Bronze Level Youth Weightlifting 3-Day Program
[memb_contact fields=”FirstName”]!Here’s the current week of your youth weightlifting program.
(If you have any questions about any of the details of this program, email
Week 28
Day 1
1. Snatch Balance – work up to a 1RM 9RPE
2. Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch (60-90 seconds rest/set) – 85% 10×1+1 (work up on last three no more than 93%)
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Snatch Pull from a 2″ Deficit – 3RM 9.5RPE w perfect form, then -10% for 2×3
Day 2
1. 3 Position Snatch – 6×1+1+1 at 8-9RPE
2. 3 Position Clean – 6 x 1+1+1 at 8-9RPE
3. Power Jerk – 3RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×3
4. Bentover Rows Paused on the Chest *use slow eccentrics if too easy – 5RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Day 3
1.Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk (60-90sec rest/set) – 85% 8×1+1+1 (work up on last three no more than 93%)
2. Back Squats – 3RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×3
3. Clean Deadlifts slow eccentric – 3RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Standing Strict Press – 3RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×3
5. Pullups – 3 x submaximal
Week 27
Day 1
1. Snatch Balance – work up to a 2RM 7RPE
2. Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch (60-90 seconds rest/set) – 70% 8×1+1
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
4. Snatch Pull from a 2″ Deficit – 3RM 8RPE
Day 2
1. 3 Position Snatch – 5 x 1+1+1 at 8RPE
2. 3 Position Clean – 5 x 1+1+1 at 8RPE
3. Power Jerk – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
4. Bentover Rows Paused on the Chest *use slow eccentrics if too easy – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
Day 3
1.Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk (60-90sec rest/set) – 70% 8×1+1+1
2. Back Squats – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
3. Clean Deadlifts slow eccentric – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
4. Standing Strict Press – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
5. Pullups – 3 x submaximal
Week 26
Day 1
1. Snatch Balance – work up to a 3RM 8RPE
2. Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch (60-90 seconds rest/set) – 80% 10×1+1 (work up on last two no more than 88%)
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Snatch Pull from a 2″ Deficit – 3RM 9RPE w perfect form, then -10% for 2×3
Day 2
1. 3 Position Snatch – 6×1+1+1 at 8-9RPE
2. 3 Position Clean – 6×1+1+1 at 8-9RPE
3. Power Jerk – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×3
4. Bentover Rows Paused on the Chest *use slow eccentrics if too easy – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Day 3
1.Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk (60-90sec rest/set) – 80% 10×1+1+1 (work up on last two no more than 88%)
2. Back Squats – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
3. Clean Deadlifts slow eccentric – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Standing Strict Press – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3 (last set 3+)
5. Pullups – 3 x submaximal
Week 25
Day 1
1. Snatch Balance – work up to a 3RM 7RPE
2. Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch (60-90 seconds rest/set) – 75% 10×1+1 (work up on last two no more than 83%)
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Snatch Pull from a 2″ Deficit – 3RM 8RPE w perfect form, then -10% for 2×3
Day 2
1. 3 Position Snatch – 6×1+1+1 at 8RPE
2. 3 Position Clean – 6×1+1+1 at 8RPE
3. Power Jerk – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×3
4. Bentover Rows Paused on the Chest *use slow eccentrics if too easy – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Day 3
1.Clean Pull + Clean + Jerk (60-90sec rest/set) – 75% 10×1+1+1 (work up on last two no more than 83%)
2. Back Squats – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
3. Clean Deadlifts slow eccentric – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Standing Strict Press – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3 (last set 3+)
5. Pullups – 3 x submaximal
Week 24
Day 1
1. Snatch Balance – work up to a 1RM 8RPE
