UNIT 2: BAsic assessment
Video 2: Basic assessment - introduction
Assessment is a crucial part of the coaching process. This is where you start marking smart decisions as a coach, establishing buy-in and setting goals.
Video 3: Basic assessment - bodyweight squat
One of the most important movements we do in the gym is the squat. This is how to assess an athlete's ability to properly perform this key movement. I also mention some simple fixes.
Video 4: Basic assessment - HINGE
We continue assessment with a look at the hip hinge.
Video 5: Basic assessment - Push-ups
This video outlines assessment for the push-up along with absolutes for the movement.
Video 6: Basic assessment - Pull-ups
The pull-up is a key upper body movement that is an important one to assess.
Video 7: Basic assessment - LUNGES
This unilateral movement shows a coach a lot about an athlete's stability and mobility issues.