all reps 5 seconds eccentric and 4 sec concentric) – 3RM(Pausing all reps 5 sec in bottom and 10sec at top), then -10% for 2 x 3 all paused
Push Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift Paused at mid shin – 5RM(1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 10
1b. KB Bat Wing Rows – 3 x 10 w/2 sec pause
2c. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – Work Up to 78% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3 x 40 yd each hand
Plate Around the Worlds – 3 x 8 each direction
Band Pull Throughs – 3 x 15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3 x 10 w/3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk Max
KB Swings with Bands around Hips – 4 x 12
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 – (83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
Strict Presses
Set 1 -(83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible)(83% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (63% x 10)
2″ Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band – 3 x 8 Progress ending with an 8-9 RPE
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week25,Week26,Week27,Week28″]
Week 25
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Step from split – 25% 1 x 3, 35% 2 x 3
Clean & Jerk from Blocks Bar at Knee – 70% 2 x 3, 75% 2 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1
No Hook P. Cleans from Blocks – 65% 2 x 3, 70% 2 x 3, work to max single (no misses)
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -15% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Clean Pulls from 2″ Deficit with Mini Bands – 5 x 3 work up heavy starting at 90%
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Day 2
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat work up to 75% of Snatch
Snatch from Blocks Bar at Knee – 70% 2 x 3, 75% 2 x 2, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1
Snatch from High Blocks (Power Position) – 3RM(no misses 8 RPE), then -10% for 2 x 3
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds 7RPE
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance 1 –
1a. OH Carries Axle – 3 x 40 yd
Day 3
Front Squat (all reps 5 seconds eccentric and 4 sec concentric) – 3RM(Pausing all reps 5 sec in bottom and 10sec at top), then -10% for 2 x 3 all paused
Push Presses – 5RM, then -15% for 2 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Snatch Grip Deadlift Paused at mid shin – 5RM(1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2 –
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 10
1b. KB Bat Wing Rows – 3 x 10 w/2 sec pause
2c. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – Work Up to 75% for 3 x 5 (last set is 5+)
Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3 x 40 yd each hand
Plate Around the Worlds – 3 x 8 each direction
Band Pull Throughs – 3 x 15
Plate T-Spine Flexion/Extension – 3 x 10 w/3 sec pauses
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch + OH Squat Max
Clean and Jerk Max Effort – Clean + Hang Clean + Front Squat + Jerk x 2 Max
KB Swings with Bands around Hips – 4 x 12
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt
Set 1 – (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
Strict Presses
Set 1 – (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
Set 2 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
Set 3 – (add 5 Kilos to each weight if possible) (80% x 3) rest 2 minutes and then (60% x 10)
2″ Deficit RDLs with Mini or Light Band – 3 x 8 Progress ending with an 7-8 RPE
Day 7
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week24,Week25,Week26,Week27″]
Week 24
Day 1
Snatch – Max, but no misses
Clean & Jerk – Work up to Clean and Jerk opener
Back Squat with Belt – 90% of 3RM for 1 x 3
Clean Pulls from Blocks – Off
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2: Off
Conditioning: Off
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Power Snatch – 70% for 3 x 1
Power Clean and Jerk – 70% for 3 x 1
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – Off
Day 3
Snatch – Work up to opener
Clean – Work up to last warmup for Clean and Jerk
Jerk from Blocks – Off
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – Work up to 85% for 1
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations: Off
Front Squat with Belt – Work up to 75% for 1
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – Off
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Snatch – Max Snatch
Clean – Max Clean and Jerk
Day 6
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week23,Week24,Week25,Week26″]
Week 23
Day 1
Snatch – 90% for 3 x 1 (have to hit 3 singles), then max out (allowed 1 miss)
Clean & Jerk – 90% for 3 x 1 (have to hit 3 singles), then max out (allowed 1 miss)
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Clean Pulls from Blocks – Off
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2: Off
Conditioning: Off
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec)
No Feet Snatch – 1RM (allowed 1 miss)
No Hook Clean – 1RM (allowed 1 miss)
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – Off
Day 3
Snatch – 88% for 4 x 1 (have to hit 4 singles), then work up (no misses)
Clean – 88% for 4 x 1 (have to hit 4 singles), then work up (no misses)
Jerk from Blocks – 1RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations: Work up to 85% for 1 rep (paused 3 sec)
Front Squat with Belt – Work up to 90% for 1
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – Off
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Snatch – (competition style – 3 attempts)
Clean – (competition style – 3 attempts)
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – Take 90% of 5RM for 2 x 5
Jerk Recoveries – Off
Strict Presses – Off
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees – 4 x 6
Conditioning: Drop
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week22,Week23,Week24,Week25″]
Week 22
Day 1
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)
Clean & Jerk – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Clean Pulls from Blocks – 105% 3×3 working up ea set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-4 sets x 3-8 reps
2b. KB High Pulls – 3-4 sets x 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Conditioning: 400M Walking Lunges
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused
No Feet Snatch – 68% for 2 x 2 + 2, 78% for 1 x 2 + 2, 83% for 1 x 1 + 1, work up (no misses)
No Hook Clean – 68% for 2 x 2 + 2, 78% for 1 x 2 + 2, 83% for 1 x 1 + 1, work up (no misses)
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 8 each side
Day 3
Snatch – 70% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, work up but no misses
Clean – 70% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, work up but no misses
Jerk from Blocks – 1RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations: Work up to 83% for 1 rep (paused 5 sec)
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – 105% for 3 x 3, working up each set
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Snatch – (competition style – 3 attempts)
Clean – (competition style – 3 attempts)
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Jerk Recoveries – 1RM, then -20% for 3
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -20% for x 3
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees – 4 x 6
Conditioning: 400M Walking Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week21,Week22,Week23,Week24″]
Week 21
Day 1
Snatch – 65% x 3, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, max
Clean & Jerk – 65% x 3, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, max
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Clean Pulls from Blocks – 105% 3×3 working up ea set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-4 sets x 3-8 reps
2b. KB High Pulls – 3-4 sets x 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Conditioning: 400M Walking Lunges
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused
No Feet Snatch – 65% 2 x 2 + 2, 75% 1 x 2 + 2, 80% 1 x 1 + 1, work up (no misses)
No Hook Clean – 65% 2 x 2 + 2, 75% 1 x 2 + 2, 80% 1 x 1 + 1, work up (no misses)
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 8 each side
Day 3
Snatch – 65% x 3, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, max
Clean – 65% x 3, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, max
Jerk from Blocks – 1RM, then -15% for 2
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 5 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations: Work up to 80% for 1 rep (paused 5 sec)