2. Snatch EMOM – 85% 10×1 (work up on last three no more than 93%)
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch Pull – 1+3RM 9RPE w perfect form, then -10% for 2×1+3
Day 2
1. Hang Snatch Below Knees – 6×2 at 8RPE working to a 9RPE
2. Hang Clean Below Knees – 6×2 at 8RPE working to a 9RPE
3. Power Jerk – 5RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Bentover Rows – 5RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk EMOM – 85% 10×1+1 (work up on last three no more than 93%)
2. Back Squats – 5RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×5
3. Clean Deadlifts slow eccentric – 5RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Standing Strict Press – 5RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×5
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 23
Day 1
1. Snatch Balance – work up to a 1RM 7RPE
2. Snatch EMOM – 70% 8×1
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
4. Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch Pull – 1+3RM 8RPE
Day 2
1. Hang Snatch Below Knees – 5x2 at 8RPE
2. Hang Clean Below Knees – 5x2 at 8RPE
3. Power Jerk – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
4. Bentover Rows – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk EMOM – 70% 8×1
2. Back Squats – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
3. Clean Deadlifts slow eccentric – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
4. Standing Strict Press – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 22
Day 1
1. Snatch Balance – work up to a 2RM 8RPE
2. Snatch EMOM – 80% 10×1 (work up on last two no more than 88%)
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch Pull – 1+3RM 9RPE w perfect form, then -10% for 2×1+3
Day 2
1. Hang Snatch Below Knees – 6×2 at 8RPE
2. Hang Clean Below Knees – 6×2 at 8RPE
3. Power Jerk – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Bentover Rows – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk EMOM – 80% 10×1 (work up on last two no more than 88%)
2. Back Squats – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
3. Clean Deadlifts slow eccentric – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Standing Strict Press – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 21
Day 1
1. Snatch Balance – work up to a 2RM 7RPE
2. Snatch EMOM – 75% 10×1 (work up on last two no more than 83%)
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch Pull – 1+3RM 8RPE w perfect form, then -10% for 2×1+3
Day 2
1. Hang Snatch Below Knees – 6×2 at 8RPE
2. Hang Clean Below Knees – 6×2 at 8RPE
3. Power Jerk – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Bentover Rows – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk EMOM – 75% 10×1+1 (work up on last two no more than 83%)
2. Back Squats – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
3. Clean Deadlifts slow eccentric – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Standing Strict Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 20
Day 1
1. Snatch Grip Push Press + OH Squat – work up to a 2+2 9RPE
2. Snatch – 1RM 9RPE (absolutely no misses), then -15% 3×2
3. Hang Snatch below knee slow eccentric – 3×3 at 7RPE ***focus on positions
4. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM no misses and then use formula to figure out 1RM
5. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 9RPE 2-5kg more than wk2 w perfect form, then -10% for 3×3
Day 2
1. Snatch from Blocks – 6×2 at 8RPE and working to a 9RPE
2.Clean from Blocks – 6×2 at 8RPE and working to a 9RPE
3. Power Jerk – 3RM no misses and then use formula to figure out 1RM
4. Pullups – 4xsubmaximal no more than 10 reps *use slow eccentrics if too easy
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk – 1RM 9RPE (absolutely no misses), then -15% 3×2
2. Back Squats – 3RM use formula for 1RM no misses 100%
3. RDLs – 4×5 8-9RPE
4. DB or KB Lunges – 4x6ea leg
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 19
Day 1
1. Snatch Grip Push Press + OH Squat – work up to a 2+2 8RPE
2. Snatch – 2RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2
3. Hang Snatch below knee slow eccentric – 3×3 at 7RPE ***focus on positions
4. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 4×3 same weight as wk1
5. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 8RPE same as wk 1
Day 2
1. Snatch from Blocks – 5x2 at 8RPE
2.Clean from Blocks – 5x2 at 8RPE
3. Power Jerk – 4×3 same weight as wk1
4. Pullups – 3xsubmaximal no more than 10 reps *use slow eccentrics if too easy
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk – 2RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2
2. Back Squats – 3×5 at 8RPE
3. RDLs – 3×5 7RPE
4. DB or KB Lunges – 3x8ea leg
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 18
Day 1
1. Snatch Grip Push Press + OH Squat – work up to a 2+2 8RPE
2. Snatch – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% 3×3
3. Hang Snatch below knee slow eccentric – 4×3 at 8RPE ***focus on positions
4. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 4×3 at 8-9RPE so a little more than wk1
5. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 8RPE 2-5kg more than wk1 w perfect form, then -10% for 3×3
Day 2
1. Snatch from Blocks – 6×2 at 8RPE
2.Clean from Blocks – 6×2 at 8RPE
3. Power Jerk – 4×3 at 8-9RPE so a little more than wk1
4. Pullups – 4xsubmaximal no more than 10 reps *use slow eccentrics if too easy
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% 3×3
2. Back Squats – 5×5 at 9RPE
3. RDLs – 4×5 8RPE
4. DB or KB Lunges – 4x8ea leg
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 17
Day 1
1. Snatch Grip Push Press + OH Squat – work up to a 2+2 7RPE
2. Snatch – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% 3×3
3. Hang Snatch below knee slow eccentric – 4×3 at 7RPE ***focus on positions
4. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5×3 at 8RPE
5. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 8RPE w perfect form, then -10% for 3×3
Day 2
1. Snatch from Blocks – 6×2 at 8RPE
2.Clean from Blocks – 6×2 at 8RPE
3. Power Jerk – 5×3 at 8RPE
4. Pullups – 4xsubmaximal no more than 10 reps *use slow eccentrics if too easy
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% 3×3
2. Back Squats – 5×5 at 8RPE
3. RDLs – 4×5 8RPE
4. DB or KB Lunges – 4x8ea leg
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 16
Day 1
1. Snatch EMOM – 10×1 at 7-9RPE *Add 2-3kg compared to Week 14 and work up on last two sets no misses
2. OH Squat (1st Rep Paused 5 sec) – 1RM at 8-9RPE, and then -15% for 3×3
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5×3 7-9RPE working up
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 8RPE *2-5kg more than wk2 w perfect form, then -10% for 2×5
Day 2
1. Power Snatch + OH Squat – 6×1+1 at 8RPE and working to a 9RPE
2. Power Clean + Front Squat – 6×1+1 at 8RPE and working to a 9RPE
3. Push Press – 3RM (no misses), then -10% for 2×3
4. Bentover Rows – 3RM (no misses), then -10% for 2×3
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk EMOM – 10×1+1 at 7-9RPE *Add 2-3kg compared to Week 14 and work up on last two sets no misses
2. Back Squats – 3RM (don’t miss and form should be perfect), then -10% for 3×3
3. Snatch Grip Deadlift – 4×3 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
4. Plank – 3 x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 15
Day 1
1. Snatch EMOM – 8×1 *Week 13 weights
2. OH Squat (1st Rep Paused 5 sec) – 3x3 at 7RPE
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 4×3 same weight as wk13
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 8RPE same as wk 1
Day 2
1. Power Snatch + OH Squat – 5x1+1 at 8RPE
2. Power Clean + Front Squat – 5x1+1 at 8RPE
3. Push Press – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
4. Bentover Rows – 3×5 at 8RPE
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk EMOM – 8×1 *Week 13 weights
2. Back Squats – 3×3 at 8RPE
3. Snatch Grip Deadlift – 3×3 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
4. Plank – 3 x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 14
Day 1
1. Snatch EMOM – 12×1 at 7-8RPE *Add a little weight compared to last week
2. OH Squat (1st Rep Paused 5 sec) – 4×3 at 9RPE
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3×5 at 8-9RPE so a little more than wk1
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 8RPE 2-5kg more than wk1 w perfect form, then -10% for 2×5
Day 2
1. Power Snatch + OH Squat – 6×1+1 at 8RPE
2. Power Clean + Front Squat – 6×1+1 at 8RPE
