UNIT 7: olympic lift benefits and fixing flaws
Video 38: olympic movements - benefits
The Olympic lifts are not just for those who want to compete in the sport of weightlifting. These movements have carryover to many aspects of athletic performance.
Video 39: benefits - snatch
Here are the specific reasons why you may want (or may NOT want) to program the snatch for athletic performance benefits.
Video 40: fixing flaws - snatch
The snatch is a complex movement, and mistakes are common. Here are the common flaws to keep an eye out for - and how we go about fixing them.
Video 41: benefits - clean
The clean is one of the best movements to include in an athletic performance program. Here's why.
Video 42: fixing flaws - clean
These cues and drills will help you get an athlete's clean in shape.
Video 43: benefits - jerk
Here are the pros and cons of using the jerk in a program.
Video 44: fixing flaws - jerk
There are a few common mistakes made again and again in the jerk, and here's how to fix them.