Front Squat with Belt – 2RM
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – 105% for 3 x 3, working up each set
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Snatch – (competition style – 3 attempts)
Clean – (competition style – 3 attempts)
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Jerk Recoveries – 1RM, then -20% for 3
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees – 4 x 6
Conditioning: 400M Walking Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week20,Week21,Week22,Week23″]
Week 20
Day 1
Clean & Jerk – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 2 misses)
Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 80% for 2 x 3, then 3RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (not paused), then -10% for 3
Push Presses – 3RM
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1: Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (not paused), then -10% for 3
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat – work up to 70% of Snatch
Snatch – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 2 misses)
Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 80% for 2 x 3, then 3RM
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: One-arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat – 1RM
Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, max
Jerk from Block work – Paused 3 sec in the catch Position – 1RM
Deadlift paused at mid shin – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Bentover Rows – 3 sets of 5 reps
2b. KB High Pulls – 3-4 sets x 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
Front Squat with Belt – Work up to 90% of 1RM for 1
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 3 sec pause
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, max
Clean Pulls – 100% for 3 x 3
Day 5
Snatch – Max
Clean & Jerk – Max
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 88% for 2 x 5 with last set as many reps as possible
Jerk Recoveries – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Kang Squats – Start with weight from 3rd set of last week – 3 x 6 – increase weight 5lb each set
Conditioning: 200M – 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week19,Week20,Week21,Week22″]
Week 19
Day 1
Clean & Jerk – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% for 2 x 2, 77% x 2, 83% x 1, 85% x 1
Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 73% for 3 x 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1: Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat – work up to 80% of Snatch
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% for 2 x 2, 77% x 2, 83% x 1, 85% x 1
Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 73% for 3 x 3
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: One-arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat – 1RM, then -15% for 3, then -25% for 5
Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1 (work up, allowed 1 miss)
Jerk from Block work – Paused 3 sec in the catch Position – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 2
Deadlift paused at mid shin – 3RM (1st 2 reps paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Bentover Rows – 3 sets of 5 reps
2b. KB High Pulls – 3-4 sets x 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1 (work up, allowed 1 miss)
Snatch Pulls – 103% for 3 x 3
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort – Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 1 – Max
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 83% for 3 x 5 with last set as many reps as possible
Jerk Recoveries – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Kang Squats – Start with weight from 3rd set of last week – 4 x 6 – increase weight 5lb each set
Conditioning: 200M – 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week18,Week19,Week20,Week21″]
Week 18
Day 1
Clean & Jerk – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 2 misses)
Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 78% for 3 x 3, then 3RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1: Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat – work up to 78% of Snatch
Snatch – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up (allowed 2 misses)
Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 78% for 3 x 3, then 3RM
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: One-arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat – 1RM, then -20% for 3, then -30% for 5
Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 1, 75% for x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, (work up if no misses)
Jerk from Block work – Paused 3 sec in the catch Position – 1RM, then -20% for 2
Deadlift paused at mid shin – 3RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Bentover Rows – 3 sets of 5 reps
2b. KB High Pulls – 3-4 sets x 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 1, 75% for x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, (work up if no misses)
Clean Pulls – 103% for 3 x 3
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 2 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort – Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 1 – Max
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 83% for 5 x 5 with last set as many reps as possible
Jerk Recoveries – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Kang Squats – Start with weight from 3rd set of last week – 4 x 6 – increase weight 5lb each set
Conditioning: 200M – 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week17,Week18,Week19,Week20″]
Week 17
Day 1
Clean & Jerk – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up, allowed 1 miss
Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 75% for 3 x 3, then 3RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1: Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat – work up to 75% of Snatch
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up, allowed 1 miss
Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 75% for 3 x 3, then 3RM
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: One-arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat – 1RM, then -20% for 3
Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 1, 88% for 2 x 1, (work up if no misses and stop at first miss)
Jerk from Block work – Paused 3 sec in the catch Position – 1RM, then -20% for 2
Deadlift paused at mid shin – 3RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Bentover Rows – 3 sets of 5 reps
2b. KB High Pulls – 3-4 sets x 8 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 1, 88% for 2 x 1, (work up if no misses and stop at first miss)
Snatch Pulls – 100% for 3 x 3
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort – Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 80% for 5 x 5 with last set as many reps as possible
Jerk Recoveries – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Kang Squats – Start with 35% of Back Squat for 4 x 6, work up each set adding 5 lbs
Conditioning: 200M – 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week16,Week17,Week18,Week19″]
Week 16
Day 1
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for as many reps as possible
Clean & Jerk – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)
No Hook and No Feet Clean – Max Single
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Pushups – 3 x 8
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 3 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat – work up to 70% of Snatch
Snatch – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up (allowed 1 miss)
No Hook and No Feet Snatch – Max Single
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: OH Axle Carries (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squat – 3RM, then -10% for as many reps as possible
Jerk from Block work – 1RM (no pauses)
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift – Paused at mid shin – 5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-4 sets x submaximal reps
2b. Dips – 3-4 sets x submaximal reps
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 3 sec pause
Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags with 70lb – 25 yards forward x 4, 25 yards backward x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 1, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort – Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 1 – Max
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 8RM, then -15% for 8
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Strict Presses – 8RM, then -10% for 8