3. Push Press – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Bentover Rows – 5×5 at 8RPE
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk EMOM – 12×1+1 at 7-8RPE *Add a little weight compared to last week
2. Back Squats – 5×3 at 9RPE
3. Snatch Grip Deadlift – 5×3 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
4. Plank – 3 x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 13
Day 1
1. Snatch EMOM – 10×1 at 7-8RPE
2. OH Squat (1st Rep Paused 5 sec) – 4×3 at 8RPE
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3×5 at 8RPE
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 8RPE w perfect form, then -10% for 2×5
Day 2
1. Power Snatch + OH Squat – 6×1+1 at 8RPE
2. Power Clean + Front Squat – 6×1+1 at 8RPE
3. Push Press – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Bentover Rows – 5×5 at 8RPE
Day 3
1.Clean + Jerk EMOM – 10×1+1 at 7-8RPE
2. Back Squats – 5×3 at 8RPE
3. Snatch Grip Deadlift – 5×3 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
4. Plank – 3 x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 12
Day 1
1. OH Squat (1st Rep Paused 5 sec) – 4×3 at 8RPE
2. 3 Position Snatch – 80% (8 RPE) 6×1+1+1 (90 sec rest Between Sets)*Add 2-3kg compared to Week 2 and work up on last two sets no misses
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM(don’t miss), then -10% for 3×3
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5×3 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 9RPE
5. Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3x40m ea arm
Day 2
1. Power Snatch + Snatch – 6x1+1 at 8 RPE and working to a 9RPE
2. Power Clean + Clean – 6x1+1 at 8 RPE and working to a 9RPE
3. Push Press – 5RM (no misses), then -10% for 2×5
4a. Closegrip Bench Press – 5RM (no misses), then -10% for 2×5
4b. Bentover Rows – 5RM (no misses), then -10% for 2×5
Day 3
1. 3 Position Clean + Jerk – 80% (8RPE) 6×1+1+1 (90 sec rest Between Sets)*Add 2-3kg compared to Week 2 and work up on last two sets no misses
2. Back Squats – 5RM (don’t miss and form should be perfect), then -10% for 3×5
3. Snatch Grip Deadlift – 3×5 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 9RPE
4. Hyperextensions with a Band – 5×5 at 8RPE
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 11
Day 1
1. OH Squat (1st Rep Paused 5 sec) – 3×3 at 7RPE
2. 3 Position Snatch – 70% 6×1+1+1 (60 sec rest Between Sets) *Week 1 weight for only six sets.
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 90% of 3RM for 4×3
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5×3 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
5. Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3x30m ea arm
Day 2
1. Power Snatch + Snatch – 5x1+1 at 8RPE
2. Power Clean + Clean – 5x1+1 at 8RPE
3. Push Press – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
4a. Closegrip Bench Press – 3×8 8RPE
4b. Bentover Rows – 3×8 8RPE
Day 3
1. 3 Position Clean + Jerk – 70% 6×1+1+1 (60 sec rest Between Sets) *Week 1 weight for only six sets.
2. Back Squats – 3×5 at 8RPE
3. Snatch Grip Deadlift – 3×5 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
4. Hyperextensions with a Band – 5×5 at 8RPE
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 10
Day 1
1. OH Squat (1st Rep Paused 5 sec) – 3×5 at 8RPE
2. 3 Position Snatch – 75% (8RPE) 8×1+1+1 (90 sec rest Between Sets) *Add a little weight compared to last week
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5×3 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
5. Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3x40m ea arm
Day 2
1. Power Snatch + Snatch – 6×1+1 at 8RPE
2. Power Clean + Clean – 6×1+1 at 8RPE
3. Push Press – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4a. Closegrip Bench Press – 3×10 8-9RPE
4b. Bentover Rows – 3×10 8-9RPE
Day 3
1. 3 Position Clean + Jerk – 75% (8RPE) 8×1+1+1 (90 sec rest Between Sets) *Add a little weight compared to last week
2. Back Squats – 5×5 at 9RPE
3. Snatch Grip Deadlift – 3×5 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
4. Hyperextensions with a Band – 5×5 at 8RPE
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 9
Day 1
1. OH Squat (1st Rep Paused 5 sec) – 3×5 at 7RPE
2. 3 Position Snatch – 70% (8RPE) 8×1+1+1 (90 sec rest Between Sets)
