UNIT 3: olympic lift assessment
Video 8: olympic lifts - introduction
For athletes who want to add Olympic lifts into their programs, here is how I assess an athlete to make sure they are ready.
Video 9: olympic lifts - overhead squat
The overhead squat is a great tool to assess mobility, stability, and strength for the Olympic lifts - most notably the snatch.
Video 10: olympic lifts - front squat
An athlete is going to have problems cleaning if they can not properly front squat. Here's how to find out if they can.
Video 11: olympic lifts - strict press
For the jerk, the strict press - or military press - is a wonderful movement to assess.
Video 12: olympic lifts - snatch grip deadlift
A deadlift with a very wide grip lets me see an athlete's movement and back strength in order to evaluate if they're ready to snatch heavy weight.