RDLs – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M – 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week15,Week16,Week17,Week18″]
Week 15
Day 1
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% not paused for as many reps as possible
Clean & Jerk – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 65% for 2 x 3, 72% x 2, 80% x 1, 83% x 1
No Hook and No Feet Clean – 65% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Pushups – 3 x 8
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 3 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat – work up to 80% of Snatch
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 65% for 2 x 3, 72% x 2, 80% x 1, 83% x1
No Hook and No Feet Snatch – 65% x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: OH Axle Carries (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% not paused for as many reps as possible
Jerk from Block work – Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 1RM, then -20% for 3 x 2
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift – Paused at mid shin – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-4 sets x submaximal reps
2b. Dips – 3-4 sets x submaximal reps
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain for 3 sec pause
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags with 70lb – 25 yards forward x 4, 25 yards backward x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort – Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Strict Presses – 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
RDLs – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M – 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week14,Week15,Week16,Week17″]
Week 14
Day 1
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% not paused for 3 x 5 (last set do as many reps as possible)
Clean & Jerk – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1
No Hook and No Feet Clean – 65% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2, work to max double
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Pushups – 3 x 8
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat – work up to 78% of Snatch
Snatch – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 1, 88% x 1
No Hook and No Feet Snatch – 65% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% for 2, work to max double
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: OH Axle Carries (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% not paused for 3 x 3 (last set do as many reps as possible)
Jerk from Block work – Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 2
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift – Paused at mid shin – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-4 sets x submaximal reps
2b. Dips – 3-4 sets x submaximal reps
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain for 5 sec pause
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags with 70lb – 25 yards forward x 4, 25 yards backward x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 2 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort – Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 2, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Strict Presses – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
RDLs – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M – 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week13,Week14,Week15,Week16″]
Week 13
Day 1
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% not paused for 2 x 5 (last set do as many reps as possible)
Clean & Jerk – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% for 2 x 3, 77% x 2, 82% x 1, 85% x 1
No Hook and No Feet Clean – 65% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, work to max single (no misses)
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Pushups – 3 x 8
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 5 seconds, then -20% for 3 not paused
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat – work up to 75% of Snatch
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% for 2 x 3, 77% x 2, 82% x 1, 85% x 1
No Hook and No Feet Snatch – 65% for 2 x 3, 75% for 2 x 2, work to max single (no misses)
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: OH Axle Carries (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squat – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% not paused for 2 x 3 (last set do as many reps as possible)
Jerk from Block work – Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 2
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift – Paused at mid shin – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-4 sets x submaximal reps
2b. Dips – 3-4 sets x submaximal reps
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain for 5 sec pause
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags with 70lb – 25 yards forward x 4, 25 yards backward x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort – Snatch Pull x 2, Snatch x 2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 2 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort – Clean Pull x 2, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 2, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Strict Presses – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
RDLs – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M – 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_all_tags tagid=”OLDCYCLE1″ not=”not”]
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week12,Week13,Week14,Week15″]
Week 12
Day 1
Snatch – Max but no misses
Clean & Jerk – Work up to Clean and Jerk Opener
Back Squats – 90% of 3RM for 3 x 3
Muscular Balance Superset: Off
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Power Snatch – 70% for 3 x 1
Power Clean and Jerk – 70% for 3 x 1
Core Muscular Imbalance – Off
Day 3
Snatch – Work up to opener
Clean and Jerk – Work up to last warm up
Jerk from Blocks – Off
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – Work up to 80% of 1RM for 2 x 3
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Off
No Hook No Feet Snatch – Off
Front Squat with Belt – Work up to 75% for 1
Active Recovery Sled Drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Max Snatch
Max Clean and Jerk
Day 6: Off
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week11,Week12,Week13,Week14″]
Week 11
Day 1
Snatch – 90% for 3 x 1 (have to hit 3 singles), then max out allowed 1 miss
Clean & Jerk – 90% for 3 x 1 (have to hit 3 singles), then max out allowed 1 miss
Back Squats – 3RM (1st rep paused 2 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Muscular Balance Superset
A. Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
B. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM with 1 sec pause, then -15% for 3
No Hook Clean – 1RM
Core Muscular Imbalance – Off
Day 3
Snatch – 88% for 4 x 1 (have to hit 4 singles), then work up no misses
Clean – 88% for 4 x 1 (have to hit 4 singles), then work up no misses
Jerk from Blocks – 1RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 85% for 1 rep paused 3 sec
No Hook No Feet Snatch – 1RM
Active Recovery Sled Drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean & Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Front Squat – 1RM
Day 6
Back Squat (1st two reps 5 sec eccentric and paused 2 sec) – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Strict Presses – Off
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees – 4 x 6
GHRs – 3 x 8
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week10,Week11,Week12,Week13″]
Week 10
Day 1
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up allowed 1 miss
Clean & Jerk – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up allowed 1 miss
Back Squats – 3RM (1st rep paused 2 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Muscular Balance Superset
A. Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
B. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM with 1 sec pause, then -15% for 3
No Hook Clean – 3RM
Core Muscular Imbalance – Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 8 each side
Day 3
Snatch – 70% for 1 x 2, 80% for 1 x 2, 85% x 1, work up but no misses
Clean – 70% for 1 x 2, 80% for 1 x 2, 85% x 1, work up but no misses
Jerk from Blocks – 1RM
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 3
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 83% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
No Hook No Feet Snatch – 3RM