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5×3 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
5. Unilateral Farmers Walk – 3x40m ea arm
Day 2
1. Power Snatch + Snatch – 6×1+1 at 8RPE
2. Power Clean + Clean – 6×1+1 at 8RPE
3. Push Press – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4a. Closegrip Bench Press – 3×10 8RPE
4b. Bentover Rows – 3×10 8RPE
Day 3
1. 3 Position Clean + Jerk – 70% (8RPE) 8×1+1+1 (90 sec rest Between Sets)
2. Back Squats – 5×5 at 8RPE
3. Snatch Grip Deadlift – 3×5 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
4. Hyperextensions with a Band – 5×5 at 8RPE
5. Plank – 3x Maximum if over one minute add weight
Week 8
Day 1
1. 2 Snatch Grip Push Press + OH Squat – 2+1RM 9RPE paused 3 sec in bottom
2. Snatch from Hip – 8×1 at 8-9RPE
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3×5 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 9RPE
Day 2
1. BHN Jerk Balance from Split *** – 3×5 working to a near maximum without misses
2. Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch – 8×1+1 8RPE progress from week 2
3. Clean Pull to Hip + Clean – 8×1+1 8RPE progress from week 2
4a. Bentover Rows BB, KB, or DB – 3×10 8RPE
4b. Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Day 3
1. Drop Snatch with 2 second pause in the bottom – 3×3 staying between a 8-9 RPE
2. Clean from Hip + Power Jerk – 8×1+1 at 8-9RPE
3. Back Squat – 3RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Strict Press – 3RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Week 7 Deload
Day 1
1. 2 Snatch Grip Push Press + OH Squat – 3×1+2 at 7-8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom of OH Squat
2. Snatch from Hip – 6×2 at 8RPE
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3×5 starting with a 7 RPE and ending with an 8 RPE
Day 2
1. BHN Jerk Balance from Split *** – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
2. Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch – 5×2+2 7-8RPE same as last week
3. Clean Pull to Hip + Clean – 5×2+2 7-8RPE same as last week
4a. Bentover Rows BB, KB, or DB – 3×10 8RPE
4b. Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Day 3
1. Drop Snatch with 2 second pause in the bottom – 3×3 staying between a 7-8RPE
2. Clean from Hip + Power Jerk – 6×2+2 at 8RPE
3. Back Squat – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
4. Strict Press – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
Week 6
Day 1
1. 2 Snatch Grip Push Press + OH Squat – 6×1+2 at 8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom of OH Squat
2. Snatch from Hip – 7×2 at 8-9RPE
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3×5 starting with a 7 RPE and ending with an 8 RPE
Day 2
1. BHN Jerk Balance from Split *** – 3×5 working to a 8RPE (the goal is position and stability)
2. Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch – 6×2+2 7-8RPE progress from last week 2-3kg
3. Clean Pull to Hip + Clean – 6×2+2 7-8RPE progress from last week 2-3kg
4a. Bentover Rows BB, KB, or DB – 3×10 8RPE
4b. Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Day 3
1. Drop Snatch with 2 second pause in the bottom – 5×3 staying between a 7-8RPE
2. Clean from Hip + Power Jerk – 7×2+2 at 8-9RPE
3. Back Squat – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Strict Press – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Week 5
Day 1
1. 2 Snatch Grip Push Press + OH Squat – 5×1+2 at 7-8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom of OH Squat
2. Snatch from Hip – 7×3 at 7-8RPE
3. Front Squat (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Clean Deadlifts (Eccentric Slower than Concentric) – 3×5 starting with a 7 RPE and ending with an 8 RPE
Day 2
1. BHN Jerk Balance from Split *** – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
2. Snatch Pull to Hip + Snatch – 6×2+2 7-8RPE
3. Clean Pull to Hip + Clean – 6×2+2 7-8RPE
4a. Bentover Rows BB, KB, or DB – 3×10 8RPE
4b. Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Day 3
1. Drop Snatch with 2 second pause in the bottom – 5×3 staying between a 7-8RPE
2. Clean from Hip + Power Jerk – 7×3+3 at 7-8 RPE
3. Back Squat – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Strict Press – 3RM 8RPE, then -10% for 3×3
