UNIT 6: movement standards

Video 28: movement standards - introduction

This is the unit I'm the most excited about. Here's what's in store for you.

Video 29: movement standards - snatch

Here's what matters for the snatch and what I look for in performing the movement. If you can perform this movement well, the rest will be a piece of cake.

Video 30: movement standards - clean

When I'm teaching the clean to beginners, here's what's important.

Video 31: movement standards - jerk

The jerk is a more refined movement than many people give it credit for. At Mash Elite, here's what we look for in the jerk.

Video 32: movement standards - front squat

Good practices and movement standards in the front squat will translate well to the Olympic lifts and to the back squat.

Video 33: movement standards - deadlift

Teaching a proper deadlift is crucial for athletes of all types. Here's the standards we use in instructing and evaluating this movement.

Video 34: movement standards - sumo deadlift

Much of this is similar to the conventional deadlift, but there are a few differences with the sumo stance deadlift.

Video 35: movement standards - bench press

Poor bench press technique is an easy way to get hurt. Here's how to hoist a lot of weight in the bench - and to do safely.

Video 36: movement standards - strict PRESS

Also known as the military press, this is one of my favorite strength movements.

Video 37: movement standards - push PRESS

The push press is similar to the strict press - but uses leg drive. You'll find it to be much like the jerk.