Active Recovery Sled Drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean & Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Front Squat – 1RM
Day 6
Back Squat (1st two reps 5 sec eccentric and paused 2 sec) – 5RM, then -10% for 3 x 5
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 3
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees – 4 x 6
GHRs – 3 x 8
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week9,Week10,Week11,Week12″]
Week 9
Day 1
Snatch – 65% for 1 x 3, 75% for 1 x 2, 85% for 1, 70% for 1 x 3, 80% for 1 x 2, 85% for 1, 90% for 2 x 1, max
Clean & Jerk – 65% for 1 x 3, 75% for 1 x 2, 85% for 1 x 1, 70% for 1 x 3, 80% for 1 x 2, 85% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, max
Back Squats – 3RM (1st rep paused 2 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Muscular Balance Superset
A. Plate Lateral Raises – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
B. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM with 1 sec pause, then -15% for 3
No Hook Clean – 3RM
Core Muscular Imbalance – Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 8 each side
Day 3
Snatch – 65% for 1 x 3, 75% for 1 x 2, 85% for 1 x 1, 70% for 1 x 3, 80% for 1 x 2, 85% x 1, max
Clean – 65% for 1 x 3, 75% for 1 x 2, 85% for 1 x 1, 70% for 1 x 3, 80% for 1 x 2, 85% x 1, max
Jerk from Blocks – 1RM, then -15% for 2
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (2 sec pause), then -20% for 2 x 3
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 80% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
No Hook No Feet Snatch – 3RM
Active Recovery Sled Drags
70lb Forwards 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean & Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Front Squat – 1RM
Day 6
Back Squat (1st two reps 5 sec eccentric and paused 2 sec) – 5RM, then -10% for 3 x 5
Strict Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band Around Knees – 4 x 6
GHRs – 3 x 8
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week8,Week9,Week10,Week11″]
Week 8
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Steps from Split – 35% x 3, 45% for 2 x 3
Clean & Jerks – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up, allowed 2 misses
Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 80% for 2 x 3, then 3RM
Front Squats – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -15% for 2 x 3
Push Presses – 3RM
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Snatch – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 78% x 2, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up, allowed 2 misses
Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 80% for 2 x 3, then 3RM
Back Squat – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 and last set is 3+
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6
Core Muscular Imbalance: One Arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squats with Chains – 1RM (use 10% of 1RM in chain weight – use regular eccentric speed)
Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, max
Jerk from Block work, Paused 3 sec in the catch Position – 1RM
Deadlift, Paused at mid shin – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Upper Muscluar Imbalance
A. Strict Chest to Bar Pullups – 3 x submaximal
B. Z Press BB or DB – 3 x 10
C. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 3 sec pause
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, 73% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1, 75% x 2, 85% x 1, max
Back Squats – Take 90% of Day 2’s 3RM for 3 x 3
Bentover Rows – 3 x 5 Reps
Core Muscular Imbalance: Bilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Max Snatch
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean and Jerk Max
Front Squats – 1RM, then -15% for 3
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Jerk Recoveries – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Kang Squats – Start with weight from 3rd set of last week – 4 x 5, increase weight 5lb ea set
Lunges 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week7,Week8,Week9,Week10″]
Week 7
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Steps from Split – 35% x 3, 40% for 2 x 3
Clean & Jerks – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% for 2 x 2, 77% x 2, 83% x 1, 85% x 1
Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 73% for 3 x 3
Front Squats – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -15% for 2 x 3
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% for 2 x 2, 77% x 2, 83% x 1, 85% x 1
Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 73% for 3 x 3
Back Squat – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3 and last set is 3+
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6
Core Muscular Imbalance: One Arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squats with Chains (use 5 sec eccentric all reps) – 1RM (use 10% of 1RM in chain weight), then -15% for 2 x 3
Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, work up, allowed 1 miss
Jerk from Block work, Paused 3 sec in the catch Position – 1RM, then -20% for 2 no pauses
Deadlift, Paused at mid shin – 3RM (1st 2 reps paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Upper Muscluar Imbalance
A. Strict Chest to Bar Pullups – 3 x submaximal
B. Z Press BB or DB – 3 x 10
C. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1, work up, allowed 1 miss
Back Squats – Take 90% of Day 2’s 3RM for 3 x 3
Bentover Rows – 3 x 5 Reps
Core Muscular Imbalance: Bilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 1 – Max
Front Squats – 1RM, then -15% for 3
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Jerk Recoveries – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Kang Squats – Start with weight from 3rd set of last week – 4 x 5, increase weight 5lb ea set
Lunges 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week6,Week7,Week8,Week9″]
Week 6
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Steps from Split – 35% x 3, 45% for 3 x 3
Clean & Jerks – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% for 1 x 2, 85% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up, allowed 2 misses
Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 73% for 3 x 3, then 3RM
Front Squats – 3RM, then -10% for 3 and then -15% for 3+
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Snatch – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% x 2, 80% for 1 x 2, 85% x 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up, allowed 2 misses
Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 78% for 3 x 3, then 3RM
Back Squat – 3RM with 1st rep paused 3 sec & then -10% for 2 x 3 no pauses and last set 3+
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6
Core Muscular Imbalance: One Arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squats with Chains (use 5 sec eccentric all reps) – 1RM (use 10% of 1RM in chain weight), then -15% for 2 x 3
Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 1, 75% for 1 x 2, 83% for 1 x 2, 88% for 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up if no misses
Jerk from Block work, Paused 3 sec in the catch Position – 1RM, then -20% for 2 no pauses
Deadlift, Paused at mid shin – 3RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Upper Muscluar Imbalance
A. Strict Chest to Bar Pullups – 3 x submaximal
B. Z Press BB or DB – 3 x 10
C. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% for 1, 75% for 1 x 2, 83% for 1 x 2, 88% for 1, 90% for 2 x 1, work up if no misses
Back Squats – 3 x 3 with 95% of 3RM from Day 2 with no pauses
Bentover Rows – 3 x 5 Reps
Core Muscular Imbalance: Bilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch Pull x 2, Snatch x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Front Squats – 1RM with 1 second Pause, then -15% for 3
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Jerk Recoveries – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Kang Squats – Start with weight from 3rd set of last week – 4 x 5, increase weight 5lb ea set
Lunges 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week5,Week6,Week7,Week8″]
Week 5
Day 1
Warm Up with Jerk Steps from Split – 35% x 3, 45% for 2 x 3
Clean & Jerks – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up, allowed 1 miss
Power Cleans from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 75% for 3 x 3, then 3RM
Front Squats – 3RM, then -10% for 3 and then -15% for 3+
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 75% for 2 x 2, 80% x 1, 85% x 1, 88% x 1, work up, allowed 1 miss
Power Snatch from Blocks with Bar at Knees – 75% for 3 x 3, then 3RM
Back Squat – 3RM with 1st rep paused 3 sec & then -10% for 2 x 3 no pauses and last set 3+
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6
Core Muscular Imbalance: One Arm OH Carries with a Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squats with Chains (use 5 sec eccentric all reps) – 1RM (use 10% of 1RM in chain weight), then -15% for 2 x 3
Clean from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 1, 88% for 2 x 1, work up if no misses and stop at first miss
Jerk from Block work, Paused 3 sec in the catch Position – 1RM, then -20% for 2 no pauses
Deadlift, Paused at mid shin – 3RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Upper Muscluar Imbalance
A. Strict Chest to Bar Pullups – 3 x submaximal
B. Z Press BB or DB – 3 x 10
C. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, 80% for 2 x 2, 85% x 1, 88% for 2 x 1, work up if no misses and stop at first miss
Back Squats – 3 x 3 with 95% of 3RM from Day 2 with no pauses
Bentover Rows – 3 x 5 Reps
Core Muscular Imbalance: Bilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 1, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Front Squats – 1RM with 1 second Pause, then -15% for 3
Muscle Snatches – 3 x 5
Day 6
Back Squat with Belt – 65% x 8
75% x 5
85% x 3
90% x 1
88% x 3
78% x 5+
Each week add 5-10lbs if all reps and sets are completed the week before
Jerk Recoveries – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Strict Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Kang Squats – Start with 33% of Back Squat for 4 x 5, work up each set 5lbs
Lunges 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week4,Week5,Week6,Week7″]
Week 4
Day 1
Front Squat – 3RM, then -10% for 3 and then -15% for 3+
Clean & Jerk – Work to a 3RM (RPE 8-9), then -10% for 3
Kang Squats – 4 x 8, start with 5-10 lb more than last week if your form is perfect
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work Superset
A. Closegrip Bench Press – 3 x 8
B. Bentover Rows – 3 x 10
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Back Squats – 3RM with 1st rep paused 3 sec & then -10% for 2 x 3 no pauses and last set 3+
Snatch – Work to a 3RM (RPE 8-9), then -10% for 3
Snatch Pulls – Off
Core Muscular Imbalance: OH Axle Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squat with Chains – 1RM (use 10% of 1RM in chain weight), then -15% for 2 x 3
Jerk from Block work, Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 3RM
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift, Paused at mid shin – 5RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work Superset
A. Chest to Bar Pullups Strict – 3 x submaximal reps
B. Dips – 3 x submaximal reps
C. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 3 sec pause
Back Squat – 3 x 3 with 95% of 3RM from Day 2 with no pauses
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags
70lb Forwards – 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards – 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch x 1, Hang Snatch x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 1 – Max
Front Squats – 1RM with 1 second Pause
Core Muscular Imbalance: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Back Squat with Belt – 8RM, then -10% for 8 and then -15% for 8+
Strict Presses – 8RM, then -10% for 8
Unilateral RDLs – 3×8
Lunges – 200m
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week3,Week4,Week5,Week6″]
Week 3
Day 1
Front Squat – 5RM, then -10% for 5 and then -15% for 5+
Clean & Jerk – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% for 3 x 3, then work to a 3RM RPE 8
Kang Squats – 4 x 8, start with 5-10 lb more than last week if your form is perfect
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work Superset
A. Closegrip Bench Press – 3 x 8
B. Bentover Rows – 3 x 10
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Back Squats – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (if complete all reps from last week, add 5-10lb)
Snatch – 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% for 3 x 3, then work to a 3RM RPE 8
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance: OH Axle Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squat with Chains – 5 x 3, 1st rep paused with last set max reps (if complete all reps from last week, add 5-10lb)
Jerk from Block work, Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift, Paused at mid shin – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work Superset
A. Chest to Bar Pullups Strict – 3 x submaximal reps
B. Dips – 3 x submaximal reps
C. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 2 x 3 reps not paused
Back Squat – 3 x 5 using 95% of weight from Day 2
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags
70lb Forwards – 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards – 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 1, Hang Snatch x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Front Squats – 1RM with 3 second Pause, then -15% for 3, and then -15% for max reps
Core Muscular Imbalance: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Strict Presses – 8RM, then -10% for 2 x 8
Unilateral RDLs – 3×8
Lunges – 200m
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week2,Week3,Week4,Week5″]
Week 2
Day 1
Front Squat – 5RM, then -10% for 5 and then -15% for 5+
Clean & Jerk – 53% x 3, 63% x 3, 73% for 3 x 3, then work to a 3RM RPE 7-8
Kang Squats – 4 x 8, start with 5-10 lb more than last week if your form is perfect
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work Superset
A. Closegrip Bench Press – 3 x 10
B. Bentover Rows – 3 x 10
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Back Squats – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (if complete all reps from last week, add 5-10lb)
Snatch – 53% x 3, 63% x 3, 73% for 3 x 3, then work to a 3RM RPE 7-8
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance: OH Axle Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squat with Chains – 5 x 3, 1st rep paused with last set max reps (if complete all reps from last week, add 5-10lb)
Jerk from Block work, Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift, Paused at mid shin – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work Superset
A. Chest to Bar Pullups Strict – 3 x submaximal reps
B. Dips – 3 x submaximal reps
C. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 2 x 3 reps not paused
Back Squat – 3 x 5 using 95% of weight from Day 2
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags
70lb Forwards – 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards – 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 1, Hang Snatch x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Front Squats – 1RM with 5 second Pause, then -15% for 3, and then -15% for max reps
Core Muscular Imbalance: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Strict Presses – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Unilateral RDLs – 3×8
Lunges – 200m
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week1,Week2,Week3,Week4″]
Week 1
Day 1
Front Squat – 5RM, then -10% for 5 and then -15% for 5+
Clean & Jerk – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% for 3 x 3, then work to a 3RM RPE 7-8
Kang Squats – 4 x 8 starting with 28% of Back Squat
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work Superset
A. Closegrip Bench Press – 3 x 10
B. Bentover Rows – 3 x 10
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Back Squats – 5 x 5 with last set max reps (start with 80% of 1RM and then progress)
Snatch – 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% for 3 x 3, then work to a 3RM RPE 7-8
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance: OH Axle Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 3
Front Squat with Chains – 5 x 3, 1st rep paused with last set max reps (Start with 75% Bar Weight and 10% chain)
Jerk from Block work, Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift, Paused at mid shin – 5RM (1st 2 reps paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work Superset
A. Chest to Bar Pullups Strict – 3 x submaximal reps
B. Dips – 3 x submaximal reps
C. KB High Pulls – 3 x 10 reps (lower more slowly than you pull up)
Day 4
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 2 x 3 reps not paused
Back Squat – 3 x 5 using 95% of weight from Day 2
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags
70lb Forwards – 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards – 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Snatch Max Effort: Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 1, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 1 – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort: Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 – Max
Front Squats – 1RM with 5 second Pause, then -15% for 3, and then -15% for max reps
Core Muscular Imbalance: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
Jerk Recoveries – 5RM, then -10% for 5
Back Squat with Belt – 10RM, then -10% for 10 and then -15% for 10+
Strict Presses – 10RM, then -10% for 2 x 10
Unilateral RDLs – 3×8
Lunges – 200m
Day 7 (Optional)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_all_tags tagid=”OLDCYCLE1″]
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week12,Week13,Week14,Week15″]
Week 12
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat – work up to 70% of Snatch
Back Squat without Belt – Work up to 90% for 1
Snatch – Max, allowed 1 miss
Clean and Jerks – work up to opener
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – None
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1: None
Lunges: None
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Power Snatch from Blocks (Bar at Knee) – Work up to 85% of Power Snatch
Power Clean from Blocks (Bar at Knee) – Work up to 85% of Power Clean
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: None
Lunges: None
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – Work up to 85% for 1
Snatch – Work up to 75% for 1
Clean and Jerk – Work up to 75% for 1
Deadlift EMOMs – None
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat – None
Front Squat with Belt – Work up to 75% for 1
Hanging Power Snatch – None
Hanging Power Clean – None
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5: Testing
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – None
Snatch – Max
Clean & Jerk – Max
Clean Pulls from Blocks – None
Day 6: Recovery Day
Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat (paused 3 sec) – None
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – None
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees – None
Lunges – None
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – None
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 11
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat (paused 3 sec) – work up to 80% of Snatch
Back Squat without Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 4 x 3 not paused
Snatch EMOMs – Start at 70% for 12 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Clean and Jerks EMOMs – Start at 70% for 12 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – Start at 110% of Snatch for 3 sets of 3, working up each set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1: None
Lunges: None
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec)
Power Snatch from Blocks (Bar at Knee) – 1RM
Power Clean from Blocks (Bar at Knee) – 1RM
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: None
Lunges: None
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 4 x 3 not paused
Snatch – 70% for 2, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1, then Max – allowed one miss
Clean and Jerk – 70% for 2, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1, then Max – allowed one miss
Deadlift EMOMs – Start at 70% for 12 sets of 1, work up heavy but no misses
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat – work up to 85% for 1 rep paused 3 sec
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Hanging Power Snatch – None
Hanging Power Clean – None
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 25lb of weight releasers per side
Snatch – Max
Clean & Jerk – Max
Clean Pulls from Blocks – 110% of Clean for 3 x 3, work up each set
Day 6
Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat (paused 3 sec) – 1RM
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – None
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees – 4 x 6
Lunges – None
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 1RM, then -25% for 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 10
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat (paused 3 sec) – work up to 78% of Snatch
Back Squat without Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 3 x 3 not paused
Snatch EMOMs – Start at 70% for 10 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Clean and Jerks EMOMs – Start at 70% for 10 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – Start at 105% of Snatch for 3 sets of 3, working up each set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
1b. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Conditioning: 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused
Power Snatch from Blocks (Bar at Knee) – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 2
Power Clean from Blocks (Bar at Knee) – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 2
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 8 (each side)
Lunges: None
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 3 x 3 not paused
Snatch – 65% for 3, then 75% for 2, then 85% for 1, then 70% for 3, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1, then Max
Clean and Jerk – 65% for 3, then 75% for 2, then 85% for 1, then 70% for 3, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1, then Max
Deadlift EMOMs – Start at 70% for 10 sets of 1, work up heavy but no misses
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat – work up to 83% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Hanging Power Snatch – Start at 70% for 8 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Hanging Power Clean – Start at 70% for 8 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 25lb of weight releasers per side, then -20% of bar weight for 2 x 3
Snatch – Max
Clean & Jerk – Max
Clean Pulls from Blocks – 105% of Clean for 3 x 3, work up each set
Day 6
Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat (paused 3 sec) – 1RM
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees – 4 x 6
Lunges – 400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 1RM, then -25% for 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 9
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat (paused 5 sec) – work up to 75% of Snatch
Back Squat without Belt – 1RM (paused 5 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch EMOMs – Start at 70% for 8 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Clean and Jerks EMOMs – Start at 70% for 8 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls from Blocks – Start at 105% of Snatch for 3 sets of 3, working up each set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
1b. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Conditioning: 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 5 sec), then -20% for 3 not paused
Power Snatch from Blocks (Bar at Knee) – 1RM, then -20% for 2
Power Clean from Blocks (Bar at Knee) – 1RM, then -20% for 2
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: Elevated Suitcase Deadlifts – 3 x 8 (each side)
Conditioning: 400M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 5 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch – 70% for 2 x 3, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1, then Max – work up each set, allowed one miss
Clean and Jerk – 70% for 2 x 3, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1, then Max – work up each set, allowed one miss
Deadlift EMOMs – Start at 70% for 8 sets of 1, work up heavy but no misses
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat – work up to 80% for 1 rep paused 5 sec
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Hanging Power Snatch – Start at 70% for 6 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Hanging Power Clean – Start at 70% for 6 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 25lb of weight releasers per side, then -20% of bar weight for 3
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch Pull to Snatch – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean to 2 Jerks – Max
Clean Pulls from Blocks – 105% of Clean for 3 x 3, work up each set
Day 6
Snatch Grip Thruster to OH Squat (paused 5 sec) – 1RM
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts with Band around Knees – 4 x 6
Lunges – 400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 1RM, then -25% for 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”Week8,Week9,Week10,Week11″]
Week 8
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat work up to 70% of Snatch
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Snatch Paused 2 Inches off Ground EMOMs – Start at 70% for 6 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Clean Paused 2 Inches off Ground and Jerks – Start at 70% for 6 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls – Start at 100% of Snatch for 3 sets of 3, working up each set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 5
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 5
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM
Power Snatch from Blocks – 1RM
Jerk from Block (paused 3 sec in catch position) – 1RM
Push Presses – 1RM
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: One Arm OH Carries with Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 3, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1 – work up each set, allowed one miss
Clean and Jerk from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 3, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1 – work up each set, allowed one miss
Deadlift (Paused 2 sec at Knee) EMOMs – Start at 70% for 6 sets of 1, work up heavy but no misses
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2b. Z Press with BB or DB – 8 reps x 3-4 sets
2c. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM
Power Clean from Blocks – 1RM
Core Muscular Imbalance 2: Bilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 40-60lb of Bands
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch Pull to Snatch – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean Pull to Clean and Jerk – Max
Clean Pulls – 100% of Clean for 3 x 3
Day 6
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 3 sec pause
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – 3RM
RDLs from Two Inch Deficit with Mini Bands – 3 x 6
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Lunges – 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 1RM
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 7
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat work up to 80% of Snatch
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 4 x 3 not paused
Snatch Paused 2 Inches off Ground EMOMs – Start at 70% for 12 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Clean Paused 2 Inches off Ground and Jerks – Start at 70% for 12 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls – Start at 100% of Snatch for 3 sets of 3, working up each set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 5
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 5
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Power Snatch from Blocks – 2RM, then -10% for 2
Jerk from Block (paused 3 sec in catch position) – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 2
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: One Arm OH Carries with Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 1 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 3, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1, then 73% for 3, then 83% for 2, then 88% for 1, then 75% for 2, then 85% for 1, then Max – work up each set
Clean and Jerk from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 3, then 80% for 2, then 85% for 1, then 73% for 3, then 83% for 2, then 88% for 1, then 75% for 2, then 85% for 1, then Max – work up each set if no misses, stop at first miss
Deadlift (Paused 2 sec at Knee) EMOMs – Start at 70% for 12 sets of 1, work up heavy but no misses
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2b. Z Press with BB or DB – 8 reps x 3-4 sets
2c. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Power Clean from Blocks – 2RM, then -10% for 2
Core Muscular Imbalance 2: Bilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 40-60lb of Bands, then take off bands and Max
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch Pull to Snatch – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean to Front Squat to Jerk – Max
Clean Pulls – 103% of Clean for 3 x 3
Day 6
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
RDLs from Two Inch Deficit with Mini Bands – 4 x 6
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Lunges – 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 1RM paused 3 sec in bottom, then -25% for 3 not paused
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 6
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat work up to 78% of Snatch
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 3 x 3 not paused
Snatch Paused 2 Inches off Ground EMOMs – Start at 70% for 10 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Clean Paused 2 Inches off Ground and Jerks – Start at 70% for 10 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls – Start at 100% of Snatch for 3 sets of 3, working up each set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 5
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 5
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Power Snatch from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Jerk from Block (paused 3 sec in catch position) – 1RM, then -20% for 2
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: One Arm OH Carries with Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, then 80% for 2 x 2, then 85% for 1, then 75% for 2, then 83% for 2, then 88% for 1 – work up each set if no misses, stop at first miss
Clean and Jerk from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, then 80% for 2 x 2, then 85% for 1, then 75% for 2, then 83% for 2, then 88% for 1 – work up each set if no misses, stop at first miss
Deadlift (Paused 2 sec at Knee) EMOMs – Start at 70% for 10 sets of 1, work up heavy but no misses
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2b. Z Press with BB or DB – 8 reps x 3-4 sets
2c. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Power Clean from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Core Muscular Imbalance 2: Bilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 40-60lb of Bands, then take off bands and Max
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch Pull to Snatch to OH Squat – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean Pull to Clean to Front Squat to Jerk – Max
Clean Pulls – 103% of Clean for 3 x 3
Day 6
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
RDLs from Two Inch Deficit with Mini Bands – 4 x 6
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Lunges – 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 1RM paused 3 sec in bottom, then -25% for 3 not paused
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 5
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Heaving Snatch Balance & 1 OH Squat work up to 75% of Snatch
Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch Paused 2 Inches off Ground EMOMs – Start at 70% for 8 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Clean Paused 2 Inches off Ground and Jerks – Start at 70% for 8 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls – Start at 100% of Snatch for 3 sets of 3, working up each set
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 5
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 5
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Power Snatch from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Jerk from Block (paused 3 sec in catch position) – 1RM, then -20% for 2
Push Presses – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: One Arm OH Carries with Fat Grip DB (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM (paused 3 sec), then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, then 80% for 2 x 2, then 85% for 1 – work up each set if no misses, stop at first miss
Clean and Jerk from Blocks (Short or Medium Blocks) – 70% for 2 x 3, then 80% for 2 x 2, then 85% for 1 – work up each set if no misses, stop at first miss
Deadlift (Paused 2 sec at Knee) EMOMs – Start at 70% for 8 sets of 1, work up heavy but no misses
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 4 x 6
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2b. Z Press with BB or DB – 8 reps x 3-4 sets
2c. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM, then -10% for 2 x 3
Power Clean from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Core Muscular Imbalance 2: Bilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM with 40-60lb of Bands paused 3 sec, then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch Pull to Snatch to OH Squat – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean Pull to Clean to Front Squat to Jerk – Max
Clean Pulls – 100% of Clean for 3 x 3
Day 6
Heaving Snatch Balance – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
RDLs from Two Inch Deficit with Mini Bands – 4 x 6
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Lunges – 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 1RM paused 3 sec in bottom, then -25% for 3 not paused
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 4
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat work up to 70% of Snatch
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Snatch Paused at Knee EMOMs – Start at 70% for 6 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 8
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM
Clean (Pause at Knee) & Jerk – Start at 70% for 6 sets of 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls – None
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: OH Axle Carries (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 1RM paused 3 sec
Jerk from Block (no pauses) – 1RM
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Floor – 70% for 5 sets of 1, working up but not past 85%
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2b. Dips – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2c. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 65% for 3 reps with 1st rep paused 3 sec
Front Squat with Belt – Work up to 90% of 1RM with 50lb of Chain, no pause – then remove chains and max
Power Snatch from Blocks – 1RM
Power Clean from Blocks – 1RM
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags
70lb Forwards – 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards – 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat without Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain (not paused)
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch – Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean and Jerk – Max
Clean Pulls – 90% for 3 x 3
Core Muscular Imbalance: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 3 sec pause
Klokov Presses – 3RM
RDLs – 3 x 8
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Lunges – 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 3RM
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 3
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat work up to 80% of Snatch
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 4 x 5 not paused
Snatch Paused at Knee EMOMs – Start at 70% for 12 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 8
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Clean (Pause at Knee) & Jerk – Start at 70% for 12 sets of 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: OH Axle Carries (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Jerk from Block, Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 1RM, then -20% for 3 x 2
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Floor – 70% for 10 sets of 1, working up
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2b. Dips – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2c. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 75% for 3 reps with 1st rep paused 3 sec
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain, no pause
Power Snatch from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Power Clean from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags
70lb Forwards – 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards – 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat without Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain paused 1 sec, then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch Pull to Snatch – Max, then -10% for 2 down sets
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean, Front Squat, and Jerk – Max, then -15% for 2 down sets
Clean Pulls – 100% for 3 x 3, work up
Core Muscular Imbalance: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Klokov Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
RDLs – 3 x 8
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Lunges – 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 3RM, then -15% for 2 x 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 2
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat work up to 78% of Snatch
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 3 x 5 not paused
Snatch Paused at Knee EMOMs – Start at 70% for 10 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 8
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Clean (Pause at Knee) & Jerk – Start at 70% for 10 sets of 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: OH Axle Carries (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Jerk from Block, Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 2
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Floor – 70% for 8 sets of 1, working up heavy but no misses
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2b. Dips – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2c. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 73% for 3 reps with 1st rep paused 5 sec
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain, no pause
Power Snatch from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Power Clean from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags
70lb Forwards – 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards – 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat without Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain paused 3 sec, then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch to Hang Snatch – Max, then -10% for 2 down sets
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk – Max, then -15% for 2 down sets
Clean Pulls – 98% for 3 x 3
Core Muscular Imbalance: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Klokov Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
RDLs – 3 x 8
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Lunges – 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 3RM, then -15% for 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Week 1
Day 1
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – 2 Snatch Grip Push Presses & 1 OH Squat work up to 75% of Snatch
Back Squat with Belt – 5RM (1st rep paused 5 sec), then -10% for 2 x 5 not paused
Snatch Paused at Knee EMOMs – Start at 70% for 8 sets x 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Upper Muscular Imbalance Work 1:
1a. Weighted Push-Ups – 3 x 8
1b. Bentover Rows – 3 x 8
Conditioning: 200M Lunges (bodyweight only)
Day 2
Front Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Clean (Pause at Knee) & Jerk – Start at 70% for 8 sets of 1 rep, working up heavy but no misses
Snatch Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3 with a 6 sec eccentric
Core Muscular Imbalance 1: OH Axle Carries (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT
Day 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt – 3RM (1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2 x 3 not paused
Jerk from Block, Paused 3 sec in dip and catch – 1RM, then -20% for 2 x 2
Push Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
Clean Deadlift EMOMs Paused 2 sec 2 inches off Floor – 70% for 6 sets of 1, work up but not past 90%
Upper Muscular Imbalance 2:
2a. Chest to Bar Pullups – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2b. Dips – 3-8 reps x 3-4 sets
2c. KB High Pulls – 8 reps x 3-4 sets (lower slower than you pull up)
Day 4
Warm Up with OH Squat Variations – Work up to 70% for 3 reps with 1st rep paused 5 sec
Front Squat with Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain, no pause
Power Snatch from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Power Clean from Blocks – 3RM, then -10% for 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT – Sled Drags
70lb Forwards – 25 yards x 4
70lbs Backwards – 25 yards x 4
Day 5
Low or High Bar Back Squat without Belt – 1RM with 50lb of Chain paused 3 sec, then -20% for 2 x 3 not paused
Snatch Max Effort complex: Snatch to Hang Snatch – Max, then -10% for 1 down set
Clean & Jerk Max Effort complex: Clean, 2 Front Squats, and Jerk – Max, then -15% for 1 down set
Clean Pulls – 95% for 3 x 3
Core Muscular Imbalance: Unilateral Farmer’s Carry (When you can carry 45 seconds x 3 sets, move up in weight)
Day 6
OH Squat Variation Max Effort – 1RM with 5 sec pause, then -20% for 3 reps not paused
Klokov Presses – 5RM, then -10% for 2 x 5
RDLs – 3 x 8
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts – 3 x 8
Lunges – 200-400m
Day 7 (Optional)
Thruster or Cluster – 3RM, then -15% for 3
Optional Cardio, GPP, HIIT