Week 4
Day 1
1. OH Squat – 1RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
2. P. Snatch from Hip + OH Squat – 8×1+1 at 8-9 RPE work up to 9+RPE on last two
3. Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 3RM, then -10% for 3×3
4. Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 4×1+2 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a near maximum
Day 2
1. BHN Press from Split – 3×5 working to a near maximum without misses
2. Snatch Pull to Knees + Pull to Hips + Snatch – 6×1+1+1 8RPE progress from last week
3. Clean Pull to knees + Pull to Hips + Clean – 6×1+1+1 8RPE progress from last week
4a. Pullups – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
4b. Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Day 3
1. Heaving Snatch Balance with 2 second pause in the bottom – 3×3 staying between a 8-9RPE
2. Power Clean from Hip + Front Squat – 8×1+1 at 8-9RPE work up to 9+RPE on last two
3. Back Squat – 5RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Strict Press – 5RM, then -10% for 3×5
Week 3
Day 1
1. OH Squat – 2RM 8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
2. P. Snatch from Hip + OH Squat – 6×2+2 at 8RPE
3. Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 90% of 3RM for 3×3
4. Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 3×1+2 starting with a 7RPE and ending with an 8RPE
Day 2
1. BHN Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (The goal is position and stability)
2. Snatch Pull to Knees + Pull to Hips + Snatch – 5×1+1+1 7-8RPE same as last week
3. Clean Pull to knees + Pull to Hips + Clean – 5×1+1+1 7-8RPE same as last week
4a. Pullups – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
4b. Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Day 3
1. Heaving Snatch Balance with 2 second pause in the bottom – 3×3 staying between a 7-8RPE progress from last week
2. Power Clean from Hip + Front Squat – 6×2+2 at 7-8RPE
3. Back Squat – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
4. Strict Press – 90% of 5RM for 3×5
Week 2
Day 1
1. OH Squat – 3RM 9RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
2. P. Snatch from Hip + OH Squat – 7×2+2 at 8-9RPE
3. Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 3RM 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 4×1+2 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE (Progress from last week)
Day 2
1. BHN Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 8RPE (Progress up from last week to develop stability and strength *the goal is position and stability)
2. Snatch Pull to Knees + Pull to Hips + Snatch – 6×1+1+1 7-8RPE progress from last week
3. Clean Pull to knees + Pull to Hips + Clean – 6×1+1+1 7-8RPE progress from last week
4a. Pullups – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
4b. Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Day 3
1. Heaving Snatch Balance with 2 second pause in the bottom – 5×3 staying between a 7-8RPE (progress from last week)
2. Power Clean from Hip + Front Squat – 7×2+2 at 8-9 RPE
3. Back Squat – 5RM 9RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Strict Press – 5RM at 9.5RPE, then -10% for 3×5
Week 1
Day 1
1. OH Squat – 3RM 8RPE with a 3 sec pause in bottom
2. P. Snatch from Hip + OH Squat – 7×3+3 at 7-8 RPE
3. Front Squat (Tempo 5 sec eccentric and 3 sec pause in bottom) – 3RM 9RPE, then -10% for 3×3
4. Clean Pulls from Ground + 2 from Hang below knees – 4×1+2 starting with a 7RPE and ending with a 9RPE
Day 2
1. BHN Press from Split – 3×5 working to a 7RPE (the goal is position and stability)
2. Snatch Pull to Knees + Pull to Hips + Snatch – 6×1+1+1 7-8RPE
3. Clean Pull to knees + Pull to Hips + Clean – 6×1+1+1 7-8RPE
4a. Pullups – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
4b. Dips – 3x submaximal (add weight if more than 10 reps achieved)
Overall Thoughts on the day: I was a lot more comfortable because these are all lifts I have done regularly. It was a good workout I felt good.
Day 3
1. Heaving Snatch Balance with 2 second pause in the bottom – 5×3 staying between a 7-8RPE
2. Power Clean from Hip + Front Squat – 7×3+3 at 7-8RPE
3. Back Squat – 5RM 8RPE, then -10% for 2×5
4. Strict Press – 5RM at 9RPE, then -10% for